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Phinigel: TSS Exp Boost Question

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Barudin_Phinigel, May 1, 2018.

  1. Numiko Augur

    my plan: Ding 71, buy all levels of headshot so i can HS level 70's .. go to fire and Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! .. Done! ;)
  2. Krykinn Journeyman

    I'm pretty sure all those die-hard Corinav players would prefer if you further slowed the exp down instead of boosting it at each of these unlocks.
  3. Machentoo Augur

    I agree with this. I was wrong, but glad to be wrong.
    Sumonerr_Tunare likes this.
  4. Wiff Elder

    TSS is about where I quit back in the day so a true box, live xp rate server where I can start over and grow with it is great news.

    Hopefully there will be a decent number of people jumping in or starting new toons to group with.
  5. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    TSS offers a lvl 1 - 75 experience. Other zones might be more optimal but you'll get a good concentration of people starting in Crescent Reach (since all races can start there).
  6. Numiko Augur

    I'm sure there will be lots of Drakkin alts being made, low level grouping game should be pretty active again.
  7. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Am I correct that we get rotating hot zones with TSS? But just no Franklin Teek yet?
  8. Boze TLP complaint factory

    Yeah hotzones to 65 should show up. Hotzones tries to autocorrect to hormones...
    Prathun likes this.
  9. mesocornaiv Lorekeeper

    On live servers, it took around 3-5 hours per level doing the black drakkin camp right outside ashengate in Direwind cliffs with a decent PoR geared group.
  10. Numiko Augur

    according to Alla the Hotzones will unlock in this order.

    • The Serpent’s Spine - Level 65 and lower level hotzones will unlock
    • Secrets of Faydwer - Level 70 hotzones will unlock
    • Seeds of Destruction - Level 75 hotzones will unlock
    • House of Thule - Level 80 hotzones will unlock
    • Veil of Alaris - Level 85 hotzones will unlock
    • Shadow of Fear - Level 90 hotzones will unlock
    • The Darkened Sea - Level 95 hotzones will unlock
    This seems to indicate we will be getting multiple hotzones for each level at once as there was at least 3 sets of level 65 hotzones and 4 sets of Level 75 ones over the years.
  11. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    So I did some rough testing and here are my results.

    Both tests were done on a level 1 Iksar Monk in the Tutorial as it is one of the few zones I can say for near certainty has the same ZEM on both Live and Phinigel, and the NPCs all have static levels.

    Cave Bats = Level 1
    Cave Rats = Level 2
    Gloom Spiderlings = Level 2
    Gloom Spiders = Level 3
    Gloomfang Lurkers = Level 4
    Spider Tamer Gugan = Level 5
    Queen Gloomfang = Level 7



    Level 2.28
    Cave rat - 2.38
    Cave rat - 2.48
    Cave bat - 2.52
    Cave bat - 2.55
    Cave Bat - 2.59
    Cave Bat - 2.63
    Cave Rat - 2.73
    cave Rat - 2.83
    Cave Rat - 2.93
    Cave Rat - 3.01

    Level 3.01
    Cave Rat - 3.05
    Cave Bat - 3.06
    Cave Bat - 3.08
    Cave Rat - 3.12
    cave Rat - 3.16
    Gloom Spider - 3.26
    Gloom Spider - 3.36
    Gloomfang Lurker - 3.46
    Cave Rat - 3.5
    cave Rat - 3.54
    Cave Rat - 3.59
    Cave Rat - 3.63
    Cave Rat - 3.67
    Cave Rat - 3.71
    Gloom Spider - 3.81
    Gloom Spider - 3.91
    Gloom Spider - 4.01

    Level 4.01
    Cave Rat - 4.03
    Cave Rat - 4.05
    Cave Rat - 4.07
    Tamer Gugan - 4.17
    Gloom Spiderling - 4.19
    Gloom Spider - 4.25
    Gloom Spider - 4.32
    Gloom Spider - 4.38
    Gloomfang Lurker - 4.48
    Gloom Spider - 4.54
    Gloom spiderling - 4.56
    Gloom Spider - 4.62
    Gloom Spider - 4.68
    Gloom Spider - 4.75
    Gloom spider - 4.81
    Gloomfang Lurker - 4.91
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.00

    Level 5.00
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.07
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.13
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.20
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.26
    Queen Gloomfang - 5.36
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.43
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.50
    Tamer Gugan - 5.60
    Cave bat - 5.60
    Cave bat - 5.60
    cave bat - 5.61
    Cave rat - 5.62
    cave rat - 5.63
    cave rat - 5.64



    Level 2.07 + random trash to reach 2.28 to compare
    Level 2.28
    Cave rat - 2.34
    Cave rat - 2.40
    Cave bat - 2.42
    Cave bat - 2.44
    Cave Bat - 2.46
    Cave Bat - 2.48
    Cave Rat - 2.53
    cave Rat - 2.59
    Cave Rat - 2.65
    Cave Rat - 2.72
    29% Short of Matching Live
    Killing random trash to reach 3.01

    Level 3.01
    Cave Rat - 3.03
    Cave Bat - 3.04
    Cave Bat - 3.04
    Cave Rat - 3.06
    cave Rat - 3.08
    Gloom Spider (W) - 3.15
    Gloom Spider (W) - 3.21
    Gloomfang Lurker (Y) - 3.31
    Cave Rat - 3.33
    cave Rat - 3.35
    Cave Rat - 3.37
    Cave Rat - 3.39
    Cave Rat - 3.42
    Cave Rat - 3.44
    Gloom Spider - 3.50
    Gloom Spider - 3.56
    Gloom Spider - 3.62
    38% short of Matching Live
    Killing random trash to reach 4.01

    Level 4.01
    Cave Rat - 4.02
    Cave Rat - 4.02
    Cave Rat - 4.03
    Tamer Gugan (Y)- 4.13
    Gloom Spiderling - 4.14
    Gloom Spider - 4.17
    Gloom Spider - 4.20
    Gloom Spider - 4.23
    Gloomfang Lurker - 4.28
    Gloom Spider - 4.32
    Gloom spiderling - 4.33
    Gloom Spider - 4.36
    Gloom Spider - 4.39
    Gloom Spider - 4.42
    Gloom spider - 4.45
    Gloomfang Lurker - 4.51
    Gloomfang Lurker - 4.56
    44% short of matching live
    Killing Random Trash to reach level 5.00

    Level 5.00
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.04
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.07
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.10
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.13
    Queen Gloomfang (Y) - 5.23
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.27
    Gloomfang Lurker - 5.30
    Tamer Gugan - 5.35
    Cave bat - 5.35
    Cave bat - 5.36
    cave bat - 5.36
    Cave rat - 5.36
    cave rat - 5.37
    cave rat - 5.38
    26% short of matching live

    Both tests conducted with level 1 dark elf magician
    Amount of Redwine needed per level
    Level 1->2: Phinigel(20), Live(10)
    Level 2->3: Phinigel(140), Live(70)
    Level 3->4: Phinigel(380), Live(190)
    Level 4->5: Phinigel(740), Live(370)
    Level 5->6: Phinigel(1220), Live(610)
    Level 6->7: Phinigel(1820), Live(910)

    Author's Note:
    The biggest differance I can see between the Gloomingdeep parses are that the xp cap per kill (10%) is easily attainable on Live servers by simply killing white-con enemies, on Phinigel you would need to kill yellow con's at the low levels to reach the same result and sometimes they only give 9%. This also means that white cons on Live were likely giving me >10% exp per and the extra simply wasn't accounted for due to the cap meaning that the gap between Live and Phinigel is larger than this limited data shows. Quest EXP is also apparently affected by the server's modifier so it can likely be used to better compare actual % differences.

    tldr conclusion;
    IF the server actually matches live exp rates id expect to see an increase of somewhere between 70-100% per kill at lower levels, and possibly the same at upper levels, not counting any additional bonuses such as hotzones. I will be rerunning these tests sometime after TSS launch calms down to see if Phinigel then matches Live (in this comparison). Take this all with a grain of salt though, if anyone wants to actually compare some higher level stuff that'd be cool I just don't have the proper leveled characters to do it myself.
  12. Jahtw Journeyman

    Does anybody know:

    1. Will there be any change to AA exp?

    2. If hotzones do unlock, will the augs start dropping as well?