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PLer toxicity discussion

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Demetri, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. Gnothappening Augur

    Kill stealing is an unfortunate part of the game. That being said, if you KS people, don't be upset when people KS you.

    Again, you are upset that 3-5 groups worth of players are taking 4-5 camps of mobs and funneling that all to the same group. What you are really upset by is that someone else is getting exp faster than you are.

    Don't worry, in 2 expansions, all of the evil power levelers will be contained in one zone that no sane regular group visits for exp. After that we will have PoP and once again they will be contained in one or two zones.
  2. SnapVine Augur

    nah, I disagree that the average PL hater is just mad because the PL customer is leveling faster.

    They are mad because:
    - The PL groups monopolize all the best camps in a pick that they take over
    - They spam everyone on the server
    - They are backed by RMT
    - The PL hater feels what PL groups are doing should be against the rules and feels daybreak is either unable or unwilling to stop them and the PL hater doesn't understand why
    OldTimeEQ1 and Demetri like this.
  3. Montag Augur

    People who complain a lot about toxicity are usually "stealth toxic". They are like videogame Karens looking for an injustice to complain about.

    They are a delicacy to griefer types cause they take their trolling super serious. Without these people raging against the grief machine a lot of the scumbags would lose interest.

    The management has decided not to pay for the staff to police camp stealing and other stuff the players consider "toxic" so now we have to deal with it.
    Gnothappening likes this.
  4. Gnothappening Augur

    So you are just trolling then.

    Are you against Heroic characters? They are pay to win. Are you against exp potions? They are pay to win. Are you against Krono? They are definitely pay to win. Do you think this game would still be in business if all it had to go on were the subs?

    People are paying for power levels with krono. Krono ultimately comes from Darkpaw. Power level crews are eating 12+ krono a month and taking that out of the economy.

    Here is the thing, power level crews and the people being power leveled are at LEAST three groups of players. If they take 3-5 camps I don't care. That is within tolerance for what three groups of regular players could hold down with a good group.

    What I personally hate are the pick hoppers and actual bot crews. Pick hoppers are actually a drain on players and resources. As for the bot crews that drop a few groups in each named camp in a zone, I could probably even tolerate them, if they would ever log off. The 24/7 nature of them is what annoys me.
    Demetri likes this.
  5. Domniatric Augur

    Yes I am against all those pay to win things you listed.

    I'd rather pay a higher sub or sticker price than have any pay to win whatsoever. That applies to everquest or any other game.

    Maybe it is because I am older and grew up in a time before pay to win exsited. But, for me, personally, pay to win is just gross.
    OldTimeEQ1, Demetri and Zalphos like this.
  6. Gnothappening Augur

    In the old days of power leveling, a group of 6 power levelers would take four to six camps of mobs. That does in fact sound like monopolizing. I even understood why people got upset at that. So DP changed stuns so that only one stun works per enchanter. The power level groups then went up to two groups instead of one. Then you had two groups taking four to six camps. It was still a super fast kill rate, but it was less monopolization.

    Now you have power levelers running three or more full groups, plus the people getting power leveled add on even more. That is easily 20+ unique characters killing 4-5 camps of mobs. I just don't see an issue with that that, as long as they are only in one pick.

    As for the RMT aspect, the power levelers I have seen ask for krono. Krono comes from DPG. So in the end, the one benefitting is DPG.
  7. Domniatric Augur

    I don't know why on earth you think it is some crazy opinion to be anti-pay-to-win

    Or, that I am trolling or jealous. Pay to win, in my mind, ruins the integrity of a game and diminishes the legitimate achievements of others. Period.
    OldTimeEQ1 and Demetri like this.
  8. Demetri Augur

    If you are truly doing nothing and AFK without an autoclicker or similar, you're only getting a 30 min term (or is it 60?) out of the 4 hr sessions that they typically "sell", FYI.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  9. Demetri Augur

    I'm sure they love you on 8ch.

    Reality tends to be quite the opposite, I'm sure there's a handful that just want their own edge - grand majority just don't want to bump heads with people period and get fed up with it after a while.
  10. Demetri Augur

    Krono for OLD krono are a liability, not an asset to DPG. Again, to repeat the same analogy from earlier - Kronos are effectively EQ gift cards. A gift card is sold with the promise of those funds being usable at a later date - but that money is already accounted for at the time of purchase.

    Red Lobster had MILLIONS in outstanding gift cards when they filed for bankruptcy but that wasn't something that could keep them afloat, if anything they helped doom them to go into bankruptcy BECAUSE they are only a liability that services will be rendered for that past income.

    Only they could tell us the ratio of new versus old krono being used, but I'd wager it's HEAVILY skewed towards old.
  11. Zalphos Augur

    PLing is such a massive slap to the face to the game and its developers. PLing is players that hate playing the game so much that they are willing to pay money to another person to play it for them. It's so insulting and backwards. If someone offers me a PL I say "how much are you going to pay ME to take away hours of my fun?".

    And it sucks that the players who don't want to play the game end up ruining it for those who do.
    Demetri likes this.
  12. Gnothappening Augur

    Are you playing on Teek? If so you are are one of those who don't want to play the game. Teek is popular because it is pay to win. People who can't get into a decent guild (either they suck at playing, have no time, or are too annoying) and raid choose Teek so that they can pay KR for their pixels. So complaining about someone selling power levels on Teek would be the same as complaining about someone selling raid loot.
  13. Zinkeh Augur

    It's gotten pretty ridiculous. Folks complain about server lag, chat lag, huge zoning times, crowded dungeons yet these people are allowed to exist. They take up entire picks and use 3rd party software to manage the stun and aoe portion of the PL's that they are doing. They train the hell out of anyone that even tries to exp in the pick they've decided to take over. They just show up in a pick, bot their way down to a camp and start pulling...doesn't matter if you've been in there grouping for hours. It's theirs now. Even if you try to avoid them 9/10 times the agro gets buggy and you end up with 20 mobs in your camp.

    We've had it where we'll be somewhere for an hour or two and had "insertgibberishplayername" show up and send a tell "hi friend, we PL here, you need move".......and just set up shop.

    Almost every pick in chardok has one of these setups now and it's nuts that regular players have to accommodate these folks who will give you their Paypal address linking you to a *cough* overseas player's paypal page with their real world cash prices listed....So in many cases they are not even being paid IN krono.

    They are lagging the servers, exploiting all sorts of 3rd party software, training and killing players...etc..and it's never been worse than on teek. Every chat channel including class related channels are jam-packed with their spam and they change the spammers name every so often so you can't ignore them (full list) or use the report spam feature.

    Please deal with this.
  14. wade_watts Augur

    The rhetoric and unjustified accusations:
    Gnothappening likes this.
  15. SnapVine Augur

    are you talking about saying an entire server is a bunch of bad, annoying pay to win players who don't want to play the game?
    OldTimeEQ1 and Demetri like this.
  16. Gnothappening Augur

    I mean, they did all choose a server where they could buy ALL their gear rather than kill mobs for it.
  17. Demetri Augur

    If you think any sort of grand majority is there to buy raid loots, you're quite mistaken. Sure, there's SOME whales, but not any sort of crazy numbers overall.

    Frankly, all of the buyers I know are also raiders - that they're just using the trade part of the ruleset to funnel bad drops into the drops they desire. I have yet to bump into a "I don't raid, but I want raid loot" buyer to date.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  18. Gnothappening Augur

    Still pay to win. The entire concept behind Teek is pay to win.

    The reason Teek is so toxic though, is because Tormax was supposed to be the overflow server and it was given a different ruleset that the majority of players don't prefer. They want the pay to win. So now we have 45 players on Tormax and 4k on Teek. At least with Mischief and Thornblade, the ratio was 4 to 1 and not 10 to 1.
  19. Demetri Augur

    Weird, because while Free Trade was promoted it's strange that all the promotion done mentioning the Free Trade aspect directly was about giving it to friends and boxes from devs.

    At no point have they really discussed or promoted the "pay to win" musing you claim is the core dictum.

    Especially since, to be frank, the RNG loot and additional drops fly in the face of such. People that can't do Kunark mobs harder than Faydedar and Venril have access to Phara Dar loot FFS.

    RNG and extra loot was in fact the original ruleset without Free Trade from Dev comments, but they realized that the RNG loot would have bad streaks that could be unappealing without Free Trade, it is a mitigation of the RNG not the core tenet of the ruleset.

    This part is not untrue however, that said however, devs are making it clear that they want to improve EQ1 systems to continue to pack more players into a server, so with the goal of ultimately in theory having just a single server per ruleset, such cramming is an inevitability that should be accounted for.
  20. Newbard New Member

    Why don't some of you people complaining about PL groups and getting rolled, form up a group or guild of players to take the fight to them, take their pulls, push them out the zones, charge them a tax to use your zones etc etc... YOU HAVE WAY MORE POWER OVER THEM THEN THEY DO YOU!

    Bring the drama form a anti plvl guild, Brighten all our days power to the casuals!

    PL Patrol? what will the guild be called