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Paladin Wishes

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Allayna, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. sojero One hit wonder

    BoL and TotC have the same proc rate.

    Totc has a max heal on it, so it heals for a lucky crit max (that i have seen) for exactly 60k

    asked a pally in my guild about BoL and his max from the log he looked at was 38k
  2. Brohg Augur

    lol and doesn't deal damage
  3. shiftie Augur

    I’m going to assume that’s with at least armor and Epic or at least a combo of the heal mods

    Forgot to add what’s his max hp
  4. sojero One hit wonder

    really, shoot, learn something new every day!
  5. sojero One hit wonder

    could be with mods, didnt ask that, he just searched his log for me and told me a couple so i picked the highest he had to compare to our max heal from totc

    his hp when i asked was 400k
  6. shiftie Augur

    9.5% of his go pool per proc when modded pretty lame
  7. sojero One hit wonder

    I hope they add new ranks to BoL and make it about 1.5X the heal what it is now, and it would be really cool to have a dmg effect added to it that did like some of the other pally spells that did a scaling for live/summomed/undead and give the undead a HUGE nuke.

    for comparison the SK ToTC does 1.5x the heal BoL does and if max crit every time does 4k dps
  8. Brohg Augur

    Eh, I don't totally mean to suggest that paladin's bite TotC's style, just that the balance isn't as plain as the heal number (and yeah that's not quite balanced either). With the dual-crit unavailable, beginning with double its current base heal sure would be a start, and then maybe tacking on some protective effect. Paladin dps could use love, but turning into SKs probably isn't the way.
  9. Metapsyche Augur

    Brohg is very right with respect to Paladins should not just turn into the holy version of an SK. The conversation really shouldn’t involve SK’s or warriors abilities with regards we don’t have x or y. I feel like it should be phrased more or less like “well SK’s can do this- so Paladins don’t need that. Instead, Paladins should get ... “.
    Brohg likes this.
  10. Brohg Augur



    Well said, that's what I mean, and double same for warriors not trying to get knight abilities (and basically all the other classes too, but we're in the Tanks forum)
  11. sojero One hit wonder

    did a test with censure and admonish and found out they are ae deagro.

    Did another test and on single target it raised the sk hate every time i cast censure, so its a neg hate on initial target too.

    yepmetoo likes this.
  12. Aelen Augur

    That's correct. Helps to note that it's Hatelist rather than simple AE. Which makes it weaker in some respects and stronger in others.

    Did some of my own testing with pal aggro stuff the other night too, playing with the pally alt more lately.

    Probably obvious but worth noting, Twincasting the heal on Censure line is double negative hatelist hate. Twincasting the heal on Valiant Diversion line is double positive hatelist hate.

    If the Censure gets resisted, it ends up being small positive hate on the target. If you proc a Dragonmagic proc, it ends up being positive hate on the target.

    ToTT spells, Like the Valiant Diversion line, won't fire the heal if the target has nothing targeted, and since it casts the heal before the rest of the spell you can't pull with Diversion and get AE hate, but if you tag off a puller or open with FoD or another tag you can use it as ranged AE hate.

    Also seems since the fix to witness aggro and such, some stuff works a bit differently than when I last did aggro testing.

    Beneficial spells with a hate mod(Hate Mod:+X) or a hate override(Hate:X) seem to now automatically pass witness checks for purposes of getting on a hatelist. That's esoteric, but useful for getting on hatelists to enable consistent aggro from Valiant Diversion, and inconsistent aggro from rune procs. For Paladins, specifically AE/Group stuff, that includes Aurora, Splash, triggered heals from Harmonious and defensive procs from Merciful Penitence.
  13. Wulfhere Augur

    Well Censure obviously, unless you mean +hate mod only? Then yes it's unique afaik (until next expansion?). In the 8/15/18 patch a couple other beneficial spells had hate override reduced because of witness check fix: Tunare's Grace and Blessing of Tunare.

    Very few paladins use Rev Steel. It would need a complete makeover like Refute got to earn a regular spell gem. Rather have it on the Grief line (that earns Steely's spell gem). Dicho/Disso would be more welcome and in keeping with it's purpose.
  14. Wulfhere Augur

    Getting on the hate list is easier true. All the spells in your list have very low (-1 to 100) hate mod or override values that prevent them from raising the paladin on an established hate list.
  15. Aelen Augur

    Mostly I was just mentioning them as potential enablers, since getting on the hatelist is required for that type of hate generation to work--if you're reflecting the Valiant heal onto yourself anyway. One of the complaints about Valiant Diversion was related to it just not picking up loose types, which would be because it doesn't really hit things other than the one target. If social aggro doesn't put you on the hatelist before you cast Valiant, then something else has to work.

    Probably room for something that's more intentionally designed as an enabler, but those do sort of, depending on the situation and how you use it.

    Somewhat related to your suggestion about a hate mod on a self heal, that also wouldn't address the loose mob complaint, as it'd work similar to how the rune proc does now--still requires you to get on the list for it to start working since its only hitting you.
  16. Allayna Augur

    In the raid game it’s fairly simple to get on the hate list of every active mob. Splash. With Valiant high in the lineup I sometimes end up summoned to another tanked mob. I would like to see another valiant style spell for the yet to be named expansion. I personally prefer that our AE aggro is different than an SKs. The GMM mission is a good example of the pros/cons to both pal/sk aggro abilities.
  17. Wulfhere Augur

    Good point. Indirect AE hate from beneficial spells is more limited wrt tagging adds then direct AE hate. Even if paladins got all kinds of beneficial hate, currently denied us, SK and Warrior would still have a role picking up adds with their AE hate spells and abilities..
  18. Overboard New Member

    This academic discussion of how a Paladin may be able to gain agro in a raid is comical. The %^&$% dev's need to re-do spells and/or hate agro and Healing ability for Paladins to be more competent on raids --- PERIOD.

    SKs make Paladins look like clowns when it comes to gaining agro on adds and healing. No need to tip-toe around, just get the g-damn Paladin spells / abilities / heals in g-damn line with SKs.

    Or, nerf the SKs --- this is something the Dev's love doing, it's time they share this one skill with SKs.

    Stop the stupid academic discussion, and just get the Dev's to level the field for Paladins.
  19. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    I think part of the problem is that the SKs are already doing far too much self-healing compared to Paladins. Rather than nearly everything being a lifetap, their passive stuff should have just been blasts of poison or disease.

    It makes no sense (to me) that the Warrior - Necro combination does more passive self-healing than the Warrior - Cleric combination does. Especially since they get to keep the advantage in the areas of damage and mitigation. They're supposed to be the spell based DPS tank when in actuality, they're the spell based DPS & #1 self-healing tank.

    A lot of the group healing stuff added onto Paladin abilities is mostly wasted if the Paladin is doing their job. If we're actually doing a good job of controlling aggro, then the Harmonious heals, heals from casting stuns, etc... are just hitting full health players in our groups since we're the ones taking damage. They're completely wasted in most situations. Then they're scaled to be less healing on ourselves because they could possibly benefit others. This is especially true in the group game.
    Allayna and Wulfhere like this.
  20. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    I ran a random test while self-buffed only against the guild hall dummy. Nothing but autoattack with the TBL raid 1 hander. I was not using healing mods (no epic / no armor of the inquisitor) other than the 10% healing aura.

    6,026 seconds with 239 total procs
    11,895 was the average amount healed
    Just looking real quick I think 15,755 was the highest heal.

    I should probably run a better / more controlled test but this alone shows how skewed the abilities are in favor of the SK. Remember, BoL is just a straight heal - no extra damage done to the mob like an SKs passive ability does.

    [Tue Oct 15 06:40:37 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
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    [Tue Oct 15 06:41:29 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:41:29 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 4541 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
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    [Tue Oct 15 06:43:30 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:43:31 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15456 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
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    [Tue Oct 15 06:44:08 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 12987 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
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    [Tue Oct 15 06:46:10 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
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    [Tue Oct 15 06:47:23 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:49:33 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
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    [Tue Oct 15 06:51:32 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
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    [Tue Oct 15 06:52:15 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15715 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:52:29 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15510 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:53:17 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 6714 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:54:08 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:54:11 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:54:29 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:54:35 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:54:41 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7696 (15482) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:54:50 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15415 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:55:19 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 3662 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:55:31 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:55:35 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 3212 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:55:41 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2886 (15517) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:56:25 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 1967 (15506) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:56:52 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2257 (15412) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:56:56 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2886 (15456) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:57:34 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 6011 (15655) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:57:48 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 3754 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:58:11 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:58:54 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:59:15 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 06:59:15 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 8307 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 06:59:31 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 6765 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:00:18 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15669 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:02:16 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:02:47 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 10879 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:03:27 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:03:30 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:03:35 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 9429 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:04:13 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:04:16 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 5823 (15636) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:05:03 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 1219 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:05:31 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 11406 (15505) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:06:22 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14901 (15732) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:06:34 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:06:46 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2653 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:07:32 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15723 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:07:33 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15421 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:07:55 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:08:00 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:08:38 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:08:42 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15715 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:09:10 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15694 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:09:10 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:09:20 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15613 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:09:26 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 12065 (15407) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:09:35 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:09:43 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:09:59 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:10:10 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 634 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:10:37 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 8165 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:11:04 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 6870 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:11:41 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 3868 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:12:55 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:13:53 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:14:02 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15680 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:14:17 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15751 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:15:23 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 6865 (15510) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:16:29 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:16:40 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:17:20 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15653 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:17:34 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:17:36 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 15038 (15736) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:17:53 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2886 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:18:28 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 11432 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:18:58 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:19:12 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 5919 (15650) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:19:23 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 10552 (15548) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:19:49 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 3854 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:20:14 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2257 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:20:24 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 11176 (15718) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:20:38 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 9667 (15585) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:21:50 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:21:56 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:21:57 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 681 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:22:03 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:22:45 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 7330 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:23:05 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2938 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:23:17 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 14661 hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:23:30 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 10329 (15638) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:23:39 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 12804 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:24:19 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 2886 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:24:46 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 4857 (14661) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:25:15 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 999 (15615) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)
    [Tue Oct 15 07:26:15 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 988 (7330) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII.
    [Tue Oct 15 07:26:53 2019] You are blessed with life. You healed Kleitus for 360 (15443) hit points by Blessing of Life XXIII. (Lucky Critical)