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PLer toxicity discussion

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Demetri, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. Draconum Elder

    I mean, maybe they should increase the capacity of their servers then to allow for the instanced dungeons again then if they are just going to turn a blind eye to these legitimate raid number of bots in the highly sought after places.

    Pretty hilariously sad when you go to a zone, there are three picks of the zone, and two are filled with 30+ people PL'ing two people, and the third is filled to the brim with the rest of the actual groups trying to fight for scraps.

    The one guy has the entire guild named after his main guy, and sends messages directly when he sees you in the pick telling you to find another pick as he's pulling "this" one.

    Wish the new server wouldn't have nuked the Varsoon EQ2 server, brother keeps talking me into coming over to these new TLE's somehow. They'll likely be AE farming the crap out of Siren's Grotto and Velks next expansion so got that to look forward to >.<
    Demetri likes this.
  2. sadre Augur

    Since this doesn't make sense, let me translate: "I have a right to run a competitive discgolf league using your front yard since we made sure the driveway isn't blocked."

    Tell me that isn't essentially your point.
  3. Demetri Augur

    Protip: "The majority do something fine with X" has never been an excuse to not work on mitigating the bad portion. No one is saying it has to be a solution that harms that good ones - I'd in fact personally say, the best solutions only will harm the toxic ones. (Like if I was asked a solution, I'd think a quick way to remedy the issue permanently is to make the people USING THE SERVICE and all accounts associated with the one doing toxic behavior - tracked via krono logs - all liable for the training and other toxic behavior)

    Make it a risk for the "customers" when they do bad things and you'll start to see the bad ones disappear because they'll have no market as people start to identify the good portion.

    Not to mention, of the PLers I've seen running in a zone I'm in, I'd say about 80% have been on the toxic side - sure my sample size is imperfect, but I play ALOT across a wide stretch of zones.

    Sure, there's a huge market for mafia extortion too - plenty of people I know that have decided to go the AE PLer route didn't do so as their first choice - they did it instead of getting frustrated and quitting because of toxic AE PLers ruining their plans time and again. (Either due to zone monopolization wasting their time or training giving them a negative time benefit)
    Kaenneth and OldTimeEQ1 like this.
  4. Grebhiker Lorekeeper

    The training is horrible this evening. Buddy was on in SolA, promptly trained by a powerleveler and died. Moved to Upper Guk, same thing happened.
  5. Manwitplanz New Member

    Came here to make my own thread , the Power lvl thing is out of control, just woke up went to lvl in guk on a lvl 30 toon and some jerk run's by with train of mobs and my toon dies in secs , i say something to him he response is should have not been attacking mobs , you should have CC them , yeah im a rogue gonna CC 100 mobs running in a ball right by me with not agro . so pissed off right now, happend last time i was on also , sick and tired of all this power lvling crap, wrecks the game.
  6. Febb Augur

    The power levelers market will significantly shrink once a majority of the server is at the level cap. Then the only market they will have is leveling alts until the level cap raises. I logged into Teek a few days ago and spent an hour marking these power levelers as spam since they constantly spam the channels that aren't auction channels and then ignoring them. They just kept popping up like weeds, it never stopped, I finally just logged off.

    What we need is pattern matching on the ignore function so people can set certain phrases with wildcards to be ignored in chat.
  7. Draconum Elder

    That's a good sentiment, but with the introduction of the 'persona' feature, the people actually paying the krono for the services will need their alternate classes PL'd up as well.
  8. TLP Addict Augur

    I think they disabled the report as spam some years ago unfortunately, may or may not have been due to it being used against guild recruiters by rival guilds.
  9. Gnothappening Augur

    Going to call shennanigans. People are using upper guk?
  10. Zygone Lorekeeper

    Kind of makes you wonder if PLing and all the krono that may come with it was at the forefront of the devs minds when persona was created? Could also be why nothing is ever done to combat their toxic behavior?
    GameKiller likes this.
  11. Shui Butai

    Click the name and click ignore, you will not the to PLer messages anymore. Genius !
  12. Demetri Augur

    Small issue with that long-term, there's a max limit on ignore. I've been doing such, but I'm to the point where each new one I have to remove an old one and hope that character has been retired from spamming adverts.
  13. Zygone Lorekeeper

    Clearly you don't understand or have no life? The issue isn't getting the messages. If that's anyone's issue they are absolutely absurd. The issue is getting trained over and over on multiple picks and wasting hours on travel time every day.
  14. WeCameWeConquered Augur

    PLers would not be there if people weren't using them. DPG has made it clear that they have no interest in policing it. Given that, I'd rather see DPG offer an option to spend krono on experience directly from them rather than allow the PLing to continue. Yeah it is pay to win and it sucks but beats what is going on now.
  15. Robomax Elder

    It's not the seller its the buyers of them it's so super easy these days to get to lvl 60. why pay for a pl ? If people are willing to pay for them then why not the Players exploit the stupidity or ignorance (this is why you join a guild and learn the game) of those that want to pay for a PL . That's how I see it. Of Course this is my personal opinion.
    KobalWR and Gnothappening like this.
  16. Demetri Augur

    Indeed part of why my preferred solution is penalizing all those involved including the "customers" when toxic cases occur.

    Apply the liability to all parts from those advertising to the puller to others getting XP and you'll see behavior improve drastically for such actions.
    KobalWR likes this.
  17. Zalphos Augur

    Strongly support this. People paying someone to break the rules should be penalized too.
    Demetri likes this.
  18. Glowerss Augur

    Strictly speaking, all of the people being PL'd are not participating and or are "AFK" which is already in breach of the rules.

    In fact, the PLers advertise it as "afk exp". DBG should take them at their word and start suspending as appropriate.

    Anyway, ya'll saying it's not a big deal have clearly not tried leveling an alt lately. Wanna go to Sol A? Nope all PLers 24/7. Sol B? Same deal. Lower guk? Nope half of the picks are taken up by AOE PL sellers.

    If you want to see how bad it is, head on over to Hole. Check the picks. You'll think "wow there's like 6 picks of the hole open in kunark? That's crazy why are so many people here.

    Then you do some wandering around and notice all the mobs are dead and actually every single pick is the same PL army running 24/7.

    But I'm sure that guy is doing it completely legitimately and not at all using illegal third party software to control the 20+ characters required per pick x4 to do so.

    This is all on top of the fact that the spam is by far the worst I've seen it on any server. It's insane how pervasive the PL advertisement spam is because they have SO many characters they can fire the messages off every 15s.
    GameKiller, Zalphos and SnapVine like this.
  19. Fhiele Augur

    I'm maining a Shaman. When my box mage hit 40 last week, I went to the hole. We crawled around quite a bit. I did see some PL groups, but managed to xp without them causing me any trouble or disruption. I moved to Chardok when mage got 47, although i think I liked the Hole better and will probably go back.

    The hole is a big zone with lots of spawns. Now, SolB and SolA are legitately destroyed by PL'ers, they are too small to support a PL'er and a regular group or even a solo player. I did take my mage by SolB and did get run over by PL'ers.
  20. Demetri Augur

    Probably depends on the section the "city" and "undead" parts seem to be the parts they're typically clearing in my XP from about a month ago - upper parts, far less so.