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Que Wars have begun!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TheBoss, May 22, 2024.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Clicked "play" the moment the server said up and still sitting here 45m later lol.
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  2. Keaas New Member

    Pretty stand for TLP launch. Been in queue since 3est with a 4 minute wait =P
  3. Chuuk Augur

    Yep, same here...I have "Average wait time 1m" pop up screens, so I'm near the darn top of the queue, but glad to see at least someone made it!
    Half the server probably L60 already.
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  4. Smallhands Elder

    1 year queue timer
  5. Fluid Augur

    Out to 50 minutes for me. When I first logged in I got the message 1 min wait. Just checked and it said 44 minutes.

    It could probably be done better. I imagine there are people creating 6-10 characters so they get the names they want reserved.

    Kind of expected I think. I've seen a lot of newbie characters on Agnarr lately. I think it was a combination of returning players and current players who wanted to get their wits about them on a server w/o the tutorial or PoK hand holding.
  6. DjRezin8 New Member

    I cant get in either. Says average wait time of 50 min and thats 10 mins ago. You would think they would have predicted an influx of players due to the popularity of Mischief?
  7. Yeroc Journeyman

    1 min queue one hour later still i queue
  8. Skree New Member

    Started 1 minute after launch, been 1 hour 6 minutes, average wait time 54 minutes.
    Herf likes this.
  9. adamy35 New Member

    This happens every TLP, I don't know why anyone is shocked. We will be lucky to get in this evening.
    The queue time is how long on average it's taking people to get in. In other words, it is increasing by how long the server has been out because no one is getting in.

    It started at 1m because there was no data yet and that's how long the server was open. It steadily increases.
  10. Lazybones New Member

    Just got in! I joined at 1m queue, never hit OK, and it took 1 hour and 15 minutes....
  11. Smallhands Elder

    Grats, don't get disconnected
  12. Ejab New Member

    Well the silver lining is that hopefully Daybreak sees the sort of cash cow a Mischief-like TLP server is for them and they find ways to continually deliver them and maybe even innovate on them and make them more appealing. It sucks having to wait, but it might actually suck more if this was a complete bomb out.
  13. Smallhands Elder

    The server queue problems will continue to happen
  14. Trey Elder

    90 minute que is wild for a TLP after how many iterations we've been through now? It's not like this is new or anything. They release the most popular ruleset ever, ON ONE SERVER, and don't think this would happen??
  15. thundabird New Member

    they let certain people in ...ahead of the line lol. it is what it is
  16. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    The server I can play on > the server I need to wait in line for

    I'll take Tormax, thanks.
  17. Haitsma New Member

    Still have my 1 minute queue screen up. It's been 2 hours
  18. Crittles New Member

    This is ridiculous lol
  19. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    I love the very special snowflakes that show up every release and think that the devs actually went through the effort of figuring how to identify streamers and prioritize them because they don't know how the queue works.
  20. Knott New Member

    Yeah, this is ridiculous... I logged on at the exact time of 12pm PDT and had a que of 3 minutes, then 7 minutes , and before I knew it 109 minutes... It never rotated me in... What a poor excuse of execution by the EQ Dev's, they should of scaled the servers to handle a larger population...