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Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Graodann, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Graodann New Member

    Dear ladies and gents,

    I am having a few noobish questions regarding my beastlord.
    Being totally new to the game and still discovering all the buffs and mechanics of the game I decided to dualbox my beastlord with a shaman. A lot of fun and a new addiction has been born I reckon.
    I mainly use the shaman as a buffbot and of course having an extra merc helps. Do you have any idea which buffs I should add to my shaman's spellbar as there are quite a lot of them and I am totally lost.
    I took an all access option on my beastlord account but am using a new free to play account for the shaman. Would there be a lot of benefit going all access on that account as well?
    I am only level 15 at the moment so taking things slow as I do not want to rush and risking not being able to play my char decently at higher levels. Which zone would you recommend for a level 15 beastlord?

    My apologies for all the questions and thanks upfront for the time reading and hopefully responding.


  2. Diptera Augur

    You should have somewhere in your inventory a "Tome of the Hero's Journey", which can be clicked to point you in the direction of level-appropriate tasks - the write-up on alla's ( http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=5553 ) puts you in Crescent Reach .

    If you want to explore more, if you bring up the map window, there is a "Zone Guide" button which will let you list all the zones and see their level ranges.

    I usually take my toons to Paludal Caverns, as the xp is decent, and you can earn a bit of coin from selling the loot from the recondite mobs there.
  3. Borek-VS Augur

    Both Crescent Reach and Paludal are traditionally good zones for 15. Another one is Kurns.
  4. Brohg Augur

    Managing low-level stat buffs is a pain in the butt, and largely superfluous these days thanks to Defiant armors. Speaking of defiant armors, if your accounts are still eligible (or if you're willing to remake the shm's free one), using a Recruiter Link (< that's my recruiter link) will get you a freebie big sack, a mount to ride, and some full sets of Defiant to wear as you level up.
  5. moogs Augur

    Ah geez. I haven't noticed anyone else point this out here, so you should be aware that there is significant overlap between Beastlord and Shaman spells. (A beastlord is essentially a shaman/monk hybrid.) You'll run into some spell stacking issues; as a general rule, your shaman's buffs will overwrite your beastlord's.