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Pained soul?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Magic, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. Magic Augur

    Why this mob so rare?
    It perma camped on Mangler by 8-10 ppl in both picks, and bonus rare spawn seems not work on it.
    Other camps like AJ or ground spawn was tuned, I think Pain soul need some attention too :)
  2. Bretster New Member

    Please...for the love of god...increase the spawn rate...I have been here for 5 hours now, and there are 16 people in a raid waiting on this guy to pop. After that wait, I have to log because I have things to do in real life, which means back to the back of the line....This is ridiculous =(
  3. Aegir Augur

    If everyone on Mangler was VP keyed within 3 weeks, you would all beg for early Velious Unlock the next two months instead.

    With modern EQ mechanics, Kunark is just too easy and you'll end up maxed at the bottlenecks in less than a month - and I really doubt they will change that. I do miss back when Kunark was a to progress through, but general EQ level of players, updates, epics from start of expansion, made Kunark much less enjoyable than it used to be.
  4. Bard2019 Elder

    This isn't World of Warcraft, not everyone is entitled to finish every single task, goal and quest. If you really want to get your piece, continue to be persistent and you'll eventually get it. Having everything handed to you with minimal-to-no effort and subsequently feeling unaccomplished, isn't going to keep anyone engaged and logging into the game.
  5. Davo The Bard

    Ahh .. Pained Soul is a right pained in the ****

    Back in the day on live - took me what seemed like 600 hours.

    On Agnarr ... took me a couple of hours

    Coirnav - about 10 mins :)

    Rotting Skellie however .... geeeeeeeeeez!

    It's just what it is .. RNG FTW

    The Bard
  6. potatoface Journeyman

    No effort versus waiting for a bard to charm and get CoTH away after a couple hours is cool and good. I too enjoy working two jobs, one of them being EQ key camps.
  7. Krimmz The Lizard Journeyman

    why wait in a line? even 2 clerics with exile undead can win this race.

    wont make any friends but whos really got time to wait in a 'line'?
  8. Silias McKendrick Augur

    If you really want them to change the stupid time sinks, just put a 60 wizzy at a camp asap with disintegrate next tlp so no one makes it to vp see how much people cry then about it being changed , either that or they will nerf wizzy.

    Almost though about doing it to the nerds charm cothing AJ, I just don't have enough time or care in my life.

    But maybe there is a troll of trolls out there that can accept this mission.
    potatoface likes this.
  9. potatoface Journeyman

    I like the way you think.
  10. Tierdal Augur

    enjoy classic or play selos
  11. yerm Augur

    There is no way that anyone putting in even a minimal amount of effort and in a guild capable of killing trak DOESN'T get into VP before velious unlocks. The problem here seems to be that the wait is too long unless you wanna deal with the hyper aggressive folks?

    I totally get how live players hate tlpers. I feel that way about manglerites. Either compete (and maybe enjoy it) to get there early, or wait a bit and still get in during the kunark era. Literally everything except vp, swc quest, and half the epics are wide open - leave a few things alone so the competitive folks have a playground.
  12. potatoface Journeyman

    Competition is having the mob killed due to it's popularity and the piece auctioned off as LR.
  13. Grailer Augur

    Early morning is best , less people . Got mine pretty fast , maybe 1 1/2hr tops and I was 4th in line .2 spawned really fast then later on Someone left and it popped soon after . High luck is involved in all VP camps but AJ is supposed to be the worst ( less than 25 mins doing AJ in my case ).

    All up 6hrs to get VP key including the 2hr raid
  14. Riptide666 Elder

    Running in circles looking for ground spawns and killing grey con mobs for hours requires effort, feels accomplishing, and is engaging?
  15. Grailer Augur

    People are missing the point of these camps . To sit and chat with your fellow gamers for hours and make new friends . EQ was always just a glorified chat with graphics . So grab your popcorn and coke and actually converse with people in the camps .. it will make time go faster . Or just watch Netflix and be antisocial..do whatever you want.
  16. uk6999 Augur

    I hear mangler is the best place to make new friends.
  17. Tierdal Augur

    as long as you like being friends with box crews
  18. yerm Augur

    On phinny I actually had a lot of fun at the kaesora one. We opened a handful of picks and every time it hit respawn oclock everyone was at their keyboard chatting and joking. People were throwing around grow, dropping forage on the ground, and it was all a joke minus maybe one or two whiners out of over a dozen. When I got mine in a pick, after I wanna say 4 hours there for that one, I got congrats in say and tell from rival guilds.

    When your obsession is doing vp right now in era no delays no bottlenecks I want everything I want, yeah, these camps SUCK. When you play it either as something to hope for or, like me, as a competitive social environment and the people next to you are just like you but maybe playing for another team? It can be a lot of fun.

    Mangler from the sounds of it is just a server filled to overflowing with folks who insist that they must get everything and don't care about the journey, about the rivalry or competition, about the sense of accomplishment even, and god forbid being told to wait. Hard to feel sorry for you guys.
  19. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    I genuinely don't understand this mentality. Competitive folks are welcome to compete against each other if they so choose. Of course, with the massive guilds that formed early on Mangler, that alone seems to indicate that people would rather congregate together rather than forming into smaller and more competitive traditional-style guilds that might batphone and race against each other. But creating more opportunities for people that do not want to compete, does not take away the ability for other players that do want to compete against each other.

    What you are actually suggesting is forcing people that do not want to compete, to compete against players that do want to compete. This makes no sense on TLP servers that offer a small amount of time in each expansion before moving to the next. Well, I take that back, it makes sense if your intention is to drive away a segment of the population.

    Giving people more access to content does not harm competitive players. If anything, it funnels more people into zones that will spawn more picks, offer more camps, and gives raiding guilds a larger population pool to recruit from without having to do things like backflag, backgear, and all of the other lovely aspects that accompanies the recruitment process.
  20. Machentoo Augur

    People like to talk about competition, but very few players on any of the TLP's actually want to compete. Rather, they want to win, lopsided victories every time, against ezmode opponents. The best and easiest way to accomplish that is with masssive power superiority (whether that comes from sheer numbers, gear/playtime/skill, better mobilization.) Players generally would much rather join the guilds that win than struggle against them and get only the occasional victory.
    Aneuren likes this.