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Plane of Sky - now /keyringable and...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Karthanon, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Karthanon Augur

    ...how do they show up?

    Once I noticed they put in the update notes that they are now keyable, I ran up (so to speak) PoSky, and started going through all the ports with my keys. RIght now, I'm showing these in my keyring:

    Plane of Sky: Island 7
    Plane of Sky: Efreeti's Key

    So, that means all keys to get up to Island 7, plus the key to get the quest givers (the efreeti area), correct?

    Just want to make sure before I toast my physical keys. :)
  2. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    There are 9 keys, you're missing 2
  3. Silv Augur


    I keyringed all of mine and they still work. It lists it as Plane of Sky: Island 9 and also the one for the quest room. You should be good to go.
  4. Karthanon Augur

    Great, thanks. Yeah, I don't know how I missed 2, I guess I never did those back in the day.

    Time to kill off an old toon with DT's and get the rest of them for the box, I suppose! :)
  5. Qbert Gallifreyan

    The DT is only ~65k with max spell shielding, odds are you won't die if you're a reasonably high level.
  6. Mykaylla Augur

    And you can always toss a growth orb in your power source slot if you're close on hp, or concerned you might get one too fast before you can heal up by whichever means you have- it's one case where you shouldn't need the AC. ;)