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Que Wars have begun!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TheBoss, May 22, 2024.

  1. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Think of the wait time as a random number - it will keep going up. You get in when you get in, really.
  2. adamy35 New Member

  3. Sweety D Lorekeeper

  4. Lazybones New Member

    Kaenneth and Search and Rescue like this.
  5. Smallhands Elder

    Search and Rescue and Skree like this.
  6. Soriano Augur

    Login 3:04 pm EDT message 7 minute approx wait time...3:27pm still waiting...
    Sweety D likes this.
  7. Minen Journeyman

    I just got in, took about 30 minutes
  8. Meow New Member

    Time to spin up Frostreaver! Overflow! Overflow!
  9. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    My god, change the login server architecture to something this century. No need to keep the same one used at launch.
    Bobsmyuncle likes this.
  10. Nainconnu New Member

    Joined the queue at 9pm gmt ~average time 1 min. 32 min later i m still waiting lol
  11. Sweety D Lorekeeper

    I logged in at 12:00 pm PST message 1 minute approx wait time...3:32 pm still waiting...
  12. Moof Journeyman

    1m queue...
    30 minutes later, I'm in!
    Create my character, enter world... crash to desktop.
    Anyone else crash after creating their toon?
    (now back of the 30m queue)
  13. Sweety D Lorekeeper

    Did you click "OK" on the pop up message for the wait time?
  14. Candlejack New Member

    This streamer preference is BS. I can't believe all the streamers are online in Teek but the rest of us are waiting.
  15. Yeroc Journeyman

    1 min queue for 30 mins
  16. Lola New Member

    Agreed. I've been in the queue since the second the server unlocked and am still waiting, 37 min later. The worst part is, I really just want to get my preferred name/class combination.

    Maybe it'd be better for my blood pressure to take another multi-year break instead. If they value people who stream over those that have paid for multiple accounts steadily since 1999, then I don't know that I really want to keep giving them my money.
  17. Klond New Member

    It's kind of dumb that this is how things go, not one thing has been learned by this company and they have a mountain of data to pull from to make it better.
    Search and Rescue and OldTimeEQ1 like this.
  18. ElSarticus New Member

    I got in, created a character, picked to a different pick and crashed lol. Back in the queue
  19. Palynne New Member

    3pm attempt to log in, 3:45pm finished character creation and am in game. No crash but took a while to load.
  20. Bobsmyuncle New Member

    Agreed, only my break may be a little more permanent. They have had how many decades to figure this out? It honestly feels like they have some sort of aversion to listening to their player base and don't want to make any $.
    Search and Rescue likes this.