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Overseer mass retirement of common agents

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Elrusion, May 7, 2024.

  1. Elrusion New Member


    I am playing Overseer on my main character since it came out. After years I accumulated a huge amount of common agents (like 30+ of each kind). Since performance of Overseer questing is linked with the total amount of agents you possess, it takes now 10 to 15 seconds for each stage of questing (meaning: autofill, start a quest, check what the outcome is on a quest, claim a won quest, ...).
    I started a new heroic character on a new account and doing Overseer questing there just takes a small portion compared to my main.

    As you can imagine, I want to get rid of this overflow of common agents, but there is no retirement button. The only possible way would be to make conversions then look for the new double common agents and retire these on the next step. That would in my case mean, to start like 1000 conversions, which alone would take ages since each step takes again close to 10 seconds (autofill, start the quest, wait for the timer to run off, wait for the outcome and claim the rewarded new agent).
    That’s like 45 seconds to 1 minute for each single conversion plus the following retirement of the uncommon agent.
    I don’t have the time to get rid of unwanted agents for like 15 hours to improve my performance.

    So my questions on this point:
    - Is it possible to apply retirement for common agents (I really don’t need any reward for this, just get rid of it)?
    - Is it possible to include a number of how many agents I want to get rid of for common agents?

    Thank you in advance to the Devs for answering this post!
  2. Metanis Bad Company

    People been asking for this for a couple of years now. No traction yet. Budget 15 minutes a day to retire excess agents. It will take you a month or two but you'll get it pared down eventually.
    alanus, Barton-Vox and drak12 like this.
  3. drak12 New Member

    I have a neck injury that makes all the mouse clicking hurt. If I spend 15 minutes clicking I'm done for the day. I know my issue is specific to me but I'd love a mass convert option.
    Arcolin, alanus and Windance like this.
  4. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    This needs to happen sooner rather than later. It's unreasonable to expect a player to spend so much time on such a mundane task that could easily be done by the game. This is a computer game, let the computer compute for us.
    Arcolin, drak12, Fenthen and 3 others like this.
  5. Act of Valor The Newest Member

  6. Kalamos Augur

    Yeah I'm not converting manually anymore. I'm not there quite yet, but eventually one of two things will happen ...

    1) The requests of the OP and many others over the past couple of years are addressed and a way to mass convert duplicate agents or something similar is implemented , OR ...

    2) I stop doing Overseer quests when the processing delay in requesting and completing quests becomes unbearable.

    The clock is ticking ...
  7. Bilderov Augur

    I tried this as Overseer was the only thing I was doing in game, but even that took so damn long that I opted for option (2) and quit even logging in for free exp.

    The game has slowly beaten me down to the point where I just hop on the forums every few days and see what is happening to the game.

    I'm one of the people that hates the game as it is, but wants to love it at the same time.
    Tyranthraxus and drak12 like this.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I've been 2 for a long time. I do do overseer for around a month at the start of an expansion to finish up and collects from the previous one.

    If we cannot have mass conversion, can get get a mass delete button. I don't need anymore agents, I don't want duplicate agents, just let me get rid of them.

    Also please allow us to turn off the bonus of extra agants from Critting sucesses.
    MiataDriver likes this.
  9. Velisaris_MS Augur

    This is basically where I'm at right now.

    I haven't done conversions in over a year and have no desire to sit there and only convert 3 agents at a time when a lot of my commons are in the 20's and 30's with regards to duplicates.

    We need one or more of the following:
    - Mass conversions
    - The ability to just flat out delete agents
    - The ability to toggle on/off whether we actually want to receive agents via critical successes
    - A limit on how many of each agent you can have (5 would be good)
    - Hand out new agents via the clickables (like what you buy on the OS merchant) instead of just dropping agents into our list of agents. At least we'd be able to just destroy those things.
    Trolgar, daBlubb, Bernel and 4 others like this.
  10. Windance Augur

    Totally agree.

    - Mass convert
    - Mass delete duplicate agents

    I still like the idea of retiring agents for AA

    1x for common
    3x for uncommon
    9x for rare
    27x for elite

    Put in a limit of ~ 81x AA per 12 hour period so you can't just max AA in a day.
    Angahran and drak12 like this.
  11. fransisco Augur

    Heck, just make conversions instant. That 10 seconds + 1 server tick to do a conversion is a huge waste of time. Even making it instant would solve alot of problems and be a much simpler fix
    daBlubb, drak12 and Yinla like this.
  12. Kalamos Augur

    That's still a lot of unnecessary clicking though, and we don't really know if that's actually a simpler fix or not. That 10 second conversion timer might be something more important in the server code than just a mechanism to slow us down. Not to mention the processing delays that effect converting too as the game loads your thousands of Agents each time you start and complete, until you manage to get it whittled down to under a thousand.
    Arcolin and Trolgar like this.
  13. Bernel Augur

    One thing I think would help is if retiring Elites gave useful rewards even after you're at max Overseer (max levels and agents). With the reward for retiring an Elite being Rare agents or Overseer quest xp, it's useless once you're maxed. However, if the rewards also included the typical Overseer rewards--tradeskill, collectibles, ornaments, Tetradrachms--then players would be motivated to do the conversions. It wouldn't help players who currently have dozens of dups, but it would help prevent getting in that situation in the first place. Players would be doing conversions regularly to get the useful rewards for retiring Elites. This should be a relatively straightforward change since there shouldn't be any code changes. It would just be a database update to add more entries to the Elite retirement reward.

    I don't think that they would allow you to retire Elites for XP or AAs since people could horde agents and get huge boosts whenever they want. You can kind of do that with collectibles, but there's a limit since it's achievement based. Once you've completed an achievement, you can't keep getting the XP for the same collectibles.
  14. kookoo Augur

    when you own several accounts , it is a huge time sink , and hours and hours of chain clicking ,........
    WE NEED :::
    * mass conversion ,
    * cap it at 5 ,
    @ DEV , pls tell us you are looking for that issue ......................................

    until then i stopped to use overseer , on most accounts , just because it's adding a lot of common agents that i don't need or want............
    daBlubb and drak12 like this.
  15. Windance Augur

    That's why I said they could cap the total number of AA / day to some reasonable number.

    If you think having generic AA's is a bad idea, what about retiring them for glyphs?
  16. Bernel Augur

    I personally would love if retiring agents gave AAs or XP. I just don't see them going in that direction based on how they handle XP and AAs in general. But if they did, I'd be glad about the change.
  17. Bernel Augur

  18. Brickhaus Augur

    Two huge thumbs up for mass conversion.

    I have no idea why some people bring up getting something for retiring/mass conversion. It muddies the argument. If you want something, do the regular conversions.

    The rest of us just want to knock down the 55th copy of an agent down to 5.
    Silvena, drak12 and Nennius like this.
  19. Bernel Augur

    The reason I brought it up is that I see it more feasible for them to add a reward for conversion than to do code changes to add bulk converts. Based on how thin the developers are stretched and how pretty much every answer to the AMA was "No", "No time", "No plans to do that", etc., I'm pretty doubtful that they'd put dev resources towards making code changes to add a mass convert option to Overseer. I think it's a great idea, but I don't think it's likely to happen based on how limited their development resources are. I brought up a conversion reward since I think that would be easy enough that they might consider it, not that I think it's a better solution than bulk conversion.
  20. error Augur

    I'd even just take changing the rewards from critical successes so you have to actually select the bonus agents as a reward.
    Xyroff-cazic. likes this.