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Powerleveling question

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pikallo, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Pikallo Augur

    In an attempt to divert some attention from the mass hysteria circulating the forums about the sky falling down, I just wanted to ask some specifics on my powerleveling scenario in regards to what others would consider the most efficient.

    I have a 50 mage and 50 druid on separate accounts, with a 28 monk on the mage account and decided I wanted an enchanter just for kicks on a 3rd account. I went 1-20 in about 6 hours yesterday using the druid and just casting suffocating sphere and letting the DS do its thing(used the low lvl druid root for runners). Locations I used were gfay/orc hill -> crushbone TR -> uguk scryer camp. I can only really effectively box 2 accounts at a time(I just use alt-tab with no macros or 3rd party software). But I suppose I could have 3 accounts to alt-tab, but it would be stressful and likely not very efficient.

    What would the best way to continue the process? My thoughts are:
    - Continue "tanking" with the enchanter using DS (boxing Ench + druid). I like sola for this - maybe camping kindle area.
    - Group the monk+enchanter and try to 3 box with alt-tab (might be inefficient). Monk would be the primary toon played with enchanter in background just leeching exp and providing haste. Main boxing combo would be monk+druid

    Once I hit 33 I assume its easiest to just group with the mage and kill high level stuff?

    Thoughts? Please try to avoid comments about boxing or "why rush?". I'm not being anti-social and I'm not griefing anyone. Just enjoy doing my own thing and doing it efficiently. Thanks!
  2. Porygon Augur

    With your group setup it will be long and painful, but you want to either tank on the mage or druid with ds Buy some ds pots, they help alot. The chanter will need to cause at least 1 pt of damage to every mob, in whichk she will then get exp.

    Once 33 you can just group together. With mage/druid.
  3. Sinzz Augur

    join groups get to level then group them together
  4. Hexaholic Augur

    It's going to be rough when you get higher to tank with the chanter. Unless you plan on charm petting and mainly just using the druid for buffs / heals. I would suggest breaking back out the monk, or some sort of melee to tank.
  5. Son of a... Augur

    Hush...you're acting like this is classic EQ.
    Group together...
  6. Sinzz Augur

    well just saying sometimes a chain pulling group is much faster then trying to pl if you don't have the right things in place :L)