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Problems with epics in groups

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tinytinker, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. Tinytinker Augur

    Hi. How do you handle epic pieces in pick up groups?

    My wife had a bad experience with epic drops. She plays a cleric and was in a Skyfire group. Pearl shards were dropping and when she explained she was working on her epic, the group leader told her that the cleric epic would be really useful to the raid guild he was in. He then logged on his friend's toon and looted the shards.

    I also was in a group on my low level mage when Quillmane spawned. The cloak dropped. I asked if I could have it, because I wanted to gather pieces for my epic, and another person said, "I need." I let them have the cloak and came back and got my drop later on, but at the time, it was a weird experience.
  2. Feliz Journeyman

    Cleric: Of course the pearl shard goes to the cleric in the group. If he logs in his friend's toon, I'd be spam-right-clicking the corpse to loot it anyway. Of course, it is also time to leave that group immediately and to internally blacklist that guild. This might include lobbying the rest of the group to fully disband.
    Name shaming the guild is also an option at /r/agnarrflames

    Quillmane: Your need is as good as any other persons need. Don't let them talk you out of it. There are people who will try anyway because there's a chance they'll get away with it. Don't let that happen.
  3. Febb Augur

    Don't group with any of those people anymore. Explain right as you join the group what you are there for and have the group leader agree that you will get the drop(s) for your epic. If they don't agree, don't stay in the group.
  4. snailish Augur

    No drop epic loots (or any single-class specific quest) going to someone out of group when someone in group needs them is bad form. The only exception would be if this was an agreed-upon condition at the formation of the group. Letting an epic drop rot is bad form too, and then their is the slippery slope of trying to sell loot rights.

    Anything droppable is up for grabs by anyone. Please don't start up the (dead) NBG argument again. NBG only works in guild groups that want to do it that way and PUGs formed with that clear from the outset (and even that is sketchy).

    If advanced loot only had one option "need" it would help. The two options are silly, because some of us defaulted to "greed" and then our settings are incompatible with the PUG "need" mindset. I personally keep nearly all my settings on greed still, and when in a PUG I often get no loot, but that's my approach. I'd rather not get into arguments over mostly trash loot in a PUG setting (and I don't want to play with my filter settings when a group doesn't like "need". I'm probably missing some easy aspect of the advloot system though).
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    You got hosed tbh... my friends alts cousins char shouldn't be a consideration versus the person in the group.
    snailish likes this.
  6. Opimo Journeyman

    Join a guild. Trying to pug epic pieces is a recipe for disaster.
  7. RandomStrategy Augur

    I live my EQ life like the marines from A Few Good Men:

    Group, RL Friends, Guild, Krono/OOC.

    If you're in my group and an epic piece drops that you not only need, but is only your class (assuming you don't have two enchanters and/or wizards, or whatever to roll), it goes to that person in group.

    If no one else needs it and it's no drop, I try to get my RL friends if they need it.
    If that is not an option, Guildies.

    After that, Sell it or call OOC rot.
  8. Accipiter Old Timer

    Wow, that's a seriously move.
  9. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    People like that you ignore and don't bother to rez or help them in the future with your cleric.....
  10. Strawberry Augur

    Someone logging in an alt / friend / guildy, to loot something an actual group member needs is messed up.

    If that happens you just loot the thing before he / she can and just bail the group, and put the person on ignore.

    Usually you can resolve group disputed by communicating, but douchebags are douchebags, do not allow them to run over you.

    Taking loots on alts that group members need is 100% not done. Screw that person, just loot the item and bail the group.
  11. Phantom Ghost Augur

    Need before greed within the group. Exception would be someone brings there character needing an item, but logs on another due to the group needing that class more. Or of course if agreed upon prior.
  12. Illusory Augur

    To put it bluntly, you handle it like a person with common sense.
    • If you're at a camp with desirable loot, then the group should agree on loot rules from the start.
    • If you don't agree with the loot rules, then leave the group.
    • If the group fails to initiate loot rules, it probably won't be pretty when valuable loot drops.
    • If rules have been established and the group finds a replacement, the newcomer should be informed of the rules.
    • If people break the rules, drop them from the group!
    • Make sure the person in charge of loot is trust worthy!
    Again, common sense logic!
    The group that your wife was in probably sent all types of red flags, but she ignored them. You have to get up and walk away if something is off as there are wolves even in video games!
  13. Tinytinker Augur

    The people in the Skyfire group seemed friendly and rules were established from the beginning. Need before greed. When the pearl shards dropped, the group leader decided a different set of rules applied. He said he was sorry he hadn't thought of this earlier, but his raid guild needed these drops. He told my wife that she could start looting shards after his friend's toon got what they needed. He logged on his friend's cleric, went afk, came back, and he said he had to go and left.
  14. MyShadower All-natural Intelligence

    Verified (names removed to protect the innocent).
    Illusory likes this.
  15. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Lol my guild needs these...

    I should have remembered!! My guild needs epics too! My bad... gl bro.
  16. daffie999 Augur

    Certainly could be the story. However, just to present another scenario that if not true in this case, has certainly been true in others.

    With a little stereotyping and applied psychology a female playing a cleric is passive, shy, doesn't know much about EQ other than sit, stand, heal. So as much I believe your story, another scenario is a cleric in a group has no clue what the epic requirements are, has not taken a few minutes to look it up, doesn't even know the piece would drop there.

    When the piece does drop and the group says, this is for the Cleric epic. The leader see's the ignorance of the cleric and thinks they don't deserve it or it will be wasted on them (probably true). Getting it to a cleric that actually has the ability to complete the quest is the better choice.
  17. Amoeba Augur

    In both cases, the people you grouped with were low class players. They are people I would not associate with in a game. Sorry that people are so greedy.
  18. welly321 Elder

    How would she even allow a character not in group to loot it. I would of atleast been right clicking like crazy to get it before them.
  19. RandomStrategy Augur

    Easy to do if the cleric was not group leader:

    1) Do not allow item to roll at all.

    2) Invite friend who will loot item to group.

    3) When they get to you, have them right click the corpse to gain access to the loot.

    4) Assign said loot to that person.
  20. Risiko Augur

    Just sounds like an untrustworthy group leader to me. Plain and simple. The group leader was a jerk.