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P99 Green is what real EQ should have done...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Face_Rollan, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. Face_Rollan Journeyman

    The title.

    I've been wanting something like green since i learned about TLPs.

    Ps. Not playing green. Holding out for an actual TLP server here.
  2. Jimmy2times Elder

    Im with you. I always hope for a DoN locked server or somewhere around in that era.
  3. Zanarnar Augur

    You made such a compelling and convincing argument that I don't see how they can't do it

    oh wait, you posted literally nothing of substance.

    Want a locked DBG server? Agnarr is that way <----
    Want a fresh one? Think you missed the boat there.
    Want them to go back to using the velious era client? hard pass.
    Want them to revert all the AA, spell, and QoL changes made over the last 18 years? again hard pass.

    So if you want to make a suggestion like this, try listing the things you think p99 did better and would like to see here. This post? is as useless as a screen door on a submarine.
    Raptorjesus5, Skuz, Moege and 4 others like this.
  4. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    I like aspects of p99 but I'm too spoiled by a lot of the stuff we have nowadays on Daybreak TLPs. Day 1 on green I went to Misty Thicket to try to level up and there were literally people sitting on level 1 NPC spawnpoints waiting for them to repop, everything was dead, pickzones fixed this. The UI they use doesn't have a giant spellbook in your face every time you want to meditate but you still have to click the "Meditate" button inside the book EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 1 Chat window, says it all.

    There were some other weird decisions they implemented in trying to make it as classic of an experience as possible that I thought were just asinine but I can't think of them off the top of my head. I get the appeal for some and I'll probably poke my head back in every so often to see if there are still level 9s camping the level 3 gnolls in QHills.
  5. Accipiter Old Timer

    Anything that starts with "P99" sucks, IMO.
    Skuz and code-zero like this.
  6. Kujoe Elder

    Went over the skimmed the p99 green wiki, and saw this. How do volunteer staff come up with great tools still MIA from daybreak TLP?

  7. code-zero Augur

    So they've managed to automate hand holding? Wonderful!
  8. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    If you found this, I hope you also found the thread where Manastones have been taking sometimes over 24~ hours to drop and in order to stay in their position in the list some people have had their character online for 55+ hours consecutively responding to an automated AFK check where you have to click yes on a TL-like box or enter a command into your chat window on 5-15~ minute intervals?

    Almost everyone who has completed going through the list for this item has spent 24+ hours on consecutively waiting for a Manastone, not to have a single one drop in that time frame, and having to ask a friend to log on their character and hold their spot in the line while they sleep for a few hours before they do another 24~ hour stint.

    Don’t get me wrong I like that they have a solution for preventing a single nerd from holding down a camp but it isn’t some flawless solution. It needs to be fine tuned and they seem uninterested in changing from its current state.
  9. Sikkun Augur

    Isn’t that less a problem with the system and more a problem with the drop rate?

    But that’s the classic game design so *shrug*, up to people to decide the pixels don’t matter.
    andross77 likes this.
  10. Kujoe Elder

    Seems like you still have to put in the time and don't get the chase item handed to you, which kind of seems like the intended purpose of that type of camp. What is great though (not that i play on that server) is you don't have to worry about having the named stolen by a box army of SKs ready to harmtouch, getting trained out, or some such thing.

    Not having to buy a pair of GEBs, or CoS, AJ medallion for VP, or epic drop from a box army would be awesome, and *personally* I would still go after whatever the item is if i had to invest the time. I mean, i did torture myself and finish an enchanter epic on the recent TLP. I would guess others wouldn't mind spending their time farming/camping for an item if they knew they were "up next". Ya their system isn't perfect, but it is surely better than making it impossible to dispell charm (to fix problem A) permitting players to charm lock an NPC and sell loot rights (creating problem B), which than needed another fix so you couldn't CoH with a charm pet to a safe part of the zone (creating problem C), making any enchanter joining an established group have to clear from zonein to get a pet.
  11. Fredescu Augur

    Locking at Velious just makes it feel like a waste of time. Do you want to invest time in your character only to find a gargbage raid scene where a few spawns are dominated by unemployed people taking shifts monitoring them with teamviewer? It's only worthwhile if you see it as a short term trip to 60 on a character or two before mudflation sets in, which doesn't really give you that neverending feeling that original EQ gave you anyway. Nothing is going to bring that back.
  12. Imarabbit Journeyman

    imarabbit is not allowed on as a name on green, even though I have it on blue. Kinda know how you felt when somebody stole decruex Bobby. So no playing, but man that g99 forum quest reminds me of good ole fippy darkpaw.
  13. code-zero Augur

    Well they may as well institute a loot lottery on P99 Green along with a parcel system so they can mail your loot to you. Play free loot is down right funny
  14. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    As long as that single nerd isn't allowed to box 6+ toons it's not a problem on TLPs. Like if you want to take a camp from a single nerd being a tool it's really easy to just bring a few friends and out dps them. The problem only comes in when that single nerd is allowed to play 6 FOTM DPS classes.

    Honestly DPS racing is much more fun then playing Commiequest or lawyerquest.
  15. AcemoneyFV Augur

    So why don't you play P99 and stop worrying about what Daybreak does? I don't understand how people want to play P99 and come to the official forums and talk about what Daybreak should be doing.
  16. Rothj Augur

    Your post is pretty confusing. What do you want exactly? If green is what you want you should play it since when this chance is gone it's gone.
    Nolrog likes this.
  17. PotatoPower Lorekeeper

    P99 is a private RMT farm for someone named "platlord", who many suspect is Roegan (the main dev) although that's obviously up for conjecture. This platlord has somehow mysteriously been able to sell plat to players with impunity since the server's inception and never get caught, despite apparent crackdowns on others who sell their accounts or what have you. A license to print money, in other words. Pretty clever scheme I guess. Likely made 7 figures by now. I'll pass on being involved in that scheme if possible, although it would be nice if DBG would establish exactly what their rules are so that people who love the game aren't forced to resort to options like P99.
    Face_Rollan and andross77 like this.
  18. andross77 Elder

    OMG I had to log in just to like this comment and then comment how amazing this comment was! You sir, are reading my thoughts. OP gave us nothing of substance and we are all now dumber for having read it.
  19. AcemoneyFV Augur

    P99 is trash. All the QoL changes, no corpse runs and other changes over the years makes Daybreaks version so much better.
    PotatoPower likes this.
  20. Rothj Augur

    I can promise you that this is exaggerated by people that either don't play p99 or got banned(probably you if you even know who this guy is). If you play the game normally you will never notice any form of rmt.