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Overseer with doubled agent list

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Wulfhere, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. Wulfhere Augur

    Category: Other [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Thu Oct 13 11:43:29 2022

    Character: Level 90 Wizard (Main)
    Zone: The Plane of Knowledge
    Location: -420.75, 1327.38, -125.37, 451.00

    Description: Overseer agents are duplicated today and list 2x the count of every agent. I cannot trust the agent list. The 1300+ extra agents are lagging Overseer actions.

    Relogging to another character does not fix the problem. Relaunching the EQ game client can fix the problem wholly or partially, e.g. leaving double counts of 3 common agents (vs all agents). Duplicated agent counts was a bug seen last year too.
    Soulbanshee likes this.
  2. Wulfhere Augur

  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    Did you /beta yesterday? I saw the same thing but a full camp to desktop (and running Launcher again for good measure) fixed it up to me.
  4. Wulfhere Augur

    Yes. I still have double of 3 common agents however.
  5. Soulbanshee Augur

  6. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    If you think it lags now dont get it upto 1700 like i had on one account very slow.
  7. Wulfhere Augur

    The bug gave me 2690 ish total agents. Lag was 10-20 seconds per mouse click.
  8. Wulfhere Augur

    As a test, I did /beta command again and my overseer agent list has doubled again.
  9. Deloehne Augur

    I reported this issue on or about 14 October in the new Test bugs forum. It did, I recall, also involve a /test.
  10. Wulfhere Augur

    Today I logged in on a character that never used the /beta command and /overseer window has doubled the count of all the agents. The UX lag was on the order of 5 seconds.

    Closing and opening /overseer did not resolve the issue.

    Logging out and back in on the same character fixed the problem.
  11. Wulfhere Augur

    Overseer agents doubled again today on two accounts and 2 servers.