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Progression Servers - Boss Spell Damage Issues

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roxxlyy, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. Wulfhere Augur

    I think the fact that Illusion Benefit Greater Jann includes both SPA 161 and 450 has gotten the Devs attention on this matter as well. It reminds me of last year and everyone learning that SPA 161 from RoS charm item mitigated damage shields from RoS cactus. Action was taken.
  2. Mad_Mikey Elder

    Or in another direction, have they been using similar logic in other mitigation situations like with slows?

    I get wanting to keep a lot of the gears and wheels hidden from the users to help immersiveness. But the users have to feel the wheels are doing what we’re being told they are. And when the user community finds out they aren’t, a full day of radio silence followed by “working as intended by happenstance, but we’ll be doing more changes next month” isn’t sufficient.
    raylone likes this.
  3. Captain Video Augur

    Has nothing to do with Live servers. MotM only exists on TLPs.
  4. kizant Augur

    It's an opportunity to make a change which effects balance for sure. But if they were happy with the end results previously then I wouldn't expect them to make a change that effects those end results now. It doesn't really matter whether they knew about the bug or perfectly understand how players play the game. That's all I'm saying.

    Hopefully people have sent them parses if there's a major issue. I have no idea what parses look like on TLP to say whether some things are balanced poorly right now and should be changed.
  5. Zinkeh Augur

    All I know is last week my guild stomped Maestro in hate and this week we wiped 4 times in a row. I never once broke 100 dmg on a spell on him.
  6. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    It is entirely possible the proposed fix is to do something as simple as fix the double-mitigation bug and then raise the mob's hit points or increase its damage reduction overall so that your raid's kill time will be the same as before. That's how it reads to me, and not as a specific nerf to caster damage.

    It could also be a specific nerf to caster damage, though, but that seems like a less sensible and more complicated solution to the problem of maintaining the current balance on kill times.

    Which also doesn't rule out that being the solution they come up with, but...
  7. Captain Video Augur

    Since it has already been acknowledged that the original miscalculation only affected spell and not melee damage, any solution that doesn't attempt to re-balance melee and spell damage distribution vs. the MotM mobs will be seen as a slap in the face to those players with caster mains. The dev team is certainly intelligent enough to recognize this fact already.
  8. Iyacc Augur

    Changing the mobs stats isn't an efficient or proper way to do it IF the only thing that's been out of whack is caster DPS. What about the melee heavy guilds, should they have to fight a mob with more hp or higher mitigation too?

    It might be the easiest or most feasible given the other things that need doing, but it's definitely not the right way to do it. If only certain classes have an "issue" then the right way to do it is fix the issue correctly, not half it. That's what got MotM in the first place.
  9. malaki Augur

    This is an appropriate change. It's always been a shame that Meleequest didn't start until level 65.
    yerm likes this.
  10. Risiko Augur

    My assumption is that when the "guard spell" bug is corrected, something will have to be done to the actual damage that applied from nukes because the content was previously tuned based on the "guard spell" bug.

    Is that an accurate assumption, or will casters be essentially nuking for more damage AFTER the "guard spell" bug is fixed?
  11. Hemick Journeyman

    I came to post all angry after reading Ngreth and Absor's non-answers, but apparently it's being fixed per the latest Test Update Notes

    "- Corrected an issue where spell guard effects were being applied to direct damage spells twice."
  12. its_a_secret Journeyman

    These are not the droids you are looking for. You can go about your business. Move along.