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Player killed in PoK

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Drewie, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. Drewie Augur

    A player reported to me that while he was in PoK minding his own business, he suddenly died to some spell called Snuff Out.

    This happens to be a 950K AE cast by Captain Kar the Unmovable, a Laurion Song raid boss. It seems someone doing that raid got the AE and ported to PoK hoping to survive, which ended killing that first player.

    I can understand that the person gating would still suffer the AE and maybe even die from it, but killing innocent people around him in PoK looks a little buggy to me for what is considered a safe place ...
    Dre. likes this.
  2. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    Snuff out is an AE that goes off around the player when the hot or cold flames debuff is not dispelled by the opposite debuff and wears off.
    On Cazic-Thule, everyone in the buff pile has died several times to someone gating out of this event.
    The Hot/Cold Flames debuff should be changed to fade when zoning.
    minimind likes this.
  3. Knifen Augur

    /em Makes a mental note of this AE "feature".
    Shea, Conq, Herf and 2 others like this.
  4. fransisco Augur

    ok, knowing you can clear out the guild lobby makes this a feature, not a bug
    Shea, Sunawar, Nennius and 2 others like this.
  5. Knifen Augur

    Can probably count on Povar GL lag pile being gone on next dz unlock.
    fransisco and Herf like this.
  6. Herf Augur

    Does it aoe multiple people?

    If so this is even more spectacular than that communicable disease that struck WoW players decades ago. [edit] the Corrupted Blood pandemic.
  7. Knifen Augur

    Im asking for the OP to delete this post and just let things ride.
    Shea likes this.
  8. Brickhaus Augur

    It happens every now and then. It actually happened as we gathered for a guide event in PoK, killing several players and 3 guides. One of the players assumed that it was a guide prank and left quite upset (not sure why they thought it was a guide prank as the guides died as well).

    The developers have been told about this (specifically from that event). But maybe it didn't go through "proper channels". They don't like me so you might have more luck than I did.
  9. Knifen Augur

    Sounds like they need to add that to the Achievement list.

    50 Points - To Kill a GM / Guide
    Nennius, fransisco, Svann2 and 2 others like this.
  10. Shea Elder

    100% +++
    Herf and Nennius like this.
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Think of the hides that might drop.
    Herf likes this.
  12. NyteShayd Elder

    You vastly misunderstand the Corrupted Blood event, if you think this is 'more spectacular.' The Corrupted Blood event spread across every zone on every server, and survived rolling zone resets. It's used as a virtual case study in epidemiology.

    The only way Blizzard was able to fix it was to roll back servers to a time prior to the event.
  13. Herf Augur

    Ok you make a fair point :)
  14. Herf Augur

    It wasn't just the reset, it was patching the pets apparently.
  15. Herf Augur

    I'm pretty sure I was playing when that pandemic happened. I was never a very good or serious WoW player so I didn't understant what was going on that time. I was just wandering around the Dwarven city watching people splurt and the chat channels go wild :) Dying was not that big a deal in WoW vs EQ so I just chuckled.