Paladin Preservation line of spells

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Transporter, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. Transporter Lorekeeper

    Preservation of Rodcet and other spells in the line don't fire as much as it should.
    I'm a max AA pally raid geared and it's current duration is 7 minutes with 70 triggers on it and it typically fades with 50 remaining triggers. It should trigger as much as my shaman's incapacitate ability. Spending all those aa's to max it for it to only use 33 percent of it's usefulness can't be right. Would also be nice to reduce the Cast time with aa on Censure line of spells to .5 to make them more viable like sk taps. Our dps is already half that of a sk, but that would help survivability if these 2 things were adjusted. Just my thoughts.
  2. tyrantula Elder

    While I don't use censure anymore, I agree with both suggestions. Also, make preservation cast time the same as our harmonious line.
  3. Wulfhere Augur

    I believe the displayed counters of spells/songs don't always update (i.e. a bug). As one example, I've seen Preservation fade with max counters listed and after seeing it proc many times.

    I agree that Censure line is a bit too slow to cast to avoid being interrupted. Combined with its high resist rate, it's not as tanking friendly as an quick casting lifetap spell.
  4. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    SK lifetaps have the same cast time as the Censure line (1 second base, 0.8 second with Quick Damage AAs). I can't speak to Preservation but it shows the same procrate as the SK Skin line which seems to proc fairly often, so it may be a UI bug with the counters as Wulf mentioned.

    None of that is to say that Pallies should NOT get reduced cast times or whatever, just not to use SKs as the example since the baseline data tends to be identical between the two classes' equivalent abilities.
  5. Brohg Augur

    Seen that, too, Wulfhere, especially on necromancer. Their proc buff has hours & hours duration but just 24 counters and sometimes the counters won't move but it fades right on time after just about three minutes.
  6. Wulfhere Augur

    Yer right Syylke on the cast times, them being the same all around. So I expect SKs also struggle with interrupts on e.g Dire Testimony. The main functional difference then would be the resist rates (-15 vs -500) versus viability.
  7. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    Yeah interrupts, especially when tanking multiples, can be a real issue. That resist rate difference is definitely quite large though