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Question about headshot on TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Magic, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Magic Augur

    Hi all!

    Have few question about HS work on TLP servers (currently on Agnarr).

    1) As me read on forum atm ranger can HS any humanoid -1 lvl from max, so at 60 i can HS 59 mobs, at 65 - 64? As me understand this new system with HS nerf happen in 2011-2012, but me not fully understand what was nerfed and how :) I hear now ranger can only proc HS like 2 times per minute maximum and bow delay dont help with it? Or still better use bow of destroyer or something with low delay?

    2) What is exactly "humanoid" ? :) Some creature with legs? Maybe someone have link of humanoid type mobs, good for HS? And is it anyway me can be 100% sure is it humanoid target or not?

    Thanks for answers :)
  2. Raltar Augur

    Headshot level range is based off the AA level. Until DoDH, the max level you can headshot is 59. With DoDH you go to 64, which is 6 levels below the cap. I think it stays that way until Seeds of Destruction where it is 3 levels below cap.
  3. Lheo Augur

    on live the 2 HS per Minute is a myth .
  4. AB-Muvien Elder

    I havent actively played in a while so things might be subject to change. As far as I remember the level cap you mention is correct. Also there was at the same time a change to proc rate. If I recall correct it was set at aprox 2 per minute at somekind of baseline dex. The more dex and I guess also hdex the higher proc rate.