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Please remove truebox limit from Aradune.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Viceversa, Jul 28, 2022.

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  1. Triconix Augur

    I'm fine leaving the box limit amount. I'd even go as far as saying increase it to 3 is fine. I box only out of necessity when I have to, not out of desire. Just ease up the Truebox or stop the truebox mechanics. It's the dumbest thing ever made. I shouldn't have to waste more resources - energy, metals, plastics, etc - in order to box another char when I want/have to box another char.

    Of course there are ways to circumvent these mechanics, but I'm not going to cheat to ease the burden. There's also clearly a way seeing how they implemented "relaxed truebox" rules which limit the amount of EQ instances that can be run on the computer at the same time. Why can that not be implemented on Aradune with the limit set to 2? The main selling-point of Aradune - the 2 char limit - still remains a thing for those who willingly choose to follow the rules, while simultaneously being less of annoyance for those that follow the rules and box normally (and leaves a greener footprint).
  2. Viceversa Elder

    So because its there "policy" we should never discuss or they should never change it right?

  3. Oogmog/Kroz New Member

    I think the 7 days might be a bit harsh if Daybreak is going to draw their line in the sand on this. The 24 hour variety letting folks know they are serious and if they want to continue 3+ they can move to Rizlona makes more sense. With that said, however, I do think it should be more relaxed as well at this point. There are good numbers in TSS currently but give it 2-3 weeks and it'll be a ghost town again with a vast majority of the population only raid logging.
  4. Captain Video Augur

    I know from first-hand knowledge this is not true. I have never reported anyone on Aradune, but I have seen many violations and I have friends on the server who have reported. It's the squeaky wheel what gets the grease, and all that. I accept the fact that the situation is what it is going forward, but DPG does have the option of sunsetting the server and merging all its assets into one of the Live servers. Think that can't happen? It already HAS happened on the EQ2 side. If that's not what you want, the correct course of action is to SHUT UP and stop arguing in these pointless threads trying to get server rulesets changed.
  5. Leifer Augur

    Truebox is the Devil
  6. Whitesoul Journeyman

    Yeah...24 hours seems reasonable to say hey... don't do this again. I really wish companies would say why they suspended or banned someone. League of Legends does a great job doing that with their toxic player community, lol. They even show you the words you said that got you in trouble. DBG..well they'll ban you if you ./follow someone and are 2 boxing LOL
  7. Ronluwen Elder

    Aradune isn't a no box server brother.
  8. Viceversa Elder

    Wow telling people to shut up and follow policy, our opinions don't matter. Sorry dude thats not the way I live, however you might find some places in the world that are okay with that.
    Stymie likes this.
  9. Ronluwen Elder

    You actually said you saw someone enjoying this game and you were disappointed. That's such a weird thing to admit.

    Anyone who thinks boxing creates an "unfair imbalance between players" doesn't actually box. This is a game that doesn't support solo play (at this point) at all, but sometimes people only have time for solo play.

    Boxing is a convenience thing that is actually a pita and is never ever going to be better than 6 real players who are even half way decent at this game. But it's extremely convenient when there's 2 or 3 people who need to accomplish the same thing but lack only a healer to throw their boxes together and actually be efficient in a game that has an increasingly large amount of stuff to accomplish.

    Saying "boxers harm community" is such a bs thing to say. Have some boxers hurt your feelings over a camp? Probably. That doesn't mean "boxers harm the community". Those people would take your camp whether they were boxing or not because they're likely better at this game than you.
  10. Gheed Augur

    Already quit. Hope you get what you want though. It's way too late in the server's life to keep this "rule" going.

    Enjoy Rhythar and Beguiles


    BTW.. Rythar is wearing Paineel Steel Armor from the hole still. Just throwing that out there.
    pIRATEIBMOz likes this.
  11. LeetKronolord Journeyman

    You went on a server that announced the color from the beginning and you knew what would happen in the long run and from all the TLP its the one you chose to stick on. The best thing you can do is either move or cope.

    And when I say two boxing from classic it's per computer. I hope we never see an Aradune again. Nobody want to play on that kind of server and it's an administrative nightmare.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Never change? It wasn't that long ago that they announced changes to how the true box rules work and how they would be gradually relaxed and finally removed at certain points during the life of a TLP. They are free to change the rules at any time that they chose to.
    Ulrin likes this.
  13. Jugg New Member

    There is nothing wrong with changing things when it is for the better. Your better may not be my better, which is fine. We can agree to disagree. Bringing suggestions for improvement isn't whining or complaining.

    I also don't assume anyone new is coming to the server or anyone old is coming back. I assume the opposite, which is where boxing could help the health of the server. When given the choice to box and progress or log out because you can't find a real person to join you, I know which one I would choose.
  14. Cicelee Augur

    Why did someone join a server knowing exactly what the rules/limits were only to complain about it months/years from now?

    You know what you were getting into when you made your toon on that server. Sorry. Maybe you should have chosen another server with more lax rules/limits?

    I just don't understand. Like if I signed up to play basketball and then halfway through the season I want to start tackling the other team when they are on offense. Maybe I should have signed up for football instead...
  15. Viceversa Elder

    You're wrong nobody wanted to play on it, Aradune was very healthy from the start. The problem is it was a administrative nightmare and they had no way to enforce it so Aradune quickly became any other tlp with lots of boxing.

    Its fair to say it was a mistake to release this ruleset without a way to enforce it across the server, It's also fair to say boxing is mostly a issue in classic Everquest when a leet krono lord farmer can use 6 naked necros to take any named/camp in the game when they want, thats not really an issue past the first few expansions.

    It's also okay to talk about what is best for the server moving forward and be vocal for changes for it.
    Yaldiien likes this.
  16. Viceversa Elder

    What if the majority of the people playing the basketball game wanted to play football though?
  17. Talis New Member

    Everytime this issue comes up people talk like a good portion of the Aradune playerbase aren't already 3+ boxing... real talk here, the 2 box limit is NOT enforced, or is very selectively enforced... Even when its massive bot crews it was never enforced beyond maybe a week long suspension... Sure people all have stories of themselves being reported and targeted but a week's vacation for random accounts like 1% of the time is NOT enforcement. And that will continue to be the case for Every TLP until or unless daybreak puts some real engineering time into how they track bots and cheaters.

    Overall though... lets talk about Aradune and really EQ right now... The player limit was never enforced for real on aradune so let's ignore it unless they are going to start enforcing it tomorrow it honestly shouldn't be discussed. As far as true box... All true box has ever really accomplished is make it more expensive for your casual player to box, making the game less accessible long term... If you don't have hundreds of dollars to dedicate to a few cheap machines for your boxes, and third party software to help you manage those machines from one keyboard/mouse boxing becomes a real challenge for you.

    I get that a lot of nostalgic players are totally against boxing, but the reality of EQ is that if you can't box, you are a LOT more likely to quit as you fall farther and farther behind on your goals. Every time a non boxer logs in and spends an entire session lfg, trying to get a group together to xp, or to help them with a progression quest, or hunt an item they need, they get very discouraged as they watch that SK/Shaman box in their guild, or in the zone, effectively solo all the camps they need, all while they were stuck in PoK asking for help...

    I've seen people say that boxing should be free past kunark, or luclin, or pop, or dodh, or whatever... but the truth is, with the advent of picks, especially on a server like Aradune where most of the competitive content is in instances going forward... there is absolutely no reason why true box is necessary, especially given how it is so severly lackluster in it's enforcement.
    pIRATEIBMOz likes this.
  18. Captain Video Augur

    They have only implemented the so-called relaxed Truebox rule on brand new TLP servers, they have yet to change any pre-existing TLP to work that way. I don't expect they ever will. The argument now being presented to try and get them to do that is, "We've taken over server X, we're now the majority on that server so we DEMAND you change the server rules to work the way we want." That argument is absolutely positively guaranteed to have the opposite effect and ensure the changes never happen.
  19. Viceversa Elder

    Nobody has demanded anything, We do have a couple karens trying to throw the rules in our face instead of voicing the pros / cons of this change.
  20. Captain Video Augur

    Good luck with that.
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