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Phinny - "Disable the Recycler" - anyone gotten it to work lately?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Brumans, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. Brumans Augur

    Been trying since later last week. The mobs never spawn at the top. Tried at all times of the day, dropping and re-getting the task. Tried multiple days. Nothing ever spawns. Tried clearing the platform, tried without invis or lev on, etc. Had other guildies get the task and try.

    Filed a petition, they told me to file a /bug, which I did.

    I'm guessing the zone needs repopping, or we need a server restart, or something. If anyone has gotten it to work since like last Friday on Phinny, let me know what magic you did.
  2. Karhar Dream Crusher

    For the face aug? ive done it multiple times
  3. Brumans Augur

    Yeah, again, I'm talking lately. Guildies that have done it fine tried to help me get it to spawn, without luck recently too.

    I heard the server restarted this morning, so gonna try after work, maybe it's working agaub now.
  4. VandilIzer Augur

    Just tried this Sunday, wasn't working at all, we tried levitating under the spot, moving around the platform, lev, no lev, etc etc. Even killed anything around the platform. No go. Hopefully they fix whatever trigger is wrong soon.
  5. Brumans Augur

    After this morning's server crash / restart, it's working again. Doing it right now.
  6. VandilIzer Augur