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OW Races on Aradune

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Fixit, Jun 7, 2020.

  1. Fixit Journeyman

    I heard through the vine that Rampage got beat on OW Vox during Euro PT. Has the race already ended?
  2. HicksAradune Augur

  3. Xeris Augur

    They've only got I think one OW Vox, and maybe one Naggy.
  4. Barder-mangler Augur

    Their world tour only tours one zone- kedge keep.
  5. darkin New Member

    also lost CT today during EU prime time. they've maybe won 1 contested OW mob. solid hardcore guild tho
  6. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Let's be honest anyone batphoning in Classic lost
    Aneuren, Thalliius, Lejaun and 2 others like this.
  7. Bullsnooze Augur

    fixed that for you
    Aneuren and Thalliius like this.
  8. Dazinth New Member

    It's classic... who cares? lawl
  9. ISupportGuilds Lorekeeper

    That shirt is so Amazing!!!
  10. ISupportGuilds Lorekeeper

    A little birdy told me that most of the American players all left and moved to Toxic Few? Is this true?
  11. imnotarobot New Member

    I’ve heard That’s EQ sits around with 60+ in zone until the mobs spawn, they are so desperate to get kills. How is that even fun?
  12. Arrk Augur

    With the hell zoning has been getting people to a possible spawn during that window... it is perfect sense...

    Primetime Aradune ... server stability is the real enemy....
  13. andross77 Elder

    OMG had to login to like this comment. Funniest most accurate comment I've read on this forum in a while! Good show!
  14. That0neguy Augur

    Whats worse, Batphoning or for Vox and Naggy loot?
  15. CokaSZ "Oh they baited us"

    Don't know why you even entertain these guys lol...

    This Fixit guy is clearly obssessed
  16. Angered Augur

    I mean nothing says a good time like 2:35am for 3 druids staves and a paladin book.... sigh miss eq
  17. HoodenShuklak Augur

    rng like that is what makes eq great.
  18. Captain Video Augur

    (With my glassed on) I see what you did there.