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Que Wars have begun!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TheBoss, May 22, 2024.

  1. YourJobNotYourLife Elder

    The word is queue, not que.
  2. YourJobNotYourLife Elder

    AFK kick is on. But people just make a repeat key bind to get around it.
  3. Brulia Elder

    Sorry to hear that, that truly stinks
  4. Derka Power Ranger

  5. Tacc Aradune Journeyman

    Got lucky and got in early. Then I origin'd to get spells and gated back to CL and crashed while zoning. Immediately tried to log back in to a 149m queue. Is there not a DC grace period anymore?
  6. Fuzzbutt Elder

    You find it hilarious that people are literally stuck in an 8 hour queue ? Seems you're just an egotistical troll trying to rile people up, begone
  7. Brulia Elder

    They should give us a free day for not being able to play a game we are paying for.
  8. Hardol New Member

    Did the log in server crash? Cant even get to the server selection screen.
  9. Lyteyear New Member

    Started off in 1 min queue, got in after 75 mins. Played just fine having a blast for 3 hours. Logged off to come back an hour later and just sat in a 157 minute queue, got in after 165 minutes. Played for 3 mins and got DC'd. Back to a 140 min queue.

    I understand first day launch and didnt mind the long queue to get in. But to get DC and have to get back in line to a 140 min queue while people are boxing 3+ chars or hot key to avoid afk. Pretty sad launch although the 3 hours i got in were fun. Wish I could get a refund for the bag i bought and subscription purchased to play this. Maybe tomorrow ill change my mind but holy smokes thats frustrating AF!!!!!!
  10. Sillyfish Elder

    Queue timer has decreased from 156 to 135 on my end since I originally crashed and got back in the queue. So that's something, haha.
  11. Intercept Augur

    Day 1 is always a queue.

    Heads up next year there will be a queue on day 1 again
  12. Arclyte Augur

    we can shorten the queue by kicking every person that's made a halfling
  13. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    They are everywhere, I even saw one in field of bone!
  14. Sillyfish Elder

    I'm looking at Ogres and Iksar in Greater Faydark
  15. Kramzilla New Member

    Not sure if it helped or not, but after another hour I finally got in.
  16. Crispybacon New Member

    complete nonsense. was in que from the moment the server started. just now got in after clicking again. 13 hrs and it never even worked. I want my money back..
  17. Sillyfish Elder

    I think you were bugged. I believe you started queueing, but something happened and you were removed and the only thing you could do to fix that is restart your client.

    I started queueing about 5 hours after servers came up (I live in Australia and was asleep) and it took about 3 hours to get in the first time, then had a problem with my UI and couldn't zone into another zone and had to restart the client and was back in the queue. That time it took about 100 minutes to get back in the queue. After a time of grinding, I had to go to the store. When I came back, I didn't have a queue to log in at all.

    So unfortunately (and I'm not excusing what happened to you) I think you were bugged somehow. Other people have said the same, regrettably.
    Crispybacon likes this.
  18. Silver-Crow Augur

    They're missing the opportunity to monetise this and offer a 'priority boarding' perk :rolleyes:

    Of course, everyone would buy it meaning that the priority queue now becomes the normal queue... so exactly the same wait time except $$ in the bank for darkpaw :)
  19. Soriano Augur

    Exception to that seems to be Tormax...lol
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  20. Elabone Augur

    If you were stuck in an 8 hour queue your computer went idle and you lost connection. Sucks to suck