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Personas and quest turn ins

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by E4MC, Jun 21, 2024.

  1. E4MC New Member

    I'm not sure how personas are supposed to work as intended for quest turn ins. On some quests, I've been able to pick up the quest on one persona and do the turn in on another. Today while doing "Dark Tower #2: Fallen Guard" in Blightfire Moors, I was only able to do the turn in on the persona that picked up the quest after killing the NPCs and looting with another persona. On "the Blightfire Witches", I was not able to do the turn in on the persona who picked up the quest after killing and looting on another persona. It seems to me like personas were rolled out without much thought on how quests are supposed to work between personas. And it's just common sense that any persona should be able to do the quest turn in when you're making all the personas share the same task window and there is no way to keep track of which persona picked up which quest.
  2. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    The quest window displays a min and max level now. Is the persona attempting the turnin within the correct level range for the task?