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Patcher Error

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Sindaiann, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Sindaiann Augur

    While starting the launch pad, I get a pre window that is titled Launch Pad Shell - Updating, then it flips to the normal launch pad window and this occurs

    Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patc...ror:Unreachable- No data (11004) - http://manifest.patc...ror:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patc...ror:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patc...ror:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patc...ror:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patc...-en-tcg.sha.soe

    Thoughts? I am going to bypass the patcher but this is weird.
  2. Sindaiann Augur

    bypassed with no issues, launch pad was find yesterday. Odd