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Overseer- Stone Cold Summer Quests Not Moving to Next Quest In Line

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Barton, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Barton The Mischievous

    On many character doing the first quest, second, or other even after completing the quest and waiting for quests to rotate the next quest in line does not show up you get the same quest over again
    On one account I have gotten the First Quest -Cranium Conundrum 3 times in a row over 3- 12 hour rotation periods.

    On another account have had Lend me your ears 2 maybe 3 times now

    and another 2 have gotten General Recruiting 2X

    Whatever method is being used to check and see if you should get the next quest in the series is not working correctly.
    Angahran, Nenton, Tallie and 4 others like this.
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    Are you getting the checkbox for completing those quests ... or are you running into the bug where the achievement doesn't seem to recognize the completion?

    I have one account that isn't doing to the level of what you are seeing, but it's had a few repeats ... but I didn't check the achievement list (until now ... which looks good ... at least atm).
  3. Kalamos Augur

    Couple of things I can mention ...

    There is a bug that happens sometimes, where the Holiday Overseer quest completion doesn't check the box for the achieve in the Achievement window. Check that window to see if you get the checkbox after completion. This bug is super annoying on the Holiday Recruitment quest, as you end up with duplicates of Agents that you can't convert, adding to Overseer lag.

    Second, keep in mind that the Overseer system will not offer you the next quest in the line, if you still have the previous one uncompleted in your tasks menu when the Overseer quest list rotates. If you complete the Holiday quest, you have to wait until the next rotation to see the next one. The quest list rotates every 12 hours.
  4. Barton The Mischievous

    I have checked the tick boxes they are done but hey think they sometimes disappear which is also a bug so I will check again

    Yes I said that in my post here let me quote myself
  5. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Its always been this way on my accounts. One might have to do it 4 times and another only 1 time and still another 2 times. No rhyme or reason.

    But they all get done each year.
  6. Astatine New Member

    Check that the quest list is not scrolled down. I thought I was having this same problem on my 3 chars. Because of the size of my window I have never had to scroll the list so didnt notice the scroll bar for a while.
  7. Hegsheoshed Augur

    I had Lend me your ears replay when it should have been the AoW recruitment aaaaaaand Lend me your ears wants to be done a 4th time and no idea yet if Lost Alaran Metallurgy or General Recruiting will repeat also. Another account showed all of them completed except for World: Tempest Festival. SCS and FoG were checked off but it corrected after opening Overseer.

    I suspect that the repeat is the first Lend Me Your Ears that was a failure coming back to remind me about that big L on my forehead.
    Metanis likes this.
  8. ajschliewe Elder

    Having the same issue on Mangler. I finished General Recruiting yesterday and did Lost Alaran Metallurgy overnight. This morning, I was given General Recruiting again. I then checked and both quests are not checked in the achievement window.
    Metanis likes this.
  9. Tera New Member

    Category: Quest
    Date/Time: Sun Aug 27 08:48:04 2023

    Character: Level 120 Shaman (Main)
    Zone: The Plane of Knowledge
    Location: -263.88, 702.25, -89.10, 372.23

    Description: Stone Cold Summer Overseer task did not progress from Recruit the Avatar of War to Quenching the Steel after success of the Recruite the Avatar of War quest. I really do not need or want to have to repeat this task to end up with duplicate agents that i cannot retire or convert. These have been a pain in the neck, bonuses and negatives not showing and the percentages of success all out of wack. Did you not test these out. I know you thought you were doing us a favor by shorting the times to 3 and 6 hours but that doesn't help when you have to wait 12 hours for the quests to rotate. I know I am not alone in having this problem, my husband has as well.

    This is on the FV server.

    The box is currently not checked off for the Recruit the Avatar of War on the overseers achievement list for Stone Cold Summer, yet the task was successfully completed and I have the Avatar of War, Mesmer, Keramar, and Warmonk agents in my list of available agents ready to send out on tasks.
    Metanis likes this.
  10. Metanis Bad Company

    Does anyone know if it helps to have the Achievement window open when you accept the reward for the quest? I did that once this morning and a character finally received the Lost Alaran Metallugy checkbox that he had done at least 3 times already.
    Hegsheoshed likes this.
  11. Gialana Augur

    For me, if the holiday overseer quests had a critical success, then I didn't get achievement credit and was then offered the same quest the next rotation. I haven't yet done any of the Stone Cold Summer quests, so I can't say if it's the same thing. But I expect it is.
  12. Barton The Mischievous

    If this is happening to you, Don't forget to like the first post so maybe they will look into this.
    Though I'm betting this issue is about as easy to fix as the other Overseer bugs that still happen sometimes.

    I'm not sure about having it open(ach window) I have checked the window every time now when I complete a quest sometimes I open the window before sometimes after and once I had not received the mark camped to desktop. logged all the way back in and then gotten the check mark after getting back in game. So who knows for sure lol.

    This is not a scroll bar issue. I've checked that on multiple characters servers and accounts
  13. Lothar Journeyman

    Seeing the same thing. I have done the General Recruiting task twice, and have the agents to show for it, but I don't get the checkmark in the achievements.
  14. Lothar Journeyman

    I've done the quest a third time now, this time with the AA window closed when completing and accepting the reward, and I still got no credit for the task. However after camping to the desktop and logging back in, the checkmark finally appeared.

    I keep asking myself, "How can this achievement system be this flaky after all of these years of having it in the game?" It defies explanation.
  15. Lothar Journeyman

  16. Barton The Mischievous

    An update of sorts so far what I have been doing that -seems- to work is make sure you check that you get the check mark in the /ach window for completing the quest.
    If you do not get the check mark, slow camp completely to desktop and then log back in and see if the check mark shows up then proceed from there this again -seems- to have helped some of mine get moving on these quests.

    Of course it could be that they tweaked something and it is just working better now. My biggest issues -seemed- to be when I was doing these on BB and FV. So maybe server pop is an issue ????
  17. Gialana Augur

    To amend my previous post, I've noticed the following:
    1) I log in, open Overseer, start only the one holiday quest offered, and then close my client.
    2) I log back in sometime after the quest would have finished and maybe I've always logged back in after the quests have rotated.
    3) Then I open the Overseer window (no other zoning). Every time, the next quest in the series has been offered unless the previous one failed or critically failed.
    4) After collecting the reward, I start the next quest.
    5) When I've gotten a critical success, I've opened the achievement window (for the first time since the client was opened, so there wasn't any caching issue) and seen that I've gotten the checkmark for the quest.

    However, today I opened the achievement window and noticed that the quests which were critical successes no longer had checkmarks. This hasn't prevented me from moving on to the next quest with the steps outlined above, but I expect it will prevent me from getting the Stone Cold Summer Overseer achievement. I haven't finished the final quest in the series yet, so I don't know yet if I'll be offered the quests again that have missing checkmarks.
  18. Angahran Augur

    Somehow I've managed to get a character with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th quests in this chain completed but still says missing Recruit the Avatar of War.. /boggle.

    Hoping that repeating Lost Alaran Metallurgy will let me do that again.
  19. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I would contact customer support, explain the situation, and ask them (or a dev) to just put the check mark in that box so you can finish the achivement.
  20. Angahran Augur