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Quality of Life wishes and dreams. What would you want?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Risiko, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Make it so I can sell back a no trade spell to the vendor...
    Stop doing this. Seriously.
    If a vendor sells it. They need to be able to buy it back.
    Xanathol, Gyurika Godofwar and enclee like this.
  2. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Well you get 10 currency per event and there are usually 3 flags so it's a 30% increase which is not terribly unreasonable.

    It would be better if it just checked your flag and if you need it gives you the flags to click and if you have the ACH it instead gives you a slightly higher currency amount like 11 or 12. Also fixes that flag in chest argument, although some raid chests do have currency.

    Spells purchasable with currency would be wonderful...
    Down gradable raid currency would be cool too.

    10 trib? lol
  3. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    And make healer mercs better at healing.

    Can't unguilded use the small/old GH?

    Still using in game audio triggers instead of gina?
  4. Stephen51 Augur

    The points from the achievement rewards, that seem to do nothing. Reward players with 1AC, 10hp, 10mp,or 10 end - for every 10 points earned. Also don't make people have to do re-do the achievements they have already completed, just give them the reward choices.
  5. Balthozzar Elder

    I finally am playing a paladin after 20 years, and I just noticed that the description for the Lay on Hands AA says that it will heal the target of an unfriendly NPC if that's what you have targeted yourself. Why can't every single target heal in the whole game work like that?
  6. Allayna Augur

    That was changed in the last year, for the previous 19 years it was target self or other PC only. I'm not disagreeing, just stating that sometimes innovation takes time and perhaps that it is related to available resources, either personnel or coding/server situations.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  7. AcemoneyFV Augur

    A collection finder device. Something that let's us know when we are close to pieces. :oops:
    Allayna likes this.
  8. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    Can we please finally change the Raid OOC Timer from 5minutes down to something more reasonable like 1 or 2 minutes?

    Better yet, can everyone's Raid OOC Timer get reset to 30 seconds if no one in your group/raid is in combat?
    Zunnoab and Yinla like this.
  9. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    Add second lockout to raid zones like TBL that if you kill all the base pop in the zone they don't respawn at all if you get the instance again.

    Also add lockout on Guardian of Doomfire so if you kill him but wipe to Reparm and have to come back the next day you don't have to see his mug again.
    Yinla and Vumad like this.
  10. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    Both have their place. If all you want for an alert is a simple sound notification on certain text coming through your log...in game audio triggers are better. You're not using in game audio triggers for wild cards in text to speech, they are for things such as feign death fails, or out of range messages. The selection of default sound files is very minimal, but it works with any .wav file. In game audio triggers are better for these simple things because they are always on, regardless of if Gina is loaded, and they also can work faster than gina's audio triggers in many scenarios.

    Back to the topic at hand...my quality of life wish is simple. The game caps us at 30 spell slots. I would like to see increased significantly. Just make it simple and increase it to 100. Many classes don't ever approach the 30 spell slot limit, but I know necros would love the increase, and I'm sure shaman would appreciate it as well.
  11. Dracolindus Journeyman

    An increase in Paladin damage please.
  12. kizant Augur

    You may want to qualify that or they may think you want an increase in received damage.
    Tucoh, Karve_AB and Dracolindus like this.
  13. AcemoneyFV Augur

    I just want more undead to play with. :D
  14. Windance Augur

    Add GINA + simple Damage/DPS window to the client.

    The client has the data. Much better to process it in game then to send it to a log file for processing. Especially the GINA triggers which are time sensitive.

    As stated in the raid thread:
    1 - Cut back on the 'twitch' raid triggers.
    2 - Make it apparent to the person they need to do something.
    3 - Make it apparent to everyone who failed the raid wiping emote.
  15. Angahran Augur

    Fix every spell that has an illusion component so that the 'main' spell casts the illusion. So that the illusion part can be blocked.

    Add at least double the amount of slots to the blocked buff and pet locked buff lists.

    Have an option to 'filter' illusions that land on you/pet. e.g. All, Mine, Group, Raid.

    Create 'groups' of illusions and allow blocking of a group (for one slot).
    E.g. 'Wolves', so just need to block that instead of needing to find exactly which of the 97 different wolf illusion you need to block.
  16. Angahran Augur

    Msybe give paladins something similar to Necro's ability to turn a mob undead for a short time ?
  17. Travestii Elder

    A way to toggle chat tabs *OFF would be great.
    Yinla likes this.
  18. Veritas New Member

    What i would hope for would be fix game issues, hire people who would actually look at doing this, and just maybe ones that cared about the game a little,
  19. AcemoneyFV Augur

    Please go somewhere else with your silly remarks. Obviously devs care, they aren't here to cater to just YOU. Go play another game if you hate it so much. :eek:
    Allayna likes this.
  20. Blastoff Augur

    WTB: Lock/unlock all button for UI + load chat filters included in the load ui section!
    Tucoh and Angahran like this.