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Please rethink this new TLP Daybreak Team...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vicious EQ, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. Komodon Augur

    1. You were on a roll up to this point. But you are straight up kidding yourself if you think that ruleset was as "popular" as it was for lasting reasons that are actually going to stop it from getting a lot more population gutted then the previous servers on Mischief's release were the moment the new shiny *non-loot pinata* ruleset servers are available to jump back to again.

      The casual crowd being super vocal about liking that ruleset chase the old world zone population herds above anything else, and barring any overly power game friendly server concept are ultimately just as likely to fork over their bag money and month or 2 of committed playtime before quitting regardless of the loot ruleset. Anybody potentially quitting the game over something like that already quit this game a long time ago. Empty threat potential at best.
    Hekkthebank likes this.
  2. Pumpernickel Lorekeeper

    players get so shook at the first hint that people are gonna leave their server
  3. Kahna Augur

    I don't think you have a very good gasp of either casual players or Mischief's population. The plethora of loot means that a player who can only maintain 50% raid attendance can be just as gear as someone with 100%, albeit later in the expansion. Better gear makes exp groups easier which makes leveling and AAing easier. Everything about Mischief is catered to the casual and on this server they can finally keep up.

    If the new TLP doesn't have free trade and random loot Mischief is gonna be just fine. You are projecting your own opinions on the players. Everyone who didn't love the playstyle on Mischief has left already.
  4. Court Elder

    Mischief removed any sense of accomplishment for quest completion or raid items for me. If everyone has loot piñata BiS items 2 weeks into an expansion, then what’s the point of playing any further. My own personal opinion of course. I know plenty of folks enjoy it for whatever reason.
  5. Kahna Augur

    Maybe because they didn't have BIS 2 weeks into the expansion and still had things to work on, but with the achievement of BiS being an attainable goal they could reach with a reasonable amount of effort? They also probably don't care what other people are wearing. I know that it doesn't register one iota on my give-a-you-know-what-o-meter. There are plenty of folks who find Mischief to be a breath of fresh air. One they aren't willing to give up on to go back to the same old same old.
    Jubilee, Risiko and Polekn like this.
  6. Houndsy Journeyman

    I have an idea that will work out incredibly well for everyone and will make DB a crazy amount of money.

    Two servers:

    Server #1) Gimme the server I want
    Server #2) Another server with whatever idc
    Protagonist likes this.
  7. Komodon Augur

    My grasp of the current reality here is fine. Just as it was roughly a year ago now when I keep telling you in a certain other thread how it was pretty dang crystal clear how/why Mischief would end up being most RMT driven to server to date before it was. While you and a bunch of other casual play champions kept pushing back on how clearly krono farming was dead there while you were marking out in the moment early on over your brand new server experience.

    As I already stated and barring some completely unexpected power game friendly ruleset, the overwhelming majority of the casual crowd following the herd to whatever the new "it" social server ends up being is literally the 2nd most bankable outcome daybreak has in regards attracting people to their new server/s equation. Right behind the krono/bot farmers who literally do that for a living.

    That you really think that it's the casual play population that will draw the line in the sand there, resist the new shiny appeal of a new classic-vel experience, and keep that older server lifeblood pumping on Mischief while a large chunk of the more raiding focused crowd that is still left waiting for the next new thing jumps ships around them....is pretty much the very definition of wishful thinking man.
  8. Mercanyin Augur

    Where the hell is Heebee at?
    heebeegbee likes this.
  9. Vicious EQ Elder

  10. Vicious EQ Elder

    DoN launch sounds good, see you Agnarrian's then!

    Close thread!
  11. Komodon Augur

    I'd be fairly surprised. And I say that as somebody who would likely greatly enjoy the extended power grind aspects involved given the current free time I have for it, and before the backend burnout/boredom factor starts playing it's role. Since at the end of the day I simply can't see a DoD launch server, that basically shoos away a lot of casual interest players, coming even remotely close to financially out-gaining the Phinny'ish clone I think is coming.

    To me a lot of this sounds like the raider's version of the casuals' crying for extended locked servers. Super fun in theory, but not something a lot of the people supporting it going in would actually end up sticking around the full year on. Heck, you'd realistically get a significant amount more quits directly following the initial extended power grind alone (quits that don't happen on the Phinny clone with quicker lull break appeal).
  12. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    He is completely right, and you are missing the bigger picture by a mile.

    Begin history lesson:

    The rapid gear inflation started with TBS due to the addition of powersources, which gave additional boosts beyond the normal increase. It wasn't on par with TSS raid armor, but it was a large enough boost that it completely eliminated the advantage of raiding older content for everyone except tanks (for AC).

    Prior to TBS launch only 1-2 guilds per server were raiding Ashengate and Frostcrypt and could be considered "end-game." Most guilds "mid-level" were raiding Demi-plane of Blood / Tower of Dissonance and the low-end was still raiding Anguish. But even Anguish gear, 2.5 years old and 5 expansions behind at that point, was much better than the group gear in TSS.

    TBS launches and the very first raid is a DPS check that required TSS weapons (notoriously RARE drops btw) to even have a shot at winning. The non-visible group gear however, is equal to Anguish, and the armor is mostly equal to Demi-plane due to powersources inflating the stats further.

    Now Secrets of Faydwer launches, and the group gear is further inflated to TSS raid level HEM, but with the addition of heroic stats on top of that. This is the first "gear-reset" expansion and at this point, raiding anything prior to TBS is pointless outside of TSS melee raid weapons. The mid-level raiding guilds are still doing fine, even better than before with members supplementing TSS raid gear with SoF group gear. However the low-end raiding guilds start struggling because no one wants to raid Demi-plane and Tower of Dissonance which is where they are still at.

    Enter Seeds of Destruction. The group gear is roughly equal to TBS raid level, but the raids in SoD are SO EASY, nearly every mid-level guild in the game is able to beat the end zone raids. The raids are so easy they literally added "hard mode" versions which are the exact same raids but with a 36-player cap rather than 54, and most guilds that are able to beat the normal versions can also beat the "hard mode" versions, giving them even more end-game raid loot. At this point low-end raiding guilds are dead, and most mid-level raid guilds are now "end-game" raid guilds by default.

    [To put this in perspective, 7 guilds beat TBS before SoF. 10 guilds beat SoF before SoD. 59 guilds beat SoD before Underfoot Launched].

    Enter Underfoot. The expansion is buggy as hell at release, but after those issues are dealt with, the expansion is still moderately difficult. It was not crazy difficult. It was moderately difficult. The old guard end-game raid guilds beat them, (though they lost to the up-and-coming RoI) but all the older mid-level guilds that after SoD believed themselves to be "end-game" guilds hit a brick wall. The few guilds that hadn't yet beat SoD finish that expansion and hit the wall as well.

    These are guilds that couldn't beat Underfoot because they didn't have the skill to do so and never did. They were mid-level guilds that by default became end-game because SoD was too easy. But now they only had SoD to fall back on because no previous expansion is worth raiding. The floor had fallen out from under them. There is no where to raid except forward, so they beat their heads against Underfoot. Many die or combine with other struggling guilds.

    [Again for perspective, 5 guilds beat Underfoot before HoT. This is on the low side, but by no means the worst, which were Gates and Omens where NO guilds beat them before the next expansion launched].

    Enter House of Thule. As a reaction to the outcry over Underfoot being "too hard" HoT is the second easiest expansion of all time. [34 guilds beat before Veil of Alaris].

    By this point every expansion is now a gear reset and there is never a reason to raid older content outside of achievements, which no one cared about yet because you didn't get anything from them beyond bragging rights, or the occasional clicky. There are no more low-end or mid-level guilds raiding older content, there are only "end-game" guilds of various skill levels raiding current content.

    History lesson over.
  13. Gnothappening Augur

    If they start in GOD then this round of servers come down to free trade random loot vs regular loot, because that is the only difference between current servers and the new ones. They better find a huge gimmick to go with it or don’t bother. A few players will go there for initial rush and then leave.

    They would have more luck with an Agnarr 2.0 that will lock in OOW.

    They flaw isn’t a GOD start server so much as a GOD start server while the current TLPs are currently in GOD.
  14. Rcbauer Augur

    It's weird how the mischief boys are scared of a server like this.
    code-zero and Skuz like this.
  15. a_librarian Augur

    the only thing the guy posting this thread was scared of is missing a year of extremely easy classic-velious krono farming. it has nothing to do with what is good or bad for mischief
    Sendori, Jubilee, yepmetoo and 3 others like this.
  16. Critt Augur

    This exactly......
    Jubilee likes this.
  17. Kahna Augur

    Most RMT driven server? But. . . It wasn't? It was no more RMT focused than any other server. And like every other server it is more than possible to earn all your gear through play without ever engaging in RMT, or even purchasing gear with earned plat. Even more so than other servers, since krono farmers were unable to lock down 99.9% of items and people could easily camp just about anything they wanted. Did you even play on Mischief at all? Or are you judging it based on forum posts? Because it really feels like you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I don't deny folks will leave for the classic experience, like they always do, but it's not going to be a some mass exodus that crashes the population and makes the server unplayable. The server will be fine. If the new server opens in GoD and doesn't have free trade/random loot well that is about the best thing Mischief players could hope for, as the population loss would be minimal.
    Sendori, Jubilee, Polekn and 3 others like this.
  18. Boogatti Lorekeeper

    A fv server without random loot will suck mischief dry.
  19. Crabman Augur

    Couldn’t agree more. Anything other than a classic start will be best for mischief and aradune and mangler and so on because less people will think about leaving their current server for it.
    Jubilee likes this.
  20. Digler Elder

    Very Interesting. Thanks for that!