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patches time

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by gubman, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. gubman New Member

    Can we please stop with the 10am PTD patch start time? Everytime you plan a less than 5h patch it start later and thus still SCREW euros raiding times, come on i am sure even devs are at work before 10 am :p

    2 days in a row everyone cancelling raids because of it, I know you guys just dont think about it but on our end it really feels like you guys want to drive us away from this game.
    Geroblue, Botlhan, GhoulieTT and 3 others like this.
  2. Elleve New Member


    Raid yesterday at 20:00 CET got cancelled due to patch and now today as well :/ and this is not the first time either... It feels really crappy to be gaming at European times atm.

    There has also been several server crashes (Agnarr) recently which gave us lockout from instances we were right in the middle of which just adds to the frustrations.
  3. Preacher New Member

    I agree. I only play Agnarr, so can't comment about other servers.

    Please alternate your service windows a bit. The past month we have had to cancel our raiding plans and receive instance lock outs because of planned maintenance, server crashes and unstable servers - several times.
    I have played on free servers that were more stable than this....We already lost guildmembers and more are thinking of quitting....
    I love the game but the frustrations with the servers are getting to me to the point where I think..."why bother?"
    This is not a threat - just a headsup about how it affects your customers.
    Elleve likes this.
  4. Fhirg New Member


    Could we get some clarification why these times are chosen for the patches?

    Why aren't the servers patched when they have the lowest population? Effecting the least amount of paying customers makes more sense IMO. Between 4am-8am PT are the lowest populations I've seen.

    Also isn't the roll out of the server patch automated? Shouldn't need to have a Dev awake at 4am ;)

    To add to Elleve's comment about crashes, please, please please consider resetting the instances if the server crashes. The inconvenience of restarting next raid day will far out way the lockouts! :)
    Elleve likes this.
  5. Gerhart Journeyman

  6. Caxio Wildsongs New Member

    I also play on Agnarr and totally agree with what’s been said about the server crashes and lockout timers.
    Why are all the server down time during European prime time Get home from work to find out servers going down 7pm til 11pm surely you can arrange a better time than this that is good for US servers aswell
    Elleve likes this.
  7. TheRealDeal Journeyman

    Happens weekly. Please change the patch times.
  8. GhoulieTT New Member

    What they said ..... but the customers are never right ... so i dont expect change.
    Geroblue likes this.
  9. Derik New Member

    Seriously we have had to suffer raids being screwed for week's, whether it be because the servers are down or because of crashes that lead to lock outs, which your GM's assure us there is nothing you can do.

    You might not be able to sort out the crashes, you can however sort out the scheduling of the down times, it has gone on and on give us a break will you.
  10. Aaarrg New Member

    I can only agree with what people above says, would be nice if the patch time wasn't atleast not always on the EU timezone's main raid time, I meen if it can't be moved to be ealier on every patch then atleast do it at US timezone's main raid time so we don't feel that you are trying to force european players away.

    Also is it not posible for you to announce more then 1 day ahead of a patch so we maybe could be able to plan around it. lets say a weak ahead, can't be that you less then 24 hours before a patch decide that you have enough fixes to run a patch or even a server maintance...
  11. Gerhart Journeyman

    If the patches happen at 630am PST it's MUCH less of a disruption* as when they start at 10am PST.

    *For Euro players and raids.
  12. Redweiler New Member


    Developers, by now you should be aware of how much planning it takes to get raid encounters done in this game. Please try to move the maintenance times so euro players get a fair chance to keep up with US guilds. This is especially significant on TLP servers since our timeframe for getting raids done is limited to 12 weeks before the majority of loot from encounters become obsolete after the next expansion lauches. The whole purpose of TLP for me is to have a intensified game experience which really requires the servers to be up when people can play.
    Also, as stated before, if the servers crash for whatever reason you really need to give your ingame staff tools to reset instances or just do it automatically. Planned maintenance is one thing but wasting your paying customers time for your inability to keep your systems running is not acceptable.
    Fhirg likes this.
  13. Fidibus New Member


    ... but nothing will be changed, it was the same problem back in 1999, and nothing has changed since then. o_O
    Geroblue likes this.
  14. Kase Augur

    I like this time frame. It works for me.
  15. Botlhan New Member

    I am posting to show my support to this cause

    Not much I can say that hasn't all ready been said

    I came from p99 to play here I pay for 5 accounts and I have to ask my self why I bother with all this down time and server crashes

    I am not on TLP for the group game I am here for the raiding and your making it almost impossible for Euro players
  16. littlepoe New Member

    i agree with the above comments.
  17. Gridfire New Member

    I came here from p99 to Agnarr, to be able to experience raidcontent.

    These serverdowntimes are making me reconsidering if i want to keep paying for my accounts. If I can not get to raid on euro hours consistently or in a meaningful way, then I do´nt see the reason to stay and play.

    I agree with the original poster.
  18. Gridfire New Member

    I came here from p99 to Agnarr, to be able to experience raidcontent.

    These serverdowntimes are making me reconsidering if i want to keep paying for my accounts. If I can not get to raid on euro hours consistently or in a meaningful way, then I do´nt see the reason to stay and play.

    I agree with the original poster.
  19. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Come on folks, patches are once a month for sure on Wed. This was an unexpected emergency or urgently needed one originally scheduled for yesterday but going to happen today and yes it is inconvenient but that is life. So for 90% of the time you can raid on every day but once a month on Wed. In the past they have played with having patches happen during different times but obviously didn't work since they no longer do it. Why doesn't every one raid on Sat and Sun? No patches ever scheduled then.
  20. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    You forgot to add that the servers are down 80% of the time, and you never ever ever get to play. Give me a break... they patch USUALLY once a month. This month it will be twice. It's not a catastrophic amount of time.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.