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Please add Enraging Blow like augmentions to the Tower!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hamshire, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The fact is that it does happen and you want to accuse someone of spamming you. Not to mention as the screen shot shows it appears you are seeing the same post twice as they are both labeled #15 in this thread and your post that I replied to is #16. It is more likely the that forums are acting up then they are spamming you.
  2. Aziuno Augur

    This very specific part was resolved with out of combat regen.
  3. SnapVine Augur

    maybe the mnk should FD and put down the Adamantite Clubs with wulf gems. LOL
    Dre. likes this.
  4. Hamshire Augur

    Now that all the stat stones have been acquired by the tower you now know what you must do next! Rallos wills it! Rallos be praised!
  5. Aziuno Augur

    The weird part of this request is, I think giving warriors better aggro that would benefit group game, takes away some of the class identity of knights. Knights mitigation being not nearly as good vs warriors mitigation, was to make up for their amazing snap threat.

    I think the meta of building threat in raids with pets while out of line of sight, or even the weapon shield snare/flamelick spam isn't a good game design either.

    I think the real answer is to improve warriors threat on a single raid target (boss) while they are tanking. Yes these augs could increase their threat over time, but there are some easier options... what about just making defensive stance have a +15-30% threat boost while running. Now you are not having snap threat (big procs at the start to get a big lead, which is a SK/PAL thing) and gives you more threat over time, for the duration while you are tanking the raid targets.

    While it's fun to have power creep and allow the player to roll over content, it diminishes and dilutes the experience and achievement earned by players, which in essence is a core concept of a MMO. With how much the raid loot is trivialized by tower gear already, the answer isn't make even more reasons to use tower gear over raid loot.

    I think the answer is update the tower gear to be like charms or purity, and have the power unlocked based off of expansions released. Like make the gear have 0FT/0ATK until PoP, and only at like 40% of it's stats in Velious.. still at 40% it would be pretty dang good for anyone other than warrior, for good stat sticks in all slots.. i mean think of how valuable / sought after Necklace of superiority is in Kunark, and even with a massive reduction in power until PoP, earrings / rings would still be BIS for multiple classes even at +4 all stats, and 40-50hme
  6. Dre. Altoholic

    I think this is the wrong thread for that sort of debate.
  7. Aziuno Augur

    No, it's the correct thread, it's on the topic of warriors requesting better threat augs, which would improve their threat generation in both group and raid.

    Knights toolkit is snap threat.

    The more you give everyone everyone else's toolkit, you dilute the class diversity.

    Look at modern wow, everyone can self heal a bit, everyone has mobility abilities, heroism, etc. They diluted class identity.

    I think giving the best mitigation class, more threat, would make that class better and make the knight classes even less desired in raids. After all, a warrior ramp tanking would be less damage taken than a knight, and a knight can't DA/Self heal forever. Even if you have the DA hammer as a pally, you are relying on a proc, where the warrior would probably take less damage overall.

    Now instead of the Knight role in Kunark+ Era (where war's have defensive) you now would rather just have another warrior. They take most of the same gear, they take less damage, and if they had better threat, would not have a reason to bring knights. The brell's is a joke, and not needed anyway.

    It's fine if you disagree with me, just like I am disagreeing with this request being a benefit to the game.
  8. Hamshire Augur

    This makes absolutely zero sense if you know how to play a knight, knights have 20x warriors aggro and warriors getting an extra 200 hate per proc isn't even going to budge that in the slightest. And you wanna talk class identity? There was ZERO use for Warriors in Kunark, tower gear gave knights the survivability to tank EVERYTHING, VP dragons, Trak, VS, Gore, Sev and they held again 20x more aggro then warriors, that in fact is what originally made me wanna make this thread but as Dre stated this is the wrong thread for that sort of debate.

  9. Magician9001 Augur

    Sounds like a Zerg guild problem. Maybe you should've split VP more. Maybe then you wouldn't feel the need to get up at 3am to Kill Talendor.
    Aziuno likes this.
  10. Aziuno Augur

    So you already see a class identity issue and want to further exacerbate the issue by tipping warriors power level for threat generation up.

    I think this is still the thread for this conversation... Giving more power creep aka, threat augs, does not make a better game.

    Quality of Life quite often while appears nice, will erode away at the core of what makes MMO's great.
  11. Dre. Altoholic

    Can't wait to hear what this is.