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PLer toxicity discussion

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Demetri, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. Small New Member

    I don't understand the issue people have with PLers.

    They have 30 mobs perma stunned ready to be killed. All you need to do is out AE their two ingroup wizards. I'm sure there's plenty of LFG Wizards out there that would love some AE Exp for free.

    Get to it peeps.
  2. Berkwin Elder

    Question, are the lvl 50 boosts Available on Teek or Tormax, i am sort of debating playing Tormax just to boost to 50 and enjoy the quests with a Iksar Necro
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They are not available until Planes of Power has unlocked on a server which is not the case for those servers yet.
    Berkwin likes this.
  4. Randomized Augur

    This was my mentality - if they truly are "botting", then let them do the heavy lifting and all the foot work. Let them pull the entire camp, keep them perma stunned while you eat as many mobs as you can before they all die and need to repop.
  5. Songie New Member

    I have no idea how these people get into constant issues with powerlvl folks, on my way to lvl 60, I am 59 now, ive ran into this issue 3 times, twice in unrest and once in sebilis where they had a pick under lockdown, very annoying yes, but not something I constantly run into.

    So one time when I hit 55, I box a Mage with my cleric because cleric dps is great, so I got a good damage shield, so I head to mismoore to DS powerlvl a few lowbies from my guild and instantly I had a 6 boxer having beef with me, I wasn't pulling more mobs then what we would normally do with a chanter in the party, but the dude was quick to "snag a few kills" every pull as he was higher level then my group of friends so he put out more dps on the mobs I pulled, so I stopped healing myself to not get any agro, he got agro from one mob, then a couple, then his boxed healer got agro and he wiped.

    My saying is, "You agro it, you tank it"

    I then got this tell from the guy: "Thanks for ruining the evening for me and my party with your powerlvl crew." for the rest of that evening, people would look at you like you are some RMT/Powerlvl person like noone has ever used a DS level method with a bunch of low lvl friends/guildies EVER on everquest, then a guy asked to join the party as we had 2-3 spots left and we got the guy 5 lvls.

    Is it that hard to ask to join a party these days ?

    Also unrelated to Powerlvling, but I made a guy quit the Teek server because I wouldn't sell my "expensive" item to him for cheap, because its people like me who ruin the experience for them.

    Meanwhile ive had multiple issues with people camping right on top of my group, not adhering to camping spots, pulling your mobs, training your group, setting up their group right next to yours and so on, so far ive had more issues with "regular" players then these powerlvl folks, to the point that I only recruit people from my guild to create parties with and I am a cleric main, ill go out of my way to revive someone who needs it, buff lowbees in the newbee zones, I dont even have gate loaded, I die with my party when the ship sinks.

    Idk, it feels like a lot of folks have an entitlement stick up their behinds these days, like "I am entitled to all your stuff" attitude.
  6. Elabone Augur

    Except that's not how that rule works. You're not allowed to have your character automating actions while AFK. If I have 1 toon that just auto follows another and never casts anything, while the first toon does 100% of the damage and healing while exping, that's not against any rules.

    If you go afk to walk your dog in an exp group, that's not against the rules.

    If you sit in a PL group while your character gains massive exp without you doing anything, that's not against the rules.

    You either completely misunderstand where the "AFK" rule comes from, or youre just twisting the rule in an attempt to fit your narrative. Either way youre wrong.
  7. Elabone Augur

    You know for a fact that means PC corpses. Dont be dense, youre better than that.
  8. Elabone Augur


    Almost every software KVM program has options for key broadcasting, which is why I imagine they do not like them.
    Demetri likes this.
  9. SnapVine Augur

    well you have to automate some kind of action or you get AFK kicked before the PL group is over. does that fit your narrative? what's the exact rule?

    i think everyone should use "fit the narrative" in their posts, it makes it all sound very serious and conspiratorial.
    Demetri likes this.
  10. Zalphos Augur

    They specifically say "It is not permitted for an account to be played unattended or AFK". Although they do not define "gameplay", I think it's safe to assume that leveling up and getting loot would be considered gameplay.
    Demetri likes this.
  11. Domniatric Augur

    The best way to combat PLers is to get a 2+ AE classes and just out damage them. They can only have one damager because of the piggie slots, so it isn't hard to out DPS them. And, as far as I can tell, it follows the rules of "whoever does the most damage" gets the kill.

    Expect to get some angry tells and for them to eventually just stop the operation.

    But, you will get some good xp for a while and temporarily shut down and inconvenience one of the most annoying things in the game.

    I have zero sympathy for powerlevelers and the people who pay RL $ for them. It disrupts zones and it's just cheesy. Play the game.
    Demetri likes this.
  12. Gnothappening Augur

    The power levelers are playing the game. You just don't like how they are playing it. From what I have seen of the ones in Chardok, they are taking about two camps. I have seen well geared regular groups take two camps. They also put enough people in a zone to pretty much guarantee another pick opens.

    As long as a power leveler isn't pick hopping, I have zero problem with them. I am against them pick hopping though, for sure.

    I am more concerned about the automated bot crews that are being dropped in a lot of camps. They sit there 24/7 and it is so obvious they are automated with how they move, pull, attack, and reset for next pull.
    wade_watts and Demetri like this.
  13. Domniatric Augur

    If you think pulling the whole zone into automated enchanters to give AFK people who are paying real money xp is just "playing the game in a different way" then there is no reason to even discuss this with you.
    OldTimeEQ1, Demetri and SnapVine like this.
  14. Domniatric Augur

    Oh and also, using your own twisted logic, then killstealing them is just another way to play the game as well. So, in that case, I stand by my original post.
  15. Small New Member

    Maybe it's time we started "playing the game a different way " by AE nuking the PLers out of Chardok
  16. Gnothappening Augur

    That is the thing though, the power levelers aren't the ones botting. Most of the people who cry on the forums wouldn't recognize a bot if R2D2 ran over their foot.

    The people doing power levels are just running a lot of characters and pulling a lot of camps. I don't even think they are pulling the entire zone in the higher level places like Chardok and The Hole. Plus, since their crews are so big now, they almost spawn a new pick by themselves. I will use the one I noticed in chardok as an example. They were like 16 characters. Then they had the 4 or 5 people being power leveled. That is 20-21 people at least. They were taking the tunnel where all the slaves are, herbalist, and maybe something else. With the 30 mob limit, they just don't have the ability to take the entire zone like they used to. Also, they put enough bodies that new picks weren't an issue.

    The ones who are actually botting, are going to places like sebilis and dropping robo crews in every good camp. ABC, Disco, and Crypt will have a robo crew of 60s in it sitting on the named mob areas and farming a set radius. I have watched them before. Once they pull all of the mobs in whatever range they have set, they quit pulling. Sometimes this means they stop pulling for 5 or 10 minutes. They also act weird when pulling and in camp. They move oddly to all get behind the mob. When the fight is over they oddly all go back to the same location and turn to face the same ways. Also, and this is probably one of the bigger clues. If you start DPS racing them on mobs, they never say anything. You could KS them for an hour or more and they would just robo pull one or two mobs at a time and never say anything. Not saying I did that... but anyways.
    Demetri likes this.
  17. Gnothappening Augur

    Are they pulling the whole zone? Maybe at the lower levels, but not at the higher levels. The most I have seen in a higher level area was an aoe crew that had several real people pulling clean the top of Sebilis. That left everything underground open. Shrooms, Juggs, Jail, all were open.6

    The thing is, most of these people doing the power levels now are logging in multiple groups. I have seen as many as 26 in the zone belong to the guys doing aoe. If they have 26 characters, that is more than 4 groups. If they take 4 camps with that many characters, that is no different than 4 regular groups taking that many camps.

    Even if the chardok crew is say 18 characters counting those getting the power level, why would I care if they take 3 or maybe 4 camps? That is no different than if they had 3 regular groups taking 3-4 camps.

    No, you are mad because those 3 or 4 groups are all funneling the exp to one group of characters and that group of characters are leveling faster than you are.

    If you were on here complaining about people doing AOE and pick hopping, I would 100% support you. If you were complaining about them actually taking an entire zone, I would support you less but I would still say that was a crappy move on their part. But you aren't. You are complaining about 3-5 groups taking 4-5 camps.
  18. Gnothappening Augur

    Logged into your alt account to get some extra support?
    wade_watts likes this.
  19. Domniatric Augur

    If you think all those enchanters aren't being automated in some way or another in a PL group you are naïve.

    Sure, the puller is actually playing. But, the enchanters are CLEARLY automated in some way or another.
    Demetri likes this.
  20. Domniatric Augur

    Man, I don't even play on teek. Stop making assumptions about me. I am against RMT. I am against zone disruption. I am against automated gameplay. And, I am against people getting xp in a game by cracking open their wallet instead of playing the game.

    It is as simple as that. There is no reason to twist this around, put words in my mouth, or assume anything else.
    Demetri likes this.