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Fixed Internally Overseer Auto-Fill

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Aldryn, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Aldryn Another New Member

    I've used the Auto-Fill button on a few quests where one agent slot has gone unfilled. It seems the common denominator (at least as far as I can tell) is when you have a duplicate of what would be the first-pick agent whom is already out on another quest. The image below should give some context.

    I'm guessing that Solider ( 1 ) slot is trying to be filled by Firiona Vie, and because I didn't dismiss the duplicate there's still technically one more of her to pick from, but the feature gets confused because she's not available due to being on another mission.

    Yinla and Meeko like this.
  2. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Thanks for the report and details reproduction steps.

    This is now being tracked internally.
    Nennius and Aldren like this.
  3. Moege Augur

    But there is a host of others Yeolarn Guard Silverwind etc !
    Hegsheoshed likes this.
  4. Hegsheoshed Augur

    Trying to 'fix' this so it works differently might create more bugs. Since you can select another agent and you know you have the extra elite doesn't necessarily make this a bug to me. I would prefer to see that extra elite shown that way so I can see that there is some overlap so I can use that elite to better advantage.
  5. Axxius Augur

    There is another issue with auto-fill: it often chooses a high level agent over a low level agent with the same skill. It will choose Firiona Vie over a guard, First Ranger Kele over a bandit, D'Vinn over Founy, etc. even though the lower level agent can do the job with the same probability of success.

    Choosing high level agents for a low level job is not smart, as it makes them unavailable for a quest that requires high skill. Plus the risk of getting them incapacitated.
  6. Moege Augur

    All true but you forget the higher level the agent the more success goes up. If you don't want that just scan and change out the ones you don't want used.
    alanus likes this.
  7. Hegsheoshed Augur

    It's a level 4 uncommon military. Firiona Vie ended up on a lower level mission which was set up first and due diligence wasn't done. Even the OP admits that Firiona Vie was already on another mission yet fails to give all the details. All the data is not presented.
  8. Axxius Augur

    They don't increase the chance of success when chosen for a job that requires less skill than they have, or one of their secondary skills. You can see it very often with auto-fill. Look who it chooses for the job slots down the list. You will see, for example, Emperor Crush or King Kazon chosen for a slot where you can manually choose an orc trainer - with the same exact success.
    alanus likes this.
  9. Soulbanshee Augur

    Thats how the sort order works now even before the auto fill, the higher rarity is listed first.

    If you want to use a lower rarity, you'll have to make that determination and decision yourself, same as before.
  10. Deloehne Augur

    Not a bug, but in the spirit of the other comments, when doing a conversion, it is wise to check to see that there are two or more of the agent types in each slot before starting the quest. Also, I agree with Soulbanshee that one should check the lower agent slots to be sure you want to deploy an elite there.
  11. Axxius Augur

    Correct. The lower level agent with the same skill is typically the next one in the list.

    This can be fixed by adding 1 more criterion to the sorting algorithm: sort by ascending level within the same skill. That would auto-fill the right agent as well.