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Question about Skyfire mob The Gatekeeper

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Akirrah, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. Akirrah Journeyman

    Hey folks, so I play a Druid / Mage / Ench combo and until the last week or so I was able to handle The Gatekeeper with relatively little trouble using a couple of healer mercs.

    At the start of the fight the mercs are easily able to keep the mage pet alive as well as the rest of the group.

    However lately, the rampages are seeming more troublesome and then near about 50% and under the mob seems to be crushing the mage pet to the point where I need to throw in some heals too on my druid just to keep the pet up.

    I even tried it with 3 healer mercs to see if that was the issue but still wiped at like 12% again

    Just weird that a few weeks ago this did not seem to be happening, and since then I've almost maxxed out pet fortification so it should be getting easier not harder I would think

    Any ideas ?

    Thanks in advance

    Akirrah Auslander
    110 Druid
  2. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    1. RoS rampage and mob DPS is general is VERY spiky. Some mobs I take hardly any damage in RoS. Others I am lucky to survive. Others still I get two-rounded. Named are no different.
    2. Mage pets (and INT casters in general) are in the crosshairs because they have been deemed too powerful. To this end mage/necro pets have been adjusted to introduce a level of risk when using them.
  3. Cicelee Augur

    My guess is you blocked Theft of Essence because of the bug. Which IIRC adds avoidance and defensive stuff to your pet. Possibly the reason...
  4. Ibadan Kun'Tirel Augur

    Or conversely, you didn't block it, and are playing with slowed pets... less dps/procs, and suffering that way... Either way the bugs with Theft of Essence and/or not having it could be affecting you
  5. Akirrah Journeyman

    Thanks for the replies

    I think it was just spike damage as theft of essence was not the issue

    I have since downed him several times by just starting my burn a little earlier which may just have the effect of dealing with less rampages overall

    Cheers and thanks again
    Metanis, Yinla and Tucoh like this.