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Que Wars have begun!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TheBoss, May 22, 2024.

  1. Smallhands Elder

    Tell me how the queue works
  2. unostentatious New Member

    It's wild I gotta wait 110 minutes to play a 25 year old game. lol
  3. Smallhands Elder

    That sounds nice.
  4. Ishbu Augur

    Its just sad at how little foresight was put into these 2 servers. Tormax is still at low population. That is literally unheard of for a new server a couple hours into it being live.

    Random loot/double loot isnt my thing, but it was so obvious that after 3 years a Mischief clone would be massively popular, it was just silly to make a standard server along side it. Should have just given it a year and done a standard next year.
  5. Bullsnooze Augur

    ^ - This guy watched a 'life of a software engineer' video on YouTube and thinks he understands the business practices of a software engineering team.

    Man TLP launch queues bring out some wild characters on this forum.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  6. Ishbu Augur

    I mean, no, youre wrong, but you do your best to perpetrate your own closing argument.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  7. uberkingkong Augur

    Good question.
  8. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    My covid project was doing my own iteration of a custom mod for a game and implementing it on a server that I, also, solo admined...It was my toe in the water of experiencing what game devs deal with vis a vis players and it was a trip.

    As universal as players complaining about absolutely everything is players purporting to have a clue as to how absolutely anything works. LOL
    Bullsnooze and ExecutionDbl9 like this.
  9. Bewts Augur

    Sharing an update for folks getting home from work and trying to log in now:

    Started the login process at around 3:15 EST for me + box.

    At the time it stated 22 minutes for the most recent person to get to character select.

    It’s 6:40 and still waiting on the box (+ 3.5 hours)

    Note I had to log out my main and rejoin the line - the box that couldn’t have been more than a few moments behind to join the line to access the server from my main and now my main has been waiting about 45 minutes while my box is still waiting.

    TLDR - the lines are long tonight (no surprise here).
  10. Soriano Augur

    As Expected 128 minute queue for Teek and NO Queue for Tormax....

    Is anyone surprised by this?

    A real I told you so moment brewing....LMAO
  11. Kiaro Augur

    wtb random disconnect protection, it's insane that I can be plugging along and randomly get booted out then have to sit through another queue.
    ElSarticus likes this.
  12. Darrowin New Member

    And even with a >2 hour queue - it's still not enough to push enough people onto Tormax for it to even hit medium population.

    Honestly, if there were even a sliver of a chance Tormax would have people active 4 weeks from now, I might spin up a character on there to play. But I don't want to solo the entire game and not see anyone else anywhere - if I wanted that I'd go play a level 1 on any of the other TLPs.

    Guess I just hold off until the weekend *maybe* to start up on Teek.
  13. Mashef Augur

    The biggest issue is no one is willingly logging out. Most people are setting up their auto clickers so they won't log out for the next 2 weeks. But once you D/C you are gonna be in line for like 12 hours.
  14. Crispybacon New Member

    People have full alt groups and i cant even get one in! 4 hours at this point. Making coffee now lol.
  15. Random_tank Apprentice

    I re-subbed to play. What a foolish move.
    Igorath-Bertox and JarlMarx like this.
  16. JarlMarx New Member

  17. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    You know the world is ending when an UKK post has only one sentence, and that too TWO WORDS!
    Unless his account got hacked or something :p
  18. Igorath-Bertox Elder

  19. Nakeddave09 New Member

    Itll be worse on the weekend
  20. Aussieguy Elder

    Sooo, how does this queue system work? Do we click "OK" and wait or just leave that server queue window up?

    Never mind, found the answer.

    "Q: Do I have to leave the message up? Does clicking "OK" reset my place in the queue?

    A: You don't have to do anything. Once your account is in the queue, your place is set. You don't lose your place by clicking OK or entering chat. As long as you are online when your account gets to the head of the queue, you will enter the game at that time. If you are not online at that time, you will be removed from the queue and start at the back again next time you attempt to log in."