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Pick my class for Teek

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, May 17, 2024.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    So I'm either gonna make a druid, enchanter, or cleric.

    I literally can't decide what I want. I like druids because I'm fast and can go anywhere and heal.

    I like clerics because they are the best and healing.

    I like enchanters because every group needs one and nothing pisses me off worse than a bad enchanter in my group that doesn't tash everything, know how to CC and control their pet.

    What should I pick.
  2. Demetri Augur

    Druid will heal adequately forever, from my feel of what you said I'd say Druid is the right choice for you.

    But they lose power in exchange for flexibility
  3. Raidyn New Member

    seems like Shaman is actually the right choice for you.
    • Has SOW for faster traveling
    • Can tash, slow, and control a pet.
    • Decent healers and fantastic buffers
    • Versatile, can solo and do decent damage with DoTs and DD spells
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  4. Lamberduim Elder

    Nope. Hate buffing and Canni Dancing.
  5. GnomeGnomeGnome Elder

    You should definitely be a druid.
    And make sure you let us know your name so we can call you when we need a port.
  6. ECrack Augur

    Sounds like you've already decided. Play Enchanter now or you'll be playing it later. LOL
  7. darkaero36 Journeyman

    then play a Bard...if your enchanter sucks you can still make him look good, be the puppeteer of your group
  8. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Canni dancing is overrated. I dont bother with canni itself until Canni 3. Just make an ingame macro to cast canni 5 times and sit. and hit it once in a while when needed.

  9. MMOer Augur

    Enc... always need more Enc.

    Else play cleric.

    Box the druid.
  10. Fluid Augur

    I always go Druid because they level the fastest from level 10-20. They solo better than any other character. The two main things is their spells have huge magic modifiers, i.e. -100, so you can routinely kill/spells land on MOBs ~8 levels higher.

    There is also the spell range thing. This is my complaint with a Shaman or Enchanter aggro kite. Typical DOT from a Druid will be ~250 while the Shaman or Enchanter will only go 200. You really get thumped a lot by MOBs when you kite on anything other than a Druid. Even root rotting is better as the Druid DOTs don't break root. Snares are a great tool also.

    Necro is probably just as good as a Druid since they have great DOTs and a pet, but you have to get a SoW. They typically aren't welcome where I like to hunt so...

    I may box on Teek a bit. I like having an Enchanter along for Tash and Clarity. Probably 90% of my Enchanters over the years have been agnostic Dark Elf, but I may change that to agnostic 'something less likely to get thumped' better access to cities. It may be fun to do something like an all human crew out of Qeynos [Druid, Enchanter, Mage] just for spitz and giggles with the Mage pet being mostly the tank. It won't be optimum but would be a nice change of pace. It should work since Enchanter can tash & Breeze, I think even Intellectual Superiority and Intellectual Advancement will be in the game from T=0. I have to double check that. Druid with a tashed MOB casting spells 3-6 levels above level sounds good to me.
  11. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Classic is probably the best era for druids on a TLP for quite a while and we are starting in Kunark so...
  12. Demetri Augur

    Chardok and Seb charming are pretty great for druids too, when group comp permits.

    Luclin is where I feel they start to have a real rift for a bit.
  13. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    Always be Cleric. ABC.
  14. Celatusp99 Augur

  15. **Dragonslayer** Lorekeeper