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Plane of Justice trial bugged (Trial of Torture)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Zalkk - AB, May 5, 2024.

  1. Zalkk - AB Lorekeeper

    Category: Quest [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Sun May 05 09:06:56 2024

    Character: Level 100 Shaman (Main)
    Zone: The Plane of Justice
    Location: -1121.58, 873.02, 60.00, 130.21

    Description: While doing pojustice trials (trial of torture) for the shaman 1.5 epic, the first wave of 4 mobs spawns has normal, i kill them and the event ends, the level 1 npcs despawn, nothing else spawns. did this 4 times and same result every time

    -- EDIT --

    Attempt 6, wraith spawned has normal and allowed me to complete
  2. Evurkvest Augur

    Wraith of Agony often spawn at the entrance to the area. If you don't go around and aggro it the trial will end.