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Que Wars have begun!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TheBoss, May 22, 2024.

  1. TheBoss Journeyman

    did anyone else have their client "mysteriously" crash in a horrible way that required alt+f4 right when the servers opened? Pretty sus :eek:
  2. TheElusiveFox Journeyman

    I hear if you log off teak after creating your character you get 100 free krono...
    Vlahkmaak and Herf like this.
  3. Klond New Member

    It should probably go without saying, that here we are yet again dealing with login que issues on a TLP launch day. We are at what 18 years of TLP's and this is the best we can do? Teek full and that was obviously going to be that way, while Tormax is wide open. Why didn't the devs make 2 servers like Teek? Why aren't we learning lessons that other companies seem to be applying and virtualizing servers to meet demand? Anyways since like the other 95% being stuck in the que you get to read my thoughts for the 1kth time!
  4. Sweety D Lorekeeper

    Most of us can't get in. We are giving a wait time from the pop up box. We have waited far beyond the average wait time. Question is do we click "ok"? .. Seems if you click "ok" you are put back at the back of the queue.
  5. Intercept Augur

    im on tormax, having a blast : )
    Bailen and fransisco like this.
  6. Canofpepsi Lorekeeper

    am i wasting my time with this que?
  7. Lazybones New Member

    The FAQ says this is not the case... but I'm not clicking OK lol
  8. Klond New Member

    Sadly the Tormax ruleset wasn't compelling enough to want to play on it. I think the vast majority seemed to feel that way but the devs did nothing to counter that eventuality.
  9. Kahna Augur

    You can click okay, you can click to try to get in again, nothing other than logging out and back in will change your position in the queue.

    And, as I stated in another thread, the "average wait time" is the time that folks who are currently being let into the game waited to get in. It is not an actual estimate of the time you will have to wait. You could be waiting for 2-5 hours at this point.
  10. Wovel Journeyman

  11. Sweety D Lorekeeper

  12. Minen Journeyman

    I'm worried if I don't hit ok every now and then i will get logged out of the login server because i was idle too long.
  13. Kahna Augur

    I clicked okay, still got in. Waited about 15 minutes.
    fransisco and Wovel like this.
  14. Sweety D Lorekeeper

    They only had 25 years to get this right. :)
  15. Lazybones New Member

    Not too bad! Thanks for reporting in :)
  16. Smallhands Elder

    I've been in a 1 minute queue for 15 minutes.
    Herf likes this.
  17. pkbeast New Member

    going on 20mins now for a 12:00 1m que
  18. Sweety D Lorekeeper

    I clicked "ok", then "play" changed from 1m to 2m to 8m ... Am I resetting the queue?
  19. Sweety D Lorekeeper

  20. adamy35 New Member

    Clicked play about 2 seconds after the server went live and still in queue. Don't know how I wasn't one of the first ones. Seems like every streamer made it in no problem.
    Search and Rescue likes this.