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Fixed Internally Overseer Limit on completing Tasks is not refreshing

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Billa, Jun 4, 2020.

  1. Ninelder Augur

    Just rolled over to another 12 hour set still stuck on 10/10 screwing me out of yet another cycle....
  2. Thunderkiks Augur

    Any chance of a hotfix? Several people haven't been able to claim rewards since the May patch.
  3. dreadlord Augur

    This bug (and related bugs) are NOT fixed
    Just logged in to do evening claim/set tasks...
    Account 1 - very surprised to see already 10 claimed/cannot claim more (I thought circa 2 claimed). I have 5 tasks to claim which I cannot.
    Account 2 - I note that 3/10 are claimed. Claim 2. Suddenly 10/10 are claimed. I cannot claim any more (I have 3 more i want to claim)
    Account 3 - no problems (for some reason this acc, while certainly far from bug free, has fewer problems than the others).

    EDIT - no problems until I tried to do my new quests "your common conversion quest has failed to start, please verify your agent....." Switch to another toon on Acc 3. Do one conversion quest. Same error message (NB, waiting a few minutes as suggested does nothing) Try another - error message again. Switch to 3rd toon - nope, no more conversion quests for me - same error message Ah well, I guess I have a full house of bugs now over the past few weeks - is there a prize for this? An achievement perhaps??

    Can we hear from Devs about this??
    (all the above on AB)
  4. Ninelder Augur

    Logged out this morning after during the previous 10/10 lockout bug. Logged in just now 30 minutes after this cycle started, and I still have the 10/10 lockout for this cycle too. So what is that 60 hours of BS now?
    dreadlord likes this.
  5. Ninelder Augur

    Saturday night, two more cycles locked at 10/10... I do not think "fixed" means what you think it means.
    dreadlord likes this.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    "Fixed Interally" doesn't mean the fix is live....it means they have a fix for it and the next time they do a patch, they'll push the fix out.

    We'll all have to wait until the July patch before this is hopefully resolved.
    Yinla likes this.
  7. Littletroll Journeyman

    I am having the same issue. Hit 10/10 last night. before my 11 pm PST task rotation. Stayed at 10/10. Ok wait till this morning, have 5 completed tasks now, morning rotation @ 11 am PST. Nope, still 10/10. Please fix. Getting old, not the first time.
  8. Catashe Augur

    Figures and its a weird bug.. logged in Max completed quest was 0/10... tasks timer ticks down.. all of the sudden im 10/10
    dreadlord likes this.
  9. Ninelder Augur

    Are you ever going to make the Fix actually fix something? You screwed me on both accounts again tonight....
  10. Moege Augur

    They did, a player explained why you still get it after your previous whine. Go read it, just 3 posts up
  11. Ninelder Augur

    "Figures and its a weird bug.. logged in Max completed quest was 0/10... tasks timer ticks down.. all of the sudden im 10/1"

    "I am having the same issue. Hit 10/10 last night. before my 11 pm PST task rotation. Stayed at 10/10. Ok wait till this morning, have 5 completed tasks now, morning rotation @ 11 am PST. Nope, still 10/10. Please fix. Getting old, not the first time"
    "Fixed Interally" doesn't mean the fix is live....it means they have a fix for it and the next time they do a patch, they'll push the fix out.

    We'll all have to wait until the July patch before this is hopefully resolved"
    Is the answer in invisible ink? None of the posts explain why we are getting this bug.
  12. Moege Augur

    Nowhere do I see you asking why this is happening, just see you being obnoxious and whining about when is this going to be fixed.

    But hey you do you.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  13. Ninelder Augur

    Read your own post. You literally said another player explained it 3 posts up. So, just in case you cant count well, I posted every reply so you could point to the one that is explaining it. As none of them do.
  14. Thunderkiks Augur

    Best advice I have until it's patched is DO NOT open Overseer until you know it is time for your quests to be done. If currently stuck at 10/10 dont open it until after the next rotation. If your time to complete is close, dont zone or swap characters on that acct.

    If I space out and forget and zone I'll be at 5/10 and if I do it twice I'll be at 10/10 almost every time.
    Ninelder likes this.
  15. Ninelder Augur

    Thanks TK. That is an actual explanation of whats causing it that seemed so random to me. I will try and abide by the buggy psuedo-rules. Thanks.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  16. Inga Elder


    Close Overseer window during Rotation and Collect all rewards of finished quests when you open Overseer window until this bug is fixed.

    Long version:

    This issue is consist of 2 bugs.

    First bug is your Max Completed Quests count does not reset if you opened Overseer window during rotation.

    For example, you collected the rewards of all finished quests and your Max Completed Quests is 2/10. You keep Overseer window opened when quest list rotates and your Max Completed Quests is now 0/10. When you opened Overseer window after relog, your Max Completed Quests goes back to 2/10 without collecting any additional rewards.

    I think this bug is NOT fixed yet on Test server.

    Second bug is you get additional Max Completed Quests count after relog if you don't collect all rewards of finished quests.

    For example, if you opened Overseer window after rotation and closed it without collecting 4 finished quest rewards, your Max Completed Quests count will become 4/10 after you relog. However, I am not 100% sure if it is related to the numbers of finished rewards or not.

    I think this bug may be fixed on Test server, but I am not sure.

    It seems to be second bug triggers first bug in the following situation on Live server.

    You open Overseer window and find 5 finished quests. You collect 4 rewards and leave 1 reward. Your Max Completed Quests is 4/10 now. You log out and quest rotate during offline. You log in after quest rotation and Your Max Completed Quests is 0/10 when you open Overseer window. You still have 1 finished quest reward and log out without collecting it. After relog, your Max Completed Quests become 4/10 without collecting any additional reward.

    I don't know well about how exactly this issue and 2nd bug works. Anyway, opening Overseer window during rotation and/or leaving finished quest not collected would cause this issue on Live server right now.

    However, I am not sure how these bugs are working on Test server right now. I can confirm that first bug is still happening on Test, but I am not sure if I can avoid it by closing Overseer window and/or logging off on Test server. I don't know how "count goes back to the number before rotation after relog" bug is triggered well.

    This bug is not fixed yet on Test. Please investigate this issue.
  17. Drakah UI Designer

    Unable to obtain reward... even though it is done, can't click anything, keep getting time error.
  18. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    They should have removed the 10 quest limit entirely until they had all the bugs resolved. Just had it hit me again this morning.
    Yinla likes this.
  19. dreadlord Augur

    This hit me again over the weekend on my main account. Completed 2 quests - so 2/10 should have been showing. Zoned. now 10/10 claimed showing and stayed that way through 3 'reset' points. Finally reset with this morning's rotation.
    Overseer is just a catalogue of bugs - not a single day goes by without some malfunction on at least one of my accounts
    (the disappearing quests on at least 2/3 accounts is still the most common)
  20. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    Completed not resetting when timer expires
    Randomly an agent becomes bugged an unusable
    Incapacitated agents not refreshing unless you sit on agent page for a minute
    Randomly having a 6th task just show up as completed
    Recovery tasks not working (I've stopped bothering since I've yet to have it restore a troop)
    Agent page bugging out with text not aligning
    Regular xp rewarding Merc xp

    Think that is all the issues I've had in the last week.