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Overseer - strange 'data leak' bug

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by cadres, Aug 18, 2022.

  1. cadres Augur

    Ok, the above title may be misleading, this is what's happening:

    I open account 1, I have toon in, say PoK, I open Overseer, I start doing Overseer stuff
    I fire up launchpad to open account 2. I type in my password. Acc2 opens as normal BUT part of my password appears in main chat window on Acc 1 as /tell (the password) (in the part of the box where we would type this).
    Open Overseer, on toon in Guildhall, by typing /ov in a chat window in Acc 2. This closes the Overseer on Acc 1

    Both Accs are on the same computer (different monitors). Noticed it awhile ago and thought maybe I was mistyping or something, but now it's more frequent. the launchpad 'leak' happens pretty much every time (I just tested 10x before typing this), the closing overseer thing not every time

    This has to be a bug?
    Rondor, dreadlord and Inga like this.
  2. cadres Augur

    I have no idea what key broadcasting software is?
    I'm using a very old Dell corded (non-programmable) keyboard

    This is only a problem when Overseer is open. Has never happened otherwise

    Edit: Just used Google, no, I am definitely not using any software like that!
  3. Tropi Elder

    I'm confused as to why you both use the launcher and type a password in. that's the worst way to to start the game the only thing the launcher has going for it is you dont have to type passwords. also when you are typing your password into your 1st account is it also going into the launch pad or is the 1st eq hijacking focus and you don't notice
  4. cadres Augur

    Yes it's going into the launchpad, it's duplicating to the dialogue window. As mentioned, I have tested this *many* times
    (Not sure why I shouldn't be using the launchpad? The only way to not have to type password in it is to use 'remember me on this computer' - which doesn't seem appropriate when the computer may wish to log into different accounts? I understood other ways of getting in to EQ are not the correct way of doing it? (I'm a stickler for doing things the correct way wherever possible).)

    I don't think this is a launchpad bug as it also happens with the typing of the /ov command
    CatsPaws likes this.
  5. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    You are right, we should always use the launchpad. It has been proven many times that if you by pass the patcher then things like account status can switch, rewards not get given, monthly cash is skipped and certain updates needed for the game don't happen.
    dreadlord and cadres like this.
  6. Inga Elder

    This is "copying what is typed on other account during Overseer freeze" bug.

    How to reproduce this bug.

    Everquest_Overseer is an account doing Overseer. The account I used for testing had 2000+ agents.
    Everquest_Chat is another account on same computer.

    Finish an Overseer quest on Everquest_Overseer account.
    I used Common Conversion, but I think you will be able to reproduce with other quests.

    Click "Collect Rewards" on Everquest_Overseer.

    Everquest_Overseer client freezes for a while.
    You will be able to reproduce with much less agents, but you may need to some extent if you are testing with better PC or playing on low population server.

    Change to Everquest_Chat account and type something.
    When I noticed this bug for the first time, I was typing "/camp desktop".

    Try to change to Everquest_Overseer while it is still freezing.
    (it doesn't change immediately)

    Everquest_Overseer behaves as if the letters you typed on Everquest_Chat during freeze are typed on Everquest_Overseer client when it stopped freezing.
    If you typed /camp desktop and hit enter on Everquest_Chat, the camping will also begin on Everquest_Overseer.
    If you simply typed "c", you will get "Consider whom?" message.

    I couldn't reproduce this bug with the client freezes after an Overseer quest started. I don't know if it is possible or this bug is related to the behavior that collecting reward changes current window from Overseer to Quest Rewards (Select a Reward).

    BTW, on my environment, if I play single account with 2000+ agents and start Common Conversion, the Duration is shown as (already) Finished! when it moves to Active Quests list. I can see the countdown as the total agents decrease and be able to see 9s around 1000-1100 total agents.

    This is not new bug, probably older than (at least) half year.

    You can choose which account you log in by clicking account name at the top of launchpad.
    I'm not using remember me on test server so that I type periodically and don't forget it.
    cadres likes this.
  7. cadres Augur

    This happens to me not only when Overseer is frozen, but whenever it's open/active - eg when am halfway thro selecting agents for a quest

    This bug is fairly new to me and seems to be happening much more frequently - like every time
    Wonder if the number of agents is material (I have circa 1800 on each acc)?
    Whatever it is, it seems problematic from a security PoV if passwords can end up in another random window

    (If I click 'remember me on this computer' the drop down list of acc names disappears - took me forever to get them back, not trying that again!)
    dreadlord and Inga like this.
  8. Inga Elder

    This is old bug for me, but happens in very limited situation.
    If this bug is happening so frequently for you, there may be more factor(s).
    BTW, do you sometimes minimize Overseer window? It causes huge lag in specific situation.

    I am trying to decrease total agents number 1000 or less for all my accounts right now, as it will reduce Overseer lag well.

    I wonder if this Overseer lag caused by stockpiled agents is affecting only player client, or it is affecting server, too.
    As we know new agents are added in Scorched Sky style now, I think there are many players who don't know how to do with the stockpiled agents.

    If this is causing server lag, I hope developers add the following new Overseer quests.

    Common Conversion 2: convert 6 common agents to 2 random uncommon agents
    Uncommon Conversion 2: convert 6 uncommon agents to 2 random rare agents
    Ndaara and dreadlord like this.
  9. cadres Augur

    No, I don't minimize the window (or very rarely)
    This seems to have been worse over the past couple of days, to an extent that it's almost impossible to do overseer on 2 accounts simultaneously - almost comedic, type /ov in window 1, opens in window 1, closes overseer in window 2, type /ov in window 2, closes window 1, repeat, repeat.....
    chronicler likes this.
  10. Tropi Elder

    the remember me feature will then give you a dropdown of every account you are logged in to and not require you to put in a password. bypassing the launcher is used when loading up several accounts because of the length of time it can take to use the launcher for every account
  11. Duder Augur

    People who save passwords on their computers who then *wonder* how their account(s) get stolen~
    I have never, and never will store my passwords for anything. If I did, EQ would be the last company I would trust to keep my data safe.