Fixed Random client crashes, No error. Unable to toubleshoot.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Fenl, Jul 7, 2023.

  1. Kiras Augur

    I'm having this same issue and it's driving me nuts. It happens in raids, it happens in groups, it happens solo, it happens in instances, it happens in static zones. Sometimes I can go 2-3 hours without a crash, other times it's every 10 minutes. It started approximately with the previous patch, was stable on this exact same computer before that.

    My system:
    Windows 11
    No issues with any other games crashing
    Stuff I've tried so far: Updated all my drivers, made sure DirectX was newest version, full file check on EQ, reinstall EQ from scratch, change UIs (I mostly use default plus old spell icons, but trying just plain ol default still crashes)
  2. Kiras Augur

    The patch on 8/16 appears to have solved this :)
  3. Fenl Bard

    It still happens, not as often on raids though. I've noticed it more on group content now but we still get a handful of crashes on a raid. Just not as prolific as it was before.
  4. Kaelwyse Journeyman

    I can confirm this is still happening. It happened to me several times last night (10/22), with the same D3DXCreateTextureFromFileEx errors in dbg.txt.
  5. Ragnoruk Augur

    I am experiencing this issue and it's really frustrating. Any update regarding this?
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

  7. bigpapa Augur

    it is lately happening for me as well , it was ok for several months , and started again lately.
    it is random , i can play several hours np , then it can happen .sometime it is not happening for few days .