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Parcel issues?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Jun 20, 2024.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Noticed there seems to be something going on with parcels not arriving or going to completely random people.

    Friend sent me a sword that never arrived. I got a message from a guy saying he received something from me (that I sent to my bank mule)

    I received shammy skull quest items from a guy I've never heard of.
  2. Relyn Lorekeeper

    I had that happen a couple days ago. My item never got sent to my character from my mule. I petitioned and it got sorted out.

    I also received a shield from someone, but I hit a retrieve all and didn't notice the name. Hopefully they petitioned and got it fixed.
  3. Gheed Augur

    Same. It was a Shield of the Immaculate and I was just too slow to see the name of who sent it.

  4. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    I have raised three tickets in the past decade and all of them were addressed swiftly and resolved to my satisfaction. Mind you, two of those three were due to my mistake (vendored pre-nerf fungi staff by mistake).

    On topic at hand, I received an item from some random person which I sent back. Friends reported non delivery of cash and items also through parcel. Hopefully the cause is identified and fixed soon.