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Polimorth: Bixie Soldier = Levitation buff for 5hr?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Magic, Aug 17, 2019.

  1. Magic Augur

    We have this illusion on Mangler, and it says you need SOD expansion to have buff, etc.

    But, Levitation effect (5 hours) is still work? I not think this item is in era?

    Just not want to have problem from buying this item.
  2. Meridian Augur

    Buy it quick before it's taken out of the cash shop.
  3. Botlhan New Member

    read the description the part that is locked to SOD is a AC buff
  4. neveroom Journeyman

    been same on all TLP's
    also there will be one for 5hr EB buff eventually
    they gotta make some $$ before the next 40 slot bag
    Scruff likes this.
  5. Herf Augur

    It's great if you're a ground pounder (warrior, etc.) Cast it and you can then click off the illusion but have many hours long lev. Stop buying those lev pots.
  6. Herf Augur

    Great to have if you go to PoF a lot.