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Please add Enraging Blow like augmentions to the Tower!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hamshire, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Hamshire Augur

    Pet classes needed all the help they could get on mitigation of the mighty raid bosses so adding the Luclin pet focus onto an earring I personally think was a great idea. Another class that could use help are Warrior's with threat generation and an extremely simple fix for this would be to add Enraging Blow, Anger, and or Static Blow like augmentations to the tower.
    Allworth, Risiko, Montag and 7 others like this.
  2. Aziuno Augur

    I don't know how I feel about this request... I think overall I would say adding an aug with a reasonable proc would be fine and not too crazy

    Wulf 40 - Strike of Opportunity IV - stun + 55dd - ~400 Threat
    Wulf 50 - Strike of Opportunity V - stun + 70dd - ~400 Threat
    LDON type 4 (non time+ weapons) - Anger II - 400 Raw threat
    LDON type 8 (time+ weapons) - Anger III - 600 Threat
    BOC/Blood Frenzy(BF has proc Mod) - Enraging Blow - 700 Threat
    DBOW/BBOB - Anger - (If I am reading this correctly) - 650 Raw Threat, Stun (~400 Threat?), 100 damage - Total ~1050 threat? I don't think the DD's count as threat it's just bonus damage, but I could be wrong.

    Other options:
    Static Strike - 179dd + stun - ~400 Threat -- not sure what level stun these go up to (spell data says up to level @2 -- and I don't know how to interpret that)
    Chaotic Strike - line as well is DD+Stun -- but these all have higher level stuns, think they are level 70

    It would feel great to have an improved threat proc aug, but as you know the wulf augs are already pretty decent, and we have those...

    So comparing the two, it wouldn't be too much of a power creep compared to say.. out of combat regen, or FT on the Augs for casters

    At the same time, I don't think you would want to make the LDON Aug's trivialized. You could argue a Type 4 Anger III could work, as then it forces people to still do LDON's for the Type 8 Aug

    If it was all/all, I know some other classes may like the threat Augs for group (EXP) content, and carry distillers to take them on and off for group and raid. I used to do that back in the day on my Rogue on phinny, lol, would put 2x DoN Augs in my Epic 2.0 to tank group content when we couldn't find a tank LFG or just duoing with my Rogue/Sham (sham wasn't raid geared, so even though i lost DPS, Rogue tank actually worked)

    Edit: What about an aug that adds +1 chaotic damage with wulf stun? I really don't remember how +elemental/choatic damage works in regards to threat, I thought it adds an additional swing, and most threat is generated off of swings, not the damage the swing does (think partial hits vs full hits, white hit threat generation is the same). I just don't know how that would scale early on compared to later when we get the bold attacks AA's
  3. Hamshire Augur

    Enraging Blow would honestly be perfect. Its only an extra 245 aggro from the Wulfs so it isn't overpowered but just good enough to offer a decent bump in aggro. I understand the worry of not needing to do LDoN or DoN for them in the future but people will still do all that content anyways for the other rewards. LDoN for the hp,ac, mana, and charm, ect augs and DoN for the hp, mana augs, ect plus to flag. It also adds an extra Enraging Blow augmentation into the pool which honestly would make me happy seeing as the DoN ones are lore. If we wanna take an extra step to not phase out the LDoN and DoN thread augs you could just make the tower versions type 4 only meaning come Planes of Power they would be phased out as weapons become type 8.
    Dre. likes this.
  4. Stinkur New Member

    If they add more threat to wulfen aug's then need to add a basic non threat DD proc, I would be down for a lifetap aug.as well. But overall would be nice to see some decent augs from the Tower besides the normal +10 melee stat 4atk power or +10 caster stat mana regen augs. They are very nice but the +5 to one stat aug's are a cosmic joke.
  5. Aziuno Augur

    Proc's for damage are really a joke. Lifetap won't do anything for you. Even once you have increased proc rates later, the value they heal for, or the 100dd procs, are trivial. You would be better off asking for a +1 base damage aug (with a delay requirement to keep it fair) if you wanted to increase melee class dps. (This would also up other classes DPS while keeping KUNARK monk's in check, as they go epic fists, which can't have an aug, but come velious they would go back up with the few who get garns etc)

    2 ppm mainhand, 1ppm offhand, with 70dd/55dd proc is 195 damage per MINUTE from proc's... that's like 6-8 melee swings for most melee dps classes. Aka.. two rounds of attacks extra every minute.
  6. Creepin Lorekeeper

    Be sure to like the post and or any post for that matter if you like the idea, its how Dev's notice the posts! +1 for better aggro augs in general.
    Dre. likes this.
  7. Mistress Lorekeeper

    I would like Enraging Blow with my Blade of Carnage's Enraging Blow!
    Dre. likes this.
  8. Elabone Augur

    I dont really think this is necessary. The tower didnt really increase aggro from other classes, so why would we add additional aggro augs for warriors. We already have Wulfenite which has been a perfectly fine addition until you reach LDoN.

    For the record, I main a warrior.
    fransisco likes this.
  9. Hamshire Augur

    None of the Tower gear is necessary but since its trying to lend a helping hand to things that need help (pets on motm with the Luclin pet focus) might as well try to get Warriors better aggro since we are in a similar boat. What we really need is a way to proc more often, at 255 dex you can fight a Kunark raid boss and not proc a single time before it dies but I see no way of improving this in a way that would be true to classic. So instead lets try to at least get a little more threat for when we do actually proc, why not since the tower gear is already there.
    Dre. likes this.
  10. Kana New Member

    More aggro please!
  11. Dre. Altoholic

    It'd be fab it there was an agro aug with half agro / double procrate for the leveling-up crowd.
  12. Strawberry Augur

    I don't understand the fetish of developers where warriors, especially group warriors, are supposed to struggle so much to hold aggro in the early game.

    Warriors can't even do their main job early in the game, which is holding aggro.

    Add a warrior-only aug with a better stun or hate effect to those Freeport/Qeynos/Crescent melee aug vendors. If you make it all/all, everyone knows some ranger or monk is going to use it just to annoy the warrior.

    Make it less powerful than an Anger or Enraging Blow aug, but give it a decent proc modifier and make it generate more hate than those wulfenite augs. Warriors can not be expected just to hold aggro from endurance. Endurance which gets completely drained after a wipe, while the rest of the group does not want to wait for a warrior to regen its endurance.
    Dre. likes this.
  13. SnapVine Augur

    the wulfenite line of augs is a stun, so this is done.
  14. Strawberry Augur

    Could you not wait 5 seconds while I'm still editing my post, instead of slamming reply twice.

    I know wulfenite has stun, but it's way too weak to hold aggro.

    And since every melee class can use it, the end result is that warriors still struggle, since they're competing with rangers and monks that are using the exact same stun they are.

    It doesn't have to be as powerful as Anger III or an Enraging blow, but at least give them something with a decent proc rate and hate, so they don't struggle on every trash mob.
  15. SnapVine Augur

    i only replied once, let me know when you're done tho
  16. Strawberry Augur

    You are spamming multiple replies. If you don't spam reply like a lunatic, this doesn't happen.

  17. SnapVine Augur

    I'm replying a single time. I checked multiple browsers, I only see single replies. these forums are buggy, but keep being rude i guess.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Forum lag causes people to double post all the time and not to be picky, why does your screen shot show the both replies with the same post number(15)?
  19. Strawberry Augur

    It does not happen all the time Waring, it happens all the time to you, because you tend to barge into every thread with irrelevant posts. You're a contrarian, you post to post, ppl told you this before.
    Aziuno likes this.
  20. Strawberry Augur

    Procs have a rate modifier, they can easily change this on these augs. They can also simply add a classic CE AA for warriors. The augs need both a higher amount of hate, and they need a higher proc rate to make aggro frontloaded.

    And augs that generate considerable hate, need to be warrior-only early on in the game, where warriors lack AA that can generate hate. Warriors having to fight over aggro is probably the single most annoying thing warriors have to experience in early EQ, and there is very little to nothing warriors themselves can do about it.

    Trash mob are often dead before warriors can even proc once, often completely unable to take aggro from a monk puller. Warriors struggle tremendously to hold aggro early on in the game, through no fault of their own.
    Dre. likes this.