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Progression Servers - Boss Spell Damage Issues

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roxxlyy, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. Machentoo Augur

    The important thing that you all seemed to have missed in all of this, is that you have just thrown casters under the bus and made melees 10x more desirable in raids. Already, even aside from this, the early and middle expansions were largely skewed towards melees--because our parses showed melees beating casters on most parses in most expansions. By leaving this as is, but now revealing that oops casters have actually been doing significantly less than was reported, you have just wrecked the chances of any raider rolling a caster class on any TLP going forward. Meleequest is in!
    Lowlife likes this.
  2. Fizon Augur

    This with focus effects gone and an upcoming Nerf to spell damage? What is the point being a caster? I don't get it but I don't make video games so maybe I can't understand why you would make 3+ classes useless.

    Could use some insight..
  3. Quivermetimbers New Member

    is this like how u said selos exp was correct but it wasnt?
  4. HoodenShuklak Augur

    The real important thing is that on paper wizards could compete with afk rangers and mostly afk monks on bosses. But in reality they weren't since all the data was bad. As a wizard this would change things especially in the pop and luclin era. I mean, there's far less reason to roll a wizard over monk ranger right now if you just want general boss dps.
  5. Zish Elder

    I find it hilarious that the devs are seriously trying to say "the numbers you thought you were seeing weren't what you were really seeing"

    Numbers are numbers. Nothing was being reported to the players "incorrectly".

    Quit it, please.
  6. Gremin Augur

    Holy crap, they arent nerfing anyone. Your damage has always been correct, the displayed values where wrong.
  7. Medikal New Member

    Not sure why casters are complaining, it was stated that boss mobs were soaking up too much damage and they were going to fix it. So basically you have always been doing say 500dmg but it showed say 700 dmg. Now it simply shows 500 dmg, but they are going to fix it so you will be doing a real 700dmg and not just displayed 700dmg. So casters will make boss mobs go down alot faster than before.
  8. Quivermetimbers New Member

    lol lemme put it another way

    say you got 10p per mob but it was never 10p it was 7p, u log off or zone and it'll correct itself to the real number. u report the bug, devs say ohh u were always meant to earn 7p so we're gonna correct that. is that a nerf or not a nerf? keep in mind they were okay with this for years before the bug was publicized

    the problem is if there was ever a balance patch or any kind of tuning over the years they used the incorrect numbers. otherwise they wouldve caught the bug sooner right? if they "correct" it now it would be considered a nerf pseudo or not. if casters were always doing less damage than they were always weaker to begin with. the community and individuals made decisions based on those numbers, competitive players chose their classes and planned out their characters based on those numbers; casters were already considered weaker compared to their melee counterparts why make it worse?

    casters can only hope to be better off after the fix but how Roxxlyy worded her post it sounds like theyre about to make most of the casters invalid for the better part of any TLP server
  9. Machentoo Augur

    So, we've just learned that no one really knows how much damage they do, because what is reported is not necessarily always correct. We've just learned that wizards and other casters have thought they were somewhat competitive, but actually haven't been, on motm mobs for as long as there has been motm. Much of the theorycrafting people have done is now irrelevant, and not only is it irrelevant, but there is an entirely new approach that is now necessary in order to do any theorycrafting at all (since damage displayed is not accurate necessarily, so parsing is useless as is.)

    It's not a nerf, but to say this isn't a big deal is nuts.
  10. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    It's definitely weird that Lifetaps were healing for this "wrong" displayed number all along on MoTM targets but now heal for the new lower amount. Maybe they were using the damage from the first round of mitigation for healing calculations instead of the double-layered one?
  11. NoWay Augur


    You have always been doing the damage that is now being reported correctly.

    Lol, this is all a line of crap. They nerfed.
  12. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    That is not what they said.

    What they said was you were supposed to be doing 700 damage, and it showed you were doing 700 damage, but in reality you were doing 500 damage. They fixed the display bug so now it shows you doing 500 damage. And they are going to fix the bug so you actually do 700, but then they are going to otherwise nerf you so that you go back to doing 500 damage and not the 700 you were supposed to be.

    That's why people are mad.

    Caster damage was bugged and doing less than advertised. They're fixing the bug, but also lowering damage so that casters will still be doing the bugged amount of damage and not the correct amount of damage. That's the problem.

    Or at least, that is what it *sounds* like they are doing. We don't really know for sure unless they clarify their post / we actually see the changes.
  13. Mad_Mikey Elder

    That’s why I’m expecting the worst. We’re already doing the doubly-lowered amount on Mighty®️ mobs that they seem to want to keep; the logs are currently reporting the accurate damage numbers; Roxx said the goal is to keep current (double reduced spells) kill times unchanged. So I don’t get what they’re going to “fix” in next month’s update, since it’s apparently now working as they want.

    We’ve seen this movie too many times not to see a half-empty glass and expecting it to get drained even more.
  14. kizant Augur

    This sounds extremely simple. They fix the bug where damage isn't reported properly. Then they fix the bug where spell damage was being double mitigated with those couple SPAs. Those are both good things. Then so the fight times don't change they can just just increase the MotM buffs with regard to spell damage. In the end nothing really changes except now player runes are weaker than they used to be. And they were too good anyway so who cares.
  15. Mad_Mikey Elder

    The spell reporting bug has already been fixed. I thought that was how this was discovered by the playerbase last week.

    So now they’re going to fix the double mitigation, and then buff up MoTM so spells are effectively double mitigated anyway.

    I’m not sure how that’s a “good thing”. As you said, it’s effectively status quo. With the chance to have something else borked after next patch that we don’t find out about for three years.

    Last week casters found out we’re far less effective on MotM fights than we or even DBG thought, and the logs have been wrong since Ragefire was new. DB decided they’re okay with it and it’s not changing. Fine, c’est que c’est. But it ain’t “good”.
  16. a_librarian Augur

    How are runes effected by any of this?
  17. kizant Augur

    It's good because a bug is being fixed. Clearly the devs believe your DPS is already at the proper place so there's no reason to make a change that would increase it. If the bugs had never existed in the first place then they would have increased the mitigation a long time ago to compensate. You make it sound like you're being cheated out of something.

    I'm not too interested in TLP so when I saw the bug I decided to try out player runes that also used SPA 161. I was casting my wiz aegis on an enc pet then attacking it myself. It sure looked like it had the same problem. It was mitigating around 60% instead of 30% like it's supposed to. Unless that's just a bad test. I never really looked at runes before.
  18. Mad_Mikey Elder

    Read my posts again. I never said I’ve been cheated. I said I’m curious why they’re making “fixes” next month when it’s apparently currently working as they want it to. We’re not talking about a company with a great track record when it comes to spell system “fixes”.
  19. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    The devs had no idea how weak casters were either. It's not as though the devs knew spells were being double mitigated when they created/balanced motm and just didn't tell us until now. They didn't know, so any claims of casters being properly balanced @ the lower damage levels on TLPs is not true in the slightest. They were tuned based on the incorrect higher values we were seeing.

    If OVERALL damage on TLPs is too high after fixing the double mitigation bug, then the correct solution is to increase BOTH spell AND melee mitigation buy another 10% or so. Spread out the nerf to everyone instead of having it just hit casters.
  20. Skauri_BoxofKurage New Member

    Is this bug also on regular servers? Or has it even been investigated on regular servers?