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Duplicate Raid loot getting stuck in Advloot

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Windance, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. Windance Augur

    Guild went back and did some older raids just to stomp them and two 3 out of the 4 raids we opened the chest in advloot and had one or more items stuck.

    All items were set to "Leave on Corpse". Hit the button. All but 1-3 items get left. The remaining item can not be left, given, picked up, etc. until the chest time counts down to the 15 min mark.
    Conq and Wulfhere like this.
  2. Xhunai New Member

    We encountered this issue as well. Had to pass Masterlooter around to fix it.
  3. Drakang Augur

    Seems to happen the most if you have multiple copies of one item. Passing back and forth does not always work.

    Have to turn off Advloot for raids and go old school on doing loot.

    For any raiding before this is fixed. Means turn off Advloot in advanced loot options and change loot to everyone in the raid tool options.
  4. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

  5. Xhunai New Member

    Same issue, but only started happening again after the most recent downtime Friday night (Unless it was never fixed to begin with and I just didn't notice.)
  6. Windance Augur

    Its been happening for ever. Just seemed worse this weekend and decided to post about it.
  7. Drakang Augur

    Did not have the issue last weekend. So something in this round of patching broke it.
  8. Penelo Lorekeeper

    We were doing MPG trials on Saturday. Raid tool would bug out on the multiple runes that would drop. After giving out the first one I would pass master looter to another person who could give out the second one and assign the other loot drops as well.

    When doing this one time the loot window further bugged and some items stayed in my personal loot window after handing off the raid tool. It only happened the one time. Note this "extra" ring didn't actually exist, was not on the corpse which went away after all the other items were looted. Only then did it disappear out of my advloot.

  9. Penelo Lorekeeper

    On a separate instance we ran Hollows DZ for signets. At the end the mob drops 6 signets. You can only assign/leave one. Then when you pass master looter the new person can assign/leave one. After that the remaining 4 pieces bug out and you can't assign/leave them even if you pass master looter to someone else or back to yourself.

    After you wait the 15 minutes for the corpse to unlock you can loot them off the corpse. We did not try re-logging or anything else.