Question about cure mechanics

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Golgothird, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Golgothird Journeyman

    The debuff you get in Uqua is 297 poison counters. The spell Antidote has four shots of “Cure 16 poison counters”

    Why is it that when I cast antidote twice it removes this debuff? 128 is less than 297
  2. Cloudia Augur

    Does it have the chance to completely remove a detrimental effect?
    Some cures like RC have a chance to remove things like malo that have no counters.
  3. Golgothird Journeyman

    Not according to Lucy. That’s why I was confused
  4. draginn Elder

  5. Riou EQResource

    It is 99 counters in 3 separate slots, when you cure the 99 in the 10th slot (1st slot of counters) it is most likely what it is curing the entire debuff