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Phinny TDS Keying (will impact all other TLP's)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by RainbowCane, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. RainbowCane Elder

    Wanted to get this post in plenty early.

    TDS unlock works like this - Kill one T1 raid 4 times to unlock T2. Kill 3 T2 raids 4x each (12 times total) to unlock T3.

    This means that at normal rate for raiding guilds (once a week) we will only have 1 raid (plus the one-off / one attempt raid) for the first month. Then we will have 4 raids for the 2nd month. Then we will unlock the final raid in the final month.

    This may have already been previously addressed when the other keying changes were made, but I would like to inform devs / confirm whether this is the case.
    Warrior007, Dythan, Baldur and 7 others like this.
  2. Trow Journeyman

    Excellent points. I really hope the devs address this early because this will hurt the server if we only need to log in for 30 minutes each week.
  3. Aegir Augur

    Haven't raided TDS, only done group content. Do we get an item to click to level it up like in VoA, or is it achievement based? If it's like VoA, they can just up the exp from clicking. If it's not... I guess we can hope they can catch and fix it in time ! :rolleyes:
  4. Machen New Member

    Achievement based, iirc. No item.
  5. RainbowCane Elder

    It's a key you physically have to click 4 times. The first key is called "Fragment of the Citadel Key" which after 4 clicks flags you for Arx events 2-4 (which take place in the Citadel).

    Those events drop "Fragment of the Apitarx Key" which requires 12 clicks to be flagged for the final event.

    Here are the item links: http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=121573 / http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=121961

    They are not lore, so perhaps they could make multiple appear on your cursor each kill. Failing that, change the code for what constitutes a full key from 4 / 12 to 1 / 6 respectively. This would allow guilds to progress through the first 4 fights and both one-off encounters during the first week. But still require 2 full clears of the later events in order to do the final fight.

    This would be in line with changes made to other keys in the past. Such as the RoF and CotF tiered release changes.
    Bobbybick, Froger and Skuz like this.
  6. RainbowCane Elder

  7. Numiko Augur

    I imagine they will do something to shorten getting the Tiers unlocked, with selo's coming along and its one month it would be pretty well impossible for them to even get to T2.

    Raid Coins are going to suck in this expansion too, even with the extra events that drop them. Cheapest thing on the vendors is over 300 coins.
  8. NoWay Augur

    They only care about the first 3-4 xpacs.
  9. Machen New Member

    Funny, since they have made quite a lot of changes for expansions past the first 3-4 and even just released a new server that's way past those expansions.
  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Not true, there have been changes to quite a lot of the latter expansions as Phinigel approached them largely driven by feedback & suggestions from the Phinigel community, and I expect that as Selo overtakes Phinigel they will be out in front doing the same thing the Phinigel community has been doing up to now.

    Such changes as the flagging system in Underfoot, VoA raid progression, RoF T3 & T4 access schedule accelerated for all future TLP, and so we have reason & track record to expect work to continue.

    I personally do think some things should have been anticipated far better, and that there are a slew of changes I would like to see that make a lot of logical sense but the devs have opted not to do so far but the process whereby the community gives feedback & suggests changes & then the devs review those requests & act upon them as they feel is needed has probably achieved the bare minimum needed for the game to work on the TLP thus far so it shall likely continue.
  11. RainbowCane Elder

    All I am after is bare-minimum play-ability.

    Launching an expansion with only 1 raid (plus the one-attempt a week raid) for a full month, will be a server killer. Add to that not reaching the final raid until the last month of the expansion. Add to that that the expansion only comes with 7 raids to begin with, which all take place in the same zone.

    Most two night a week raid guilds, will be cleaning this up in 1 raid night. It is hard to keep a raid force of 50+ people engaged with the game as it is, without needless keying requirements further straining an already declining population.
  12. Aueman Journeyman

    Devs have done a great job in the past with addressing these type of issues. Pleases share your plans with us devs :)
  13. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Hopefully the Devs will schedule time to look at this prior to TDS, thankfully CoTF has already been updated for TLP servers.

  14. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    Doubling these keys should satisfy the "staggered" intention that the development team indicated they want for this content.

    With this change, that means if a guild raids off lockout including launch night, you would have access to raids 2-4 in 5 days, and the final event in 10 days. This is roughly in the middle of what it took to do VoA/(intended)RoF.

    If it is not doubled, it would take 15 days obtain access to raids 2-4, and a further 15 for the final fight, assuming perfect raids and raiding the day lockouts expire.
  15. Accipiter Old Timer

    Can someone explain what the 4 days and then 8 days means for CotF? Tier 2 CotF unlocks.... when?
  16. RainbowCane Elder

    4 days after CotF drops Tier 1b comes out.Then 4 days after that Tier 2 comes out.
  17. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    How exactly the staggered release of CoTF rolls out on Phinigel I don't know but would assume that all T1 zones will unlock initially with Tower of Rot unlocking after 4 days & then Argin Hiz unlocking after 8 days:

    Collated notes from Allakhazam's Overview below:

    Call of the Forsaken was launched on October 8, 2013.

    For the original announcement, see this news story.
    For the expansion release patch message, see this news story.

    Additional expansion content was released throughout 2014.

    First Update:
    Hate Rising

    The first update to the Call of the Forsaken expansion was Hate Rising (released January 22, 2014):

    • New content (same Tier) expands upon the current COTF storyline
    • Tier 1 Breastplates, Vambraces, and Boots are in
    • 3 new group missions (Ethernere, Neriak Fourth Gate, Dead Hills)
    • 4 new raids (Ethernere, Bixie Warfront, Neriak Fourth Gate, Dead Hills)
    • 15 new heroic adventures (6x Ethernere, 6x Neriak Fourth Gate, 3x Bixie Warfront)
    • 15 new nameds spread throughout the heroic adventures
    • 5 new collection sets
    • Lower level vendorbought gear (using the same Marks of Valor currency):
      • Level 85 (variety of Underfoot gear and weapons)
      • Level 90 (variety of House of Thule gear and weapons)
      • Level 95 (variety of Veil of Alaris gear and weapons)
    • All heroic adventures (new and old) now scale down in difficulty to Level 85
    • Note: No new zones, AAs, or spells in Hate Rising
      • New sections of the Bixie Warfront and Neriak Fourth Gate are now open (accessed in heroic adventures)
    Second Update:
    Tower of Rot

    The second update to the expansion was Tower of Rot (released Wednesday, May 21, 2014):

    • 1 new zone (the first Tier 2 zone in COTF)
    • 10 named mobs
    • 6 quests
    • 1 heroic adventure
    • 2 missions
    • 1 raid
    • 4 collection sets
    • Note: No new AAs or spells with Tower of Rot.

    The opening of the Tower of Rot (this is the structure seen here in the Dead Hills) was preceded by pre-launch events emanating out of Qeynos and the Dead Hills.
    The third update consisted of new spells and AAs, and was released on June 18, 2014 - This I assume will be different on TLP & will come with the initial unlock.

    Fourth Update:

    The fourth update to the expansion was Argin-Hiz (released Wednesday, July 16, 2014):

    • 1 new zone (the second of two Tier 2 zones in COTF)
    • 10 named mobs
    • 6 quests
    • 1 heroic adventure
    • 3 missions (one of these missions isn't expected until July 23)
    • 2 raids (one of these raids isn't expected until July 23)
    • 4 collection sets
    • Note: No new AAs or spells with Argin-Hiz
  18. Accipiter Old Timer

    Thanks, guys.