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priest synergy's

Discussion in 'Priests' started by strongbus, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. strongbus Augur

    I know that all three priest synergy's do bout the same thing(all increase incoming heals). but do they stack or just the most powerful one? I box more then 1 healer so just check to see if both are on do i get one or the other or both.
  2. Gundolin Augur

    Interesting question, I was thinking the synergy increased incoming heals by others. So if you had a synergy icon up for a Cleric & a Shaman at the same time, the cleric would gain the benefit of the shaman's synergy and vice versa. Thanks for asking, looking forward to the answer. :)
  3. Tucoh Augur

    I know DPG likes to not straight copy paste for "flavor" but I've always been surprised that shamans get the good synergy while clerics and druids get shafted. It doesn't matter much for clerics who have great group heal options but the huge healing shamans can kick out by keeping synergy up with their group and popping swell is a game changer

    16879/49721] Luminary's Synergy III
    Classes: SHM/254
    Skill: Melee
    Target: Caster Group, MGB: No
    AE Range: 100'
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Stacking: Luminary's Synergy 3
    Focusable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Song, Dispelable: No
    Max Hits: 3 Matching Spells
    1: Increase Healing Taken by 21600 (v394, Before Crit)
    2: Limit Min Level: 100
    Text: You are blessed with Luminary's Synergy.
    Increases the healing provided by the next 3 level 100 and higher instant d

    6455/49716] Preserver's Synergy III
    Classes: DRU/254
    Skill: Melee
    Target: Caster Group, MGB: No
    AE Range: 100'
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Stacking: Preserver's Synergy 3
    Focusable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Song, Dispelable: No
    Max Hits: 3 Matching Spells
    1: Increase Healing Taken by 9500 (v394, Before Crit)
    2: Limit Min Level: 100
    Text: You are blessed with Preserver's Synergy.
    Increases the healing provided by the next 3 level 100 and higher instant duration healing spells that land on you by 9500 point

    16055/49711] Templar's Synergy III
    Classes: CLR/254
    Skill: Melee
    Target: Caster Group, MGB: No
    AE Range: 100'
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Stacking: Templar's Synergy 3
    Focusable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Song, Dispelable: No
    Max Hits: 3 Matching Spells
    1: Increase Healing Taken by 13000 (v394, Before Crit)
    2: Limit Min Level: 100
    Text: You are blessed with Templar's Synergy.
    Increases the healing provided by the next 3 level 100 and higher instant duration healing spells that land on you by 13000 points.
  4. Szilent Augur

    Shm one is big because it's attached to their group HOT. To *make* their synergy shm basically have to throw a whole spell cast in the dirt, since recasting HoT faster than 1/ minute doesn't do anything
    Tropi and Shindius like this.
  5. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    As a Druid I am pretty disappointed in our synergy and alliance lines. Druids basically are DPS now rather than healers more than anything on raids. I’d much prefer some DPS focused alliance and synergy abilities but alas.
    Duder likes this.
  6. Alkyvret Nature's Boiling Wrath Enthusiast

    From my research, I looked at the rk I version.
    the proc every 1.5 sec:
    sha - 13k heal, AE range 60
    dru - 15.7k heal, AE range 28
    clr - 15k heal, AE range 60
    the proc once culminated:
    sha - 116k heal, AE range 80
    clr - 146k heal, AE range 60
    dru - 152k heal, AE range 42

    shamans have biggest range, smallest amount
    clerics are in the middle
    druids have the biggest heal amount, smallest range

    other differences:
    druid one, when culminated, has 200k DMG worth of a damage shield put on everybody
    druid has double cast range
    druid one casts 33% faster

    Still not worth it for druids or clerics, that shaman range is impossible to beat. Add that into the fact that wave heals from the shamans will trigger this for a SECONDARY wave heal and the shammies are on top once again, in my opinion. As a druid I never even got the Rk. III for my coalition it just didn't seem worth it.
  7. Szilent Augur

    this is incorrect. All healer alliances are triggered by single target priest archetype heals only.
    Shindius likes this.
  8. Alkyvret Nature's Boiling Wrath Enthusiast

    Word? Ok, I take it back - being a druid means I get a whopping 3 good heal spells so I should probably clamp my mouth shut and go back to dotting. Or evac'ing my group in the GD raid...
  9. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    I will literally trade you 8 healing spell lines for 1 worthwhile DPS line. Anything to make clerics not 2-button mash for 3+ hours at a time.
    Metanis, Shindius and Velisaris_MS like this.
  10. Cadira Augur

    One class' weakness doesn't call for another's destruction.

    Druid heals need put on the -1 timer so you can load old spells of the same line and use them and be effective healers for tanks. Maybe faster cast time on group heal.

    Clerics need a meaningful dps revamp, especially on undead.

    We're on the same team here! We need to crusade for meaningful change for both classes!

    Hilariously, the devs honestly don't care either way, and would rather make Bs excuses for why things are the way the are, or more likely, complete and utter silence on all issues regarding classes balance/issues. They're either so out of touch with the game they just have no idea or they figure they have better things to spend their time on than "literally the most important and neglected aspect of the game that exists" (in my opinion, of course).
  11. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    I was the Cleric CL for MS back in the CotF era, where I could top the heal parse and land in the top 20 for DPS on some events (like Neriak 4th Gate, Tower of Rot) due to the undead factor. Hi Elkar!

    In today's game I go full-offensive on Zlandicar, negating some of my healing ability for better offensive prowess, and I land around #42-50 on the parse. Clerics need a 300-1000% boost on spell lines that we just wouldn't ever bother with.
    Metanis, Velisaris_MS and Cadira like this.
  12. Metanis Bad Company

    I suspect the actual Devs would love to engage on class balance. But I also suspect they have no time to do so and are encouraged to maintain a culture of silence regarding the weaknesses of their organization and it's managers. So better to say nothing and pretend everything is glowing like the press releases.
    Fenthen likes this.
  13. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    100% correct. Devs misunderstand the importance of priest balance. In all honesty any class "balance" that exists nowadays is a tertiary happenstance.
    Cadira and Fenthen like this.
  14. Annastasya Augur

    What's your second button?
    Tropi, Tatanka, Fenthen and 2 others like this.
  15. Cadira Augur

    One for single target heals, one for group heals!
    Tropi and Fenthen like this.
  16. Szilent Augur

    I thought it'd be a /assist key
    Tropi likes this.
  17. Annastasya Augur

    Group healing? Changing targets? That's old school, man. Our old job was too exciting. They had to tone down the fun a bit.

    Can't have your priests getting all frustrated with gameplay decisions and whatnot. Gotta simplify man! Just target whomever your assigned shaman has blessed with coalition, and just MASH that multibind. Mash. Mash. Mash.

    Emotes? Mechanics? What's the punishment, AE damage? Ignore it. We'll AE heal through that #@% man. We were already doing it anyway. Raid over? Well at least i'll go find myself super useful in the group content.... oh yeah, right.
    Fenthen likes this.
  18. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Cadira tanks. We assist him.

    As someone who has boxed all 3 priest classes in a group since OoW (I like big buffs, I cannot lie), it is rather disappointing that synergies that are basically triggered from the same type of spell cast have such different powers, when there's no real balance reason for this.

    Given other imbalances, I think the devs just don't care to know.
    Fenthen and Velisaris_MS like this.
  19. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    Yep, pretty much this! I target based on my xtar, with a ress button next to the extended target window. Splash on cooldown (Alt-1 as it's in my first gem slot), one key for mashing the hell out of single target heals on whomever I have on target, the other is group heal for when I have multiples targets-in-group damaged.

    I used to offtank content when I had my cleric in MS as well. Turn Undead was pretty OP, and now it's nearly worthless. Good times.

    This is my frustration with the class! Almost no skill required to play! And requesting a mainchange to something that requires actually paying attention to the raid was denied, so now I'm just a poor homeless troublemaker.
    Velisaris_MS and Cadira like this.
  20. Gundolin Augur

    I thought this was the alliance line. While the Synergy is what is cast off of our Syllable spell?