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Pet illusions

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Kind of a two part question here:

    Firstly, why have we had the exact same pets in the DB store going back to like...Phinny or Agnarr? I've had so many neat pets and pet illusions over the years across a ton of TLP servers that I've never again seen offered in the store, crates etc. Why in the hell would Darkpaw not put more of them up for sale? That jade tiger that teleports you to pre-revamp Freeport, the skeleton kitten, etc....all those nice items just forever trapped on some dead TLP.

    Secondly, how are folks bringing these in from other servers to brand new TLPS? I noticed on Teek folks are selling pets and illusions that have not been offered here yet. Someone had a Firiona Drixie for sale 5 krono or 82,500 plat..., another had a Gale wolf pet. These afaik are from crates and not something you can /claim as when you buy the crate it immediately goes into your bags. I've seen this on past TLP's as well where someone on the bazaar has 10+ pets/illusions never offered on that server.
  2. Lineater Augur

    Dunno where the Firiona Drixie comes from specifically, but some crates have been available on Teek. Also, you can get tradable items from expansion purchases. Not sure if there's any other way to get tradeable pets/mounts/illusions.
  3. SteamFox Augur

    Some of the prizes around Fippy fest were "Heritage Crate of your choice" so possibly come from there.