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Fixed Internally Overseer Missing Spy (5)

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by NightKing, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. NightKing Journeyman

    Not sure a bug has been created for this yet. There are not any Spy (5) agents available to complete Elite quests requiring them. Here is an example:

    Skuz, Inga and menown like this.
  2. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    You are looking for D'vinn
    menown likes this.
  3. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    The only time I'm looking for D'vinn is to get revenge on the thousands of times he killed me back in the day :D

    There are those of us who still quiver in fear from hearing, "Run! D'vinn!"
  4. NightKing Journeyman

    Does anyone have D'vinn? I been retiring doubles over and over and keep getting ones I already have. There should be a better way to do this.
  5. Inga Elder

    Are there agents who can only be recruited with quests? Are there "very rare" agents compared to others? I saw 11 elite agents on test server, but I have never seen D'vinn. Some agents (about 10?) may be missing from conversion/retire-echo agent list?
  6. NightKing Journeyman

    I have 11 different elite (no d'vinn) and 23 different rare. Anyone have more than that? I have had them all multiple times as convert/retire. d'vinn must be quest only, very very rare, or bugged somehow.
  7. Riou EQResource

    The tier breakdown of all 181 Agents: 84 common, 60 uncommon, 24 rare, 13 elite
    36 of the uncommons are iconic, all rares and elites are iconic

    There is a Recruit Quest for Ambassador D'Vinn, but I don't know if that is the only way to get it
    Inga and Mithra like this.
  8. niente Developer

    There is a level 5 spy, but it was being excluded from the random reward list because of a bug. Thanks for the report.

    Edit: I don't think the 13th elite agent is currently obtainable by players (from what I can see).
    Skuz and Mithra like this.
  9. NightKing Journeyman

    Great, thanks Niente! Can that be fixed immediately, or does it require a patch and so will be fixed later on?
  10. Inga Elder

    Please check the following agents, too.

    013 anitohk_the_everliving Rare Harvester (4), Scholar (2)
    037 amber Uncommon Harvester (1), Diplomat (3)
    097 acolyte_of_brell Common Scholar (1)

    These agents who are first id number in each rarity are probably excluded from the random reward lists.

    By the way, can anyone confirm that we can gain all common agents (except for acolyte_of_brell) without retiring uncommon agent?
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I have one of these, no idea where from I asume a random quest reward.
  12. Inga Elder

    Did you choose Kaladim as The First Recruitment tutorial quest?
    Kaladim Reward Preview shows

  13. NightKing Journeyman

    Anyone get a D'vinn yet? I tried a couple more times and still haven't gotten one. Waiting to hear that the fix is live now.
  14. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage


    Throwing another ~2mil tetra at commons tonight though.

    Still no 13th either.

    edit - am absolutely not throwing tetras at it now.
  15. niente Developer

    This change requires a patch.
  16. NightKing Journeyman

    wow, 2mil tetra! I only have about 550k tetra now.
  17. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    I play on test, so I just copy it over 9x twice a day from live to test.

    Its part of how Ive been finding weird stuff with the system.
    Yinla and blackninja like this.