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Quality of Life wishes and dreams. What would you want?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Risiko, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Xanathol Augur

    That's great once those are unlocked - not so great on TLPs where the ports are actually slightly useful.
  2. Allayna Augur

    Yep, which is why this post is in vet lounge and not the TLP forum.
  3. Mintalie Augur

    Thank jesus.
  4. Narune the Rising Sun New Member

    I would like to see a link added to a players name when you have cast a spell/AA/rez token on them. It would make them so much easier to target for buffs when raiding / out of group and not listed in the extended target window. We are already able to right click and target from general chat, tells, and /gu..
  5. Xanathol Augur

    Vet Lounge covers all aspects of the game. Maybe trying less trolling next time.
  6. Allayna Augur

    • Accusing Others of Trolling - Calling someone a troll or accusing them of trolling is a form of trolling in itself. If you feel someone is behaving in a manner not consistent with these rules, please use the "Report this post to a Moderator" function on the forums.
  7. Brohg Augur

    I would like the /claim window to have a "[_] Show only items I can use" button to hide all the stacks of 993 Lore pack-ins
  8. Angahran Augur

    All these pointless paintings we seem to get for everything, add a port to them for wherever they are a painting of.
    The ones just for expansions make them to the 'hub' locations for that expansion.

    Make them usable from inventory (or make a new 'teleport' keyring) and also click from house or guild hall.
    tyrantula likes this.
  9. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    I wish there were forums specifically for Live servers so TLP people don't have to mix when we have different concerns. (not to mention spamming our guild recruitment forums). It's annoying, kinda like when you search for something Everquest online and it comes up with Everquest 2 stuff. :p
  10. Fala New Member

    This is an excellent idea. Even make it a pet class AA.
  11. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    Too many pages to see if it's ever been mentioned before....

    I'd like a way to lock and unlock all of the windows / toolbars currently displayed.
    tyrantula and AcemoneyFV like this.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Terris Thules dress!

    Either as an ornament or a normal robe. :)
    Elyssanda and AcemoneyFV like this.
  13. Evye Augur

    After finishing flagging for a raid the left over clicked you earn can be converted to raid coin.
    Vumad and Angahran like this.
  14. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Well technically this is the de facto Live server forum since TLP has their own separate forum and Live does not. So it seems like it was intended to be the Live forum.

    P.S it would make sense for a similar thread in the TLP forums though now sure how devs would feel about it. But knowing whether the poster is TLP or Live gives a dev better perspective on the request or suggestion they are making.
  15. Brohg Augur

    I opine that my over-20-years-never-you-mind-exactly "entitled" time on my account should entitle me to use /who command as frequently as I like
  16. svann Augur

    Right now if I have a group lore item, and a better one from the same group drops Im not allowed to choose need in advanced loot. It should instead allow need but not allow me to loot it until I destroy the lesser one.
  17. Duder Augur

    A type 18?

    Don't use advloot to roll on real loot? But I see what yer saying, why would you destroy an 18 in the same lore grp just to select need to get a roll at the new one. But again, don't use advloot for real loot, that's how people end up with 5 Frostbitten Nuggets when other people could use them. Is it that hard for some one in grp to say /ran ### if you want *Link*? Seems to be the case for many many groups Im in and I don't understand it.
  18. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    1 for 1... means what an extra 20 ish coin per week... since you get 2 to 3 flag per event, then what about the back flags in the chest? Personally, make them worth 10 trib each or make them placeable so I can litter my guild hall/house yard with them!!
  19. Skewert Lorekeeper

    I would like a pet command (like /pet hold or /pet focus) that automatically has your pet attack whatever target you are attacking (for SKs and Beastlords primarily). I suppose it would be /pet assist where if you were actively engaged in melee combat with a mob (auto attack on), and /pet assist was on, your pet would attack the mob you were attacking.

    When I'm tanking multiples with my SK, it would be nice if my pet would target whichever mob I had targeted, helping me kill whichever mob I'm trying to kill the fastest. Maybe I just need to relocate my pet attack key to a more convenient location (right now I just click it in the pet window).
  20. Daedly Augur

    I have it as part of my multibind. That should help you. I like your idea though.